Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 217 The Honest Nine Tailed Beasts

Chapter 217 The Honest Nine Tailed Beasts
"Let's go, it's time to go back."

"What I want is ready."

Ying Zheng glanced at the depths of the mysterious country, as if he had seen that the food after he eliminated the ghost king was already in place.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Li Jiahui nodded lightly: "No problem."

At the same time, Li Jiahui said to everyone in the live broadcast room: "Everyone, this live broadcast will be closed for the time being, and we will reopen it when something interesting happens."

Following Li Jiahui's words, the live broadcast was completely shut down.

With the closure of the live broadcast, everyone in the live broadcast room also began to withdraw their minds from the live broadcast room. After all, there was nothing to watch in the dark.

After the people in the chat group withdrew their minds from the live broadcast room, they all sighed slightly in each other's world.

"This is the strength of the First Emperor Yingzheng!"

Regarding that live broadcast, they can only say that they clearly realized how powerful the first emperor Yingzheng was.

At this moment, Ying Zheng also began to fly directly from the border to the depths of the Xuan Kingdom with Li Jiahui's figure.

"Brush brush..."

Ying Zheng felt where the guy with the most powerful luck in Xuan Kingdom was, and then flew directly in the direction of the other party.

Not long after, Ying Zheng's figure appeared next to the supreme ruler of Xuan Kingdom.

Seeing the appearance of Ying Zheng's figure, the highest ruler in Xuan Kingdom showed a kind smile: "Thank you, His Majesty the First Emperor, for your help."

The highest ruler in Xuan Kingdom spoke with a trace of sincerity in his eyes.

For the highest rulers of the Xuan Kingdom, if it wasn't for the help of the first emperor, I am afraid that they would not know how many people would have to die in order to completely wipe out the ghost king.

For the highest ruler in the Xuan Kingdom, he thinks that the other party's contribution to their country is simply unheard of. Before that, no one person could save thousands of ordinary people.

Of course, the war years say otherwise.

In the peaceful age, if they can save so many common people at one time, the other party will be able to obtain the highest honor of their mysterious country.

But it's a pity that the other party is not an ordinary existence at all, and the other party is an imperial emperor from another world.

Regarding the contribution made by the other party to their country, the highest controller of Xuan Kingdom said so solemnly: "Your Majesty, this is the deal between us."

"You will kill us the ghost king, and we will provide you with food."

"This is the food we provide for you."

Soon, cartloads of grain began to be transported over.

After watching the cartloads of grain being continuously transported over, Ying Zheng looked at the supreme ruler of the mysterious country with a trace of interest in his eyes.

"As for your wish, I accept it."

"If there is any problem that cannot be solved in the future, just leave it to me."

"I am more than willing to solve these small problems for you."

Ying Zheng said with a smile in his eyes.

For Yingzheng, he can get so much food with just a little shot, and in Yingzheng's view, this is simply an act of making a lot of money.

So if the other party still has such a situation next time, you can call him again when you are finished. As long as he is free, he will definitely come to this world in person to solve the crisis facing Xuanguo.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, a trace of deep excitement flashed in the eyes of the highest ruler in the Xuan Kingdom at the moment: "Thank you, Your Majesty the First Emperor."

"Okay, I have accepted your presents. If you want me to contact me again in the future, please go through her directly."

Ying Zheng pointed at Li Jiahui with his finger, and then waved his hand.


In an instant, the food in the transport vehicles one after another began to be absorbed by the power of the Great Qin National Fortune mobilized by Ying Zheng.

While watching the food in the transport vehicles being continuously ingested, the power holder of the Xuan Kingdom standing on the ground showed a trace of surprise.

"This power."

Looking at this scene at this moment, for the current ruler of the Xuan Kingdom, although this is not a particularly unbelievable thing, it still makes him feel strange for a while.

This Emperor Shihuang from another world is very powerful.

The strength of the opponent can not only be used for fighting, but even these ordinary daily operations can be used for actions. Ying Zheng's status in the heart of the highest power in Xuan Kingdom has become higher.

Soon, 5000 million tons of grain had been ingested.

"I'm back."

"Just contact me through him when you have time."

As Ying Zheng's words fell, a dark blue space door appeared in front of Ying Zheng.


Facing this faint blue space door, Ying Zhenghao stepped forward without hesitation.


In an instant, when the figure of Ying Zheng left the world with revived aura, the eyes of the ruler of Xuan Kingdom looked at Li Jiahui who was standing there honestly.

"Girl, you can come to Kyoto to live in the future."

A soft voice came out from the mouth of the ruler of Xuan Kingdom.

Facing the words of the highest authority, Li Jiahui swallowed deeply: "Gudong..."

"Okay, okay."

Listening to these trembling words, Xuan Zui's ruler smiled slightly: "Haha, there is no need to be so afraid."

"I'm not some man-eating tiger, I'm just an ordinary human just like you."

A soft voice uttered from the mouth of the highest ruler in Xuan Kingdom.

At this moment, Ying Zheng appeared in the world of Naruto behind the moonlight through the door.

When the figure of Ying Zheng appeared in the Naruto world, Han Xin, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, had already captured all the eight tailed beasts except the nine tails.

"See Your Majesty."

Han Xin spoke to Ying Zheng with a trace of respect in his gaze.

Facing Han Xin's visit, Ying Zheng at this moment just looked at the nine honest guys beside Huo Qilin.

"This is the Nine Tailed Beasts in this world."

Looking at those nine little pet-like guys and feeling the so-called chakra in their bodies, there was a hint of a smile on the corner of Ying Zheng's mouth.

"Starting today, you will enter the Ministry of Industry. All you need to do is let the ninjas absorb the chakra in your body."

"Can it be done?"

There was a serious look in Ying Zheng's eyes.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the nine-tailed beast beside Huo Qilin said without hesitation: "I obey, Your Majesty!"


(End of this chapter)

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