Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 234 The Great Qin Army Going to the Underworld!The shocking murderous aura in the underworld

Chapter 234 The Great Qin Army Going to the Underworld!The shocking murderous aura in the underworld

"Soldiers, I am your emperor!"

Ying Zheng looked at the many soldiers below and said with a trace of seriousness in his eyes.

Faced with Ying Zheng's reply, many soldiers shouted with excitement in their eyes at this moment: "Long live, long live, long live!!!"

"See Your Majesty!"

One soldier after another started shouting loudly.

Many soldiers looked at Ying Zheng with excitement in their eyes.

For the soldiers at this moment, they saw His Majesty the Emperor whom they admired, which naturally aroused excitement in the hearts of all the soldiers.

Facing the excitement of all the soldiers, Ying Zheng shouted loudly at this moment: "Soldiers, are you ready for ten years of recuperation?"

"Are you ready to fight?!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng shouted directly at the soldiers in the two armies.

Regarding Ying Zheng's words, the soldiers in the two armies showed excited expressions: "See Your Majesty!"

"Ready at all the time!"

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

Shouts one after another responded to Ying Zheng.

These many shouts are the best reply from all the soldiers.

While listening to the soldiers' replies, Ying Zheng's eyes were filled with satisfaction.

"Very good, soldiers!"

"You have not forgotten what your responsibilities are in the past ten years. I am very satisfied!"

"Then let's go, follow me to another world!"

"Another world awaits the conquest of soldiers!"

"Army attack!"


As soon as Ying Zheng finished speaking, a blue portal appeared again in the Qilin Military Camp.


With the appearance of the crossing gate, soldiers one after another all looked at Ying Zheng with an extremely excited look. Killing intent.

There is only one thought in the minds of all the soldiers, they are going to this unknown world to kill the enemy!
They have been recuperating for ten years. During these ten years, although they often started military training one after another, sometimes they also went to train with soldiers from other legions, but this training is completely different for soldiers. no the same.

Because this training can't be deadly, sometimes they can't use their full strength at all. After all, it is impossible to do something to their own people, right?
Therefore, in the past ten years, some militants have been stifled.

Fortunately, after ten years, they can finally go to other worlds to fight!

"set off!"

At this moment, Wang Jian and Li Xin also waved their hands without hesitation.


In an instant, the overwhelming army began to move towards the direction of the crossing gate.

Facing this overwhelming army, Ying Zheng, who was riding a fire unicorn, looked at this scene with a hint of deep relief in his eyes.

"Very good, very good!"

"Then let the demon world experience the mighty strength from the Great Qin Empire!"

At this moment, a deep killing intent flashed in Ying Zheng's eyes.

The soldiers of these two legions will encounter the demons and ghosts in the underworld in the past. Facing the demons and ghosts in the underworld, Ying Zheng's attitude is whether these soldiers can defeat them.

Or can the demons and goblins in A Chinese Ghost Story defeat the Qin soldiers?
This is all an unknown, but what is certain is that the number of Daqin soldiers who are not weak in themselves is so large, they are definitely a powerful enemy for a Chinese ghost story.

"Da Qin is here!"

As one soldier after another began to enter the world of A Chinese Ghost Story through the crossing gate, Ying Zheng said to himself with a serious tone in his eyes.

"Go, let's go and see."

Ying Zheng said calmly.


I saw Huo Qilin roaring in a low voice.

"Ta Tata..."

I saw Huo Qilin calmly walking towards the crossing gate.

As for the surrounding soldiers facing the arrival of the fire unicorn and looking at the emperor on the back of the fire unicorn, all the soldiers cleared a path for the fire unicorn to walk with them.


In the blink of an eye, Ying Zheng's figure appeared again in the underworld of A Chinese Ghost Story.

When Ying Zheng's figure appeared in the underworld of A Chinese Ghost Story again, under the feet of the soldiers of Daqin and Heibingtai who first arrived in the underworld, there were corpses of monsters one after another.

