Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 205 God Chapter Daqin Destruction

Chapter 205 The Mythical Great Qin Destruction

With Xiang Yu's death, the Jiangdong disciples on the battlefield instantly understood what it meant to be a god descending to earth.

That's right, for these Jiangdong disciples, these soldiers who fought with them are simply real gods descending from the earth!
The armor worn by every enemy soldier seemed indestructible to them, at least the weapons in their hands really couldn't destroy the enemy's armor.

This is just the simplest point, as for the offensive power of the enemy soldiers?
Needless to say, that is simply killing God on the battlefield!

The Jiangdong disciples and the soldiers of the Allied Forces of the Six Nations found that the weapons in the hands of the soldiers who fought with them were extremely sharp. Every attack of them could cause them heavy casualties. Each had the death of a colleague.

The appearance of the enemy soldiers attacking them seems to be that the God of Death is attacking them.

Who can accept this for these Jiangdong children and those soldiers in the Six Nations Allied Forces?

This was no ordinary battle at all, it was a serious massacre!

One soldier after another swallowed their saliva, and they all looked at the soldiers in the Azure Dragon Legion with a flash of fear.

At the same time, the nobles in the Six Nations Allied Forces just looked at each other.

"Guys, I think we might need to run away."

"If you don't run away quickly, we may really not be able to escape then."

One of the nobles of Chu State said with a flash of fear in his eyes.

Facing this scene at this moment, he thinks that all they need to do now is to run away as fast as possible, because if they don't run away quickly, they may really be unable to escape by then.

"It makes sense, I think we should run away first, even Xiang Yu is dead, what can we use to compete with each other?"

Another nobleman from the Zhao Kingdom also nodded and said.

"Then let's run away quickly."

In this way, the nobles in the Six Kingdoms had already made up their minds with just a few words.

They want to run away, they don't want to fight any more.

Because if they continue to fight, it is hard for them to imagine what kind of result they will face.

They seemed to have seen the scene where they were hanged and beaten by the enemy.

"Then run away!"

In an instant, the nobleman of Wei State led his personal guards and ran towards the distance of the battlefield without hesitation.

"Ta Tata..."

As the nobles of Wei State began to leave the battlefield, the nobles of several other countries also began to lead their personal guards to leave the battlefield without hesitation.

Facing the nobles in the Allied Forces of the Six Nations fleeing the battlefield one after another, the soldiers of the Six Nations who were trying to fight the soldiers of the Azure Dragon Army on the battlefield suddenly found that they hadn't received orders for a long time.

Some soldiers couldn't help but looked back towards the living side, but they saw a scene that horrified them.

That is, the high-level members of their Six-Nation Allied Forces seem to have disappeared. In the Six-Nation Allied Forces on the entire battlefield, only ordinary soldiers like them are left, and all other high-level officials have disappeared.

"This this this..."

"They took us as gambits, they fled."

In an instant, when the soldiers in the Six Nations Allied Forces realized this, all the guys couldn't help screaming.


The bursts of screams began to echo continuously.

As the bursts of screams started to reverberate, some soldiers were looking at the soldiers of the Qinglong Legion who killed gods on the battlefield, and they threw down the weapons in their hands without hesitation.

"I want to surrender!"

A certain soldier of the Allied Forces of the Six Nations spoke directly to the soldiers of the Azure Dragon Legion.


These first soldiers who surrendered seemed to turn on a guiding light for the remaining soldiers who did not surrender.

"Clang clang clang..."

One after another, weapons were thrown to the ground with a burst of noise.

"Plop plop..."

The tens of thousands of soldiers in the Six Nations Allied Forces all chose to surrender.

"Surrender, surrender."

One after another, the soldiers in the Six Nations Allied Forces shouted loudly.

Looking at the Allied Forces of the Six Nations who chose to surrender, Nei Shiten, who was in the Azure Dragon Legion, said with disdain: "Hehe, a bunch of rubbish."

"Six Nations Allied Forces?"

"Oh, it really is a chicken and a dog."

"Seize all their weapons, and then arrange these guys to various counties, and then we need to completely capture the camera place!"

A trace of calm flashed in Nesten's eyes.

Since this group of guys chose to surrender, they should stop attacking now. After all, they surrendered. This guy will be a commoner in their Great Qin Empire from now on.

Anyway, it didn't cause any major damage to the soldiers of their Azure Dragon Legion. From the beginning to the end of the war, the soldiers of their Azure Dragon Legion have been hanging and beating each other, and there are no so-called casualties.

Since there were no so-called casualties, they naturally chose to accept each other's refuge easily.

"As ordered."

The lieutenant beside him quickly replied respectfully.

"Collect all their weapons!"

Soon, one order after another was delivered to every corner of the [-] army.

"Collect all their weapons and prepare to arrest them all."

Soon, one after another, the soldiers of the Azure Dragon Legion began to move.

In this way, the actions of the six nobles from the Great Qin Empire were completely disintegrated, and at the same time, the remaining soldiers of the Suzaku Legion and the Qinglong Legion began to capture every area of ​​the Great Qin Empire at a speed visible to the naked eye. a county.

Facing the attack from the Azure Dragon and Suzaku Legion, the most important thing is that these two legions are very familiar with the Great Qin Empire. This feeling of beating one's own family members directly gave the group of guys in the Great Qin Empire a complete blow. Dazed.

The group of guys in the Great Qin Empire can't imagine at all, why are these guys not only very powerful, but even familiar with them as if they are their own?
Facing the attack of the Azure Dragon and the Suzaku Legion, the Great Qin Empire was directly defeated in an incredible manner.

After the Great Qin Empire was defeated, the Great Qin in the mythical world declared its demise.


(End of this chapter)

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