Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 239 The attack of the Qilin Legion and the surrender of the Zhou officials

Chapter 239: The attack of the Qilin Legion and the surrender of the officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty
"See Your Majesty, the pig demon has been solved."

Li Xin respectfully reported to Ying Zhenghui.

Regarding Li Xin's report, Ying Zheng looked at the fallen Wild Boar King with a calm look in his eyes.

"Cut this wild boar apart and eat it."

After taking a look at the Wild Boar King, Ying Zheng could only say that he should just share the power contained in the Wild Boar King's body.

Although almost every soldier can't eat a few bites, but at least it's a trophy.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Facing Ying Zheng's order, Li Xin responded respectfully at this moment.

Just when the White Tiger Legion in the underworld solved the first monster, the Qilin Legion in the human world was conquering territory after territory.


"Take this city down as quickly as possible!"

I saw Han Xin's eyes sternly commanding.

Facing Han Xin's order, the generals and many officers in the Kirin Corps shouted crazily: "Everyone, kill!"


Facing the attack from the Qilin Legion, many guys on the city wall were preparing to fight back as much as possible.

"Everyone, come on!"

"We must not let the enemy occupy this city!"

A county magistrate shouted loudly with a hint of determination in his eyes.

In response to the loud roar of the current county magistrate, the ordinary soldiers looked around with a confused expression at this moment.

They had no confidence at all about the army below their city.

Because the opponent's strength is here, the opponent's huge army is simply not something they can compete with.

They wanted to surrender, but the funny thing was that the county magistrate in their city would not let them surrender at all, so they could only honestly pick up the weapons in their hands and prepare to welcome the enemy's arrival.


Waves of shaking sounds began to sound below the city. It was the sound of the soldiers of the Qilin Legion charging.


As the soldiers of the Qilin Legion began to charge, the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty above the city wall wanted to kill the enemy. However, how could the soldiers of the Qilin Legion be able to compete with these soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty?
Under the attack of the Qilin Legion, the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty retreated steadily.

Facing the soldiers of the Zhou Dynasty who were retreating steadily, the county magistrate in the city gathered together with the heads of many families in the city.

The county magistrate of this city said with a heavy look on his face: "Everyone, the enemy has already attacked. Please tell me how we should solve the current situation."

Facing the words from the county magistrate, the patriarchs of the major families beside him couldn't help but said: "Will the Great Qin really kill us?"

A man with a slight frail figure couldn't help but said.

Facing what this thin man said, another slightly obese man beside him said calmly: "Don't you know what's going on right now?"

"The Great Zhou Dynasty is gone. Although the Great Zhou Dynasty still occupies an orthodox position, the power of the Great Qin Dynasty is extremely powerful. Nearly half of the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty has fallen. Do you think this Great Zhou Dynasty is still alive? How long can you hold on?"

"There is a 100% chance that the Great Zhou Dynasty will be completely destroyed."

"And this one called Da Qin will become the new master of the entire world. We can only honestly choose to surrender. It is not a wise choice to contend with Da Qin."

The slightly fat man said calmly.

Under the leadership of Han Xin, the Kirin Legion can be regarded as establishing their fierce status.

Half of the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty has become the territory of the Qilin Legion. At this time, no matter how stupid the Great Zhou Dynasty is, they can know the powerful strength of the Great Qin. The remaining nobles of all levels of the Great Zhou Dynasty They can either choose to fight against Da Qin to the end, but the outcome will be death.

The other path is very simple, that is to directly choose to join Daqin and become a part of Daqin.

It's just that not everyone can take refuge in Da Qin. The first point of joining Da Qin is to contribute all the wealth your family has, and then judge the family.

If a member of this family did too many evil things, even if he defected to Great Qin, he would still be killed.

As for the families who have not done anything outrageous?
That only requires handing over all the wealth in the family.

But the question is, which ordinary person can accumulate a large fortune?

It is impossible to survive in today's era without being ruthless and merciless, so for the conditions of Da Qin, it can be regarded as extremely harsh for those nobles.

"I think we should go directly to Kyoto. Now that Da Qin has just attacked, we still have a chance to escape."

"If we really wait for Da Qin to come in, we will not have time to escape by then."

Another middle-aged man couldn't help but said.

Facing these words, many guys just looked at each other, and they all saw the heaviness in each other's eyes.

Because they should do something next, some people think that they should choose to join Da Qin, and some people think that they may go directly to Kyoto of the Great Zhou Dynasty to prepare for the final battle.

Rather than being killed directly by Da Qin, why not resist?

Facing the discussions among the patriarchs of various families in the city, the county magistrate frowned slightly at this moment.


In an instant, as the county magistrate finished speaking, the patriarchs of many families looked at the magistrate with calm eyes.

"Lord Magistrate, tell me, what should we do now?"

"It's impossible to really choose to surrender honestly, right?"

"Then the outcome of surrender is death!"

"It's impossible to die in person!"

At this moment, the patriarch of a family could not help but speak.

Let them die in person, they cannot accept it.

Facing the questions from the heads of the major families, the county magistrate said calmly: "Without further ado, those who are willing to stay here with me and seek refuge with Da Qin can do so. As for those who are unwilling to seek refuge, then just go ahead and Leave now and leave as quickly as possible."

"That's all I can do to help you. My idea is to surrender."

"As for you, it depends on your own choice."

The magistrate said calmly.

Facing the words from the county magistrate, the heads of the major families in this meeting looked at each other, and they all saw a heaviness in each other's eyes.

"Ta Tata..."

But soon, figures one after another stood up.

They are all preparing to head to Kyoto to prepare for the final battle.

As for taking refuge in Daqin?

Sorry, they have no idea at all.Because they understand what the things committed in their family really are. If they say they belong to the Zhou Dynasty that rules the world, then they are not false at all.

But it is a pity that the current Great Zhou Dynasty is about to perish and will be replaced by Great Qin. Facing this brand new Great Qin, they have to run away.

Looking at the figures leaving one after another, the county magistrate's eyes were filled with silence.

Originally, he wanted to serve the Zhou Dynasty, and now he was ready to lead all the soldiers to fight on the city wall, but it was a pity that when he looked at the soldiers on the city wall, they looked confused. At the same time, he was looking at the powerful army possessed by the enemy. In the end, the county magistrate of this city could only choose to surrender to Da Qin.

There was no way he could let all the people in the city and the wives, children and children at home pay with their lives for his momentary ignorance, right?
As for the patriarchs of these major families?

He could only say that this was the last thing he did for the Zhou Dynasty.

Not long after, the mighty Qilin Legion appeared in the city.

At this moment, Han Xin ordered with a calm tone: "Arrest all the families in the entire city, and kill all the evil people!"

"Anyone who dares to commit crimes at this juncture will be killed!"

I saw Han Xin issuing orders one after another.

"As ordered!"

One after another, after listening