"See Your Majesty!"

When the soldiers of the Black Ice Terrace saw their Majesty's arrival, the soldiers of the Black Ice Terrace became respectful and said.

"When did these come?"

Looking at the corpses of those monsters at the foot of the black ice platform, Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

There were no such monsters when he left, but when he came back here again, the body of this monster appeared. There is no doubt that the monsters in the underworld were staring at Hei Bing while he was away. Taiwan soldiers.

This may be a very normal thing. After all, the entire underworld has been occupied by demons and ghosts. Faced with the humans who suddenly appeared in the underworld, the demons and ghosts in the underworld will naturally fall into a burst of madness. The soldiers were completely beheaded!

But it is different for Ying Zheng. The soldiers of Heibingtai belong to him, the Emperor of Qin. As a result, the demons and monsters in the underworld dare to attack the soldiers of Heibingtai. He takes action!
Ying Zheng absolutely couldn't stand this matter.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the captain of the Black Ice Terrace said respectfully: "See Your Majesty, when His Majesty left, these existences gushed out from nowhere in the black mist. Fortunately, I Waiting is strong enough to counter these existences, so Waiting will kill them completely."

The captain of the Black Ice Group summarized the matter roughly.

Facing the words of the captain of the black ice platform, Ying Zheng frowned slightly.

"It seems that the demons and ghosts in this underworld are extremely arrogant. We need to let them understand the price they paid for their arrogance."

There was a hint of coldness in Ying Zheng's tone, and a killing intent flashed in this cold tone.

Since the demons and goblins in this underworld are so arrogant, it may be useful to be arrogant when facing ordinary people, but they are still so arrogant when facing the strong, then they have to carefully weigh whether they can bear the anger of the strong.

"The whole army obeys!"

But after many Great Qin soldiers came to this world one after another, Ying Zheng gave the order coldly.


In an instant, the soldiers in the two armies shouted loudly.

"Someone dares to attack Daqin's people, how do you think we should face them?!"

I saw Ying Zheng riding the fire unicorn and turning his head to look at the soldiers in the two armies.Facing Ying Zheng's words, the soldiers of the two armies shouted loudly, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd: "Kill!"

As the words of the soldiers of the two legions fell, waves of monstrous murderous aura erupted crazily directly from the bodies of the two legions.


A terrifying murderous aura began to erupt in the sky.

As the terrifying murderous aura erupted in the sky and began to fill the sky above the entire underworld, some powerful demon kings and ghost kings who were not far from the Daqin army looked at the sky with a dignified expression. direction.

"Such a terrifying murderous aura, what on earth is this coming from?!"

At this moment, one after another, the demon kings and ghost kings all looked solemnly.

Although the murderous aura is not a particularly unusual thing, if the murderous aura reaches a certain level, then it is no ordinary murderous aura.

The huge murderous aura sometimes represents the power that it can explode, for example, sometimes the huge murderous aura represents the powerful strength possessed by the opponent.

Now that the murderous intent in their eyes almost covers half of the sky, how powerful is the opponent?
They don't know, but it doesn't prevent them from understanding that the opponent's strength is absolutely first-class.

This incomparably powerful force may easily beat them.

"The whole army gathers!"

The next moment, the demon king and ghost king who were around directly ordered without hesitation.

Although they don't know who the strong man suddenly appeared in the distance, it doesn't prevent them from knowing that the other party has already erupted with such a powerful murderous aura, and the other party will definitely come to them next, so all they need to do is to deal with it. Well, it is very likely that a strong person or an enemy will suddenly appear next.

While the demon kings and ghost kings around Da Qin's army began to prepare for Da Qin's arrival, Ying Zheng, who was among Da Qin at the moment, nodded with satisfaction.

"Very well, the whole army obeys orders!"


"Let the world understand how strong our Great Qin is!"

