Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 221 The Great Qin Army Expansion Ten Thousand!

Chapter 221 The Great Qin Army Expanding to Tens of Millions!
As Ying Zheng's words fell, many officials in the hall said in unison: "Your Majesty is wise!"

Regarding Ying Zheng's opinion, all the guys thought it was very good.

Although it is said that the current Great Qin Empire has ruled three worlds, these three worlds have just been ruled by the Great Qin Empire after all. Unable to accept their Great Qin Empire.

Not to mention the people in the other two worlds.

Next, they will definitely need to instill a truth in the people of the other two worlds, and even the people of Daqin in their world.

Allegiance to their Emperor, and at the same time allegiance to the Great Qin Empire.

Start with a ten-year unit and strive to complete this task within ten years. There is nothing wrong with defining this task as a ten-year plan.

Facing the acceptance of the officials, Ying Zheng continued to order: "Today's Great Qin Empire only has a hundred troops, but an army of one million can no longer maintain the Great Qin Empire's rule over the three worlds."

"I am preparing to expand the Qin Empire's army to tens of millions!"

"There are still five legions, but the original 20 troops of the five legions will need to be expanded to 200 million troops per legion!"

"Next, the military headquarters needs to be well prepared and try its best to improve the strength of the next 900 million soldiers in the army."

"The strength of the soldiers in the tens of millions of troops must all be at the same level, so that there will be no such words as dragging their feet on the battlefield."

Ying Zheng gave the order to Wang Jian, Minister of the Military Department.

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Wang Jian, who is the Minister of the Military Department, stepped out and said to Ying Zheng, "See Your Majesty, the general is confident in completing this task!"

A firm voice came from Wang Jian's mouth.

It may be a very difficult thing to expand from the original army of one million to an army of tens of millions, and all the soldiers in the army of tens of millions are at the same level. But for Wang Jian, he is very willing to accept it. this challenge.

After all, the improvement of the army's strength is great news for their army.

Of course, it's not that they want to fight for any rights or the like. It's purely because they are the army of the Great Qin Empire. If their army is stronger, they will naturally be able to protect the entire Great Qin Empire with even stronger strength.

As for the rights of the army?
Sorry, all the military power of the entire Great Qin Empire belongs to their majesty.

With one order from their Majesty, all the troops of the Great Qin Empire can be mobilized, and the troops of the Great Qin Empire will always be loyal to their Majesty.

It's just that the future of the Great Qin Empire will obviously not be limited to these three worlds. The Great Qin Empire will definitely shine in more worlds, and a strong army is obviously very necessary.

It's just an army of tens of millions, and he can completely improve the strength of the soldiers in the army of tens of millions.

Listening to Wang Jian's reply, Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction.

Then he ordered Xiao He, who was the Minister of Industry: "What you need to do next is to build armor for tens of millions of soldiers as quickly as possible."

"Next, there are resources from the three worlds at your disposal."

"There's one thing you have to do."

"That is to make all the soldiers' armors must be armed to the teeth. At the same time, the soldiers must be equipped with bows, arrows, knives and Fang Tianhua Jian. If some soldiers are too strong, then you can ask your Ministry of Industry to customize them. "

"But there must not be any mistakes regarding the weapons and equipment owned by the soldiers!"

"This is the foundation of the Great Qin Empire, you must firmly control this!"

Ying Zheng said seriously to Xiao He.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Xiao He nodded respectfully at this moment: "Your Majesty, I will obey your orders."

At the same time, Ying Zheng looked at Zhang Liang, the Minister of Education.

"Zhang Liang, your next task is also very heavy. Next, you need to spread the characters of the Great Qin Empire to the three worlds."

"Let the people of the Qin Dynasty in the three worlds learn and use the characters of the Qin Empire."

"In addition to writing, it is also necessary for the people of Da Qin in the three worlds to be able to speak the language of Da Qin."

"At the same time, it is necessary to let the people of Daqin in the three worlds start learning martial arts."

"Martial arts can be promoted."

For Ying Zheng, the people of Great Qin in the three worlds must learn the language and characters of the Great Qin Empire, and at the same time they have to learn the ability of martial arts.

Because the next Great Qin Empire is no longer just an ordinary Great Qin Empire, the next Great Qin Empire will become even more powerful, and the only way for ordinary people to become stronger will be through martial arts.

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Zhang Liang replied respectfully, "I obey, Your Majesty."

"The minister will definitely fulfill His Majesty's order."

Then Ying Zheng turned his attention to Lu Buwei, who is the Minister of Finance.

For Lu Buwei, this guy may have made a huge mistake, but who is he?

He is a serious traveler, and he still became the existence of the first emperor Yingzheng in history.

So he subdued Lu Buwei and appointed him as the Minister of Finance.

There is no way, if it is said that in the current Great Qin Empire, who has the most ability to make money, I am afraid that there is only Lu Buwei.

"The next thing you need to do is to completely unify the money of the Great Qin Empire."

"And it is necessary to communicate the commodities in each world, and control the lives of all the people in the three worlds."

"Let them be inseparable from the imperial court in all aspects."

"Can it be done?"

Ying Zheng spoke to Lu Buwei with serious eyes.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, Lu Buwei replied respectfully: "See Your Majesty, I am confident that I can complete the order that Your Majesty ordered."

"Okay, as for the next Xu Xing and Meng Yi, your task will be much simpler."

"It is enough to spread the food to the whole country and maintain the law and order in the three worlds."

"Although this seems like a trivial matter on the surface, it is related to the rule of the Great Qin Empire."

"Don't relax."

"All these plans will come for a decade first."

"Ten-year plan!"

"Ten years later, I want to see the result!"

Ying Zheng ordered solemnly.

Facing Yingzheng's order, all civil and military officials in Xianyang Palace replied respectfully, "Follow Your Majesty's order!"


(End of this chapter)

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