"It's time for Daqin to gain prestige in this world!"

There was a trace of seriousness in Ying Zheng's tone.

"Wang Jian listen to the order!"

"What you need to do next is to lead the Azure Dragon Army to fight to the west, penetrate all the way, and then start to spread after the attack."

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Wang Jian, who was at the forefront of the Azure Dragon Army, replied directly and respectfully: "Obey, Your Majesty!"

"Li Xin, what you need to do next is follow me all the way to the east!"

Ying Zheng ordered with a trace of seriousness in his tone.

As the most powerful Qinglong Legion in the Great Qin Army, Wang Jian naturally has great strength, especially when Wang Jian mobilizes the Qinglong Legion, the overall strength of the Qinglong Legion will naturally be blessed by Wang Jian, so Wang Jian can lead alone. The Qinglong Legion went to the battlefield to kill the enemy.

As for Li Xin?

Yingzheng felt that what he needed to do next would be to face the strong men in the underworld. At that time, the demon king and the miscellaneous soldiers under the ghost king's hands in the underworld would need someone to deal with them.

There's no way he can rely on these Black Ice Platform soldiers under his command, right?

Although the strength of the soldiers of the Black Ice Terrace is indeed quite strong, it is a pity that the number of soldiers of the Black Ice Terrace is here, and they want to compete with the demon kings and ghost kings in the entire underworld. This is probably a bit unrealistic.

So all the White Tiger Legion had to do was follow him.

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Li Xin replied respectfully: "Obey, Your Majesty!"

"The entire army attacks and lets the entire underworld understand how powerful Great Qin is."

Ying Zheng ordered calmly.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Wang Jian also replied with a hint of killing intent in his eyes at the moment.

"The whole army obeys the order and sets off!"

Wang Jian waved his hand.

Soon, the mighty Azure Dragon Legion began to follow Wang Jian to the west of the underworld.


With the dispatch of the Qinglong Legion, the entire land of the underworld began to tremble. After all, the 200 million army of the Qinglong Legion is not a joke.

After the Green Dragon Legion left, Ying Zheng ordered Li Xin: "Let's set off and sweep across the entire underworld!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Li Xin replied respectfully.

"set off!"

The White Tiger Legion who received the order also began to hold Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly in their hands, and then stepped forward with firm steps.


The mighty army began to attack the entire underworld.

With the departure of the White Tiger Legion, they soon discovered the territory occupied by a demon king.

Facing the arrival of the White Tiger Legion, the demon king opposite them just looked at the army opposite him with a heavy expression.

"Is this the source of the murderous aura that erupted earlier?"

At this moment, the Demon King looked at the vast murderous aura on the head of the White Tiger Legion, with a deep heaviness in his eyes.

He knew that the source of that murderous intent must be very powerful. After all, with such a powerful murderous intent, how could it be weak?

But when the source of this murderous intent really appeared in front of him, even though he was a demon king, he had a lot of demons and ghosts under his hands, but he looked at the huge number of the army opposite him. At this time, he suddenly felt that the number of these monsters and monsters under his hands was simply pitiful.

And when the demon king looked at the White Tiger Army with a heavy gaze, the many demons and ghosts under my hand looked at the army opposite them with fearful eyes.

"This this this..."

"Are we going to fight this army next?"

There was deep fear in the eyes of one after another demon soldiers and ghost soldiers.

Faced with the fear in the eyes of many monster soldiers and ghost soldiers, Ying Zheng, who was in the White Tiger Legion, looked at the monsters opposite them, and there was a calmness in Ying Zheng's eyes.

"Archer ready!"

"Let them have a taste first."

When Ying Zheng's order came down, the soldiers of the White Tiger Army began to take out the bows and arrows on their backs in unison.

"Beng Beng Beng..."

When the sound of uniform bows and arrows being fully drawn sounded, the killing aura above the White Tiger Army almost became substantive at this moment.



(End of this chapter)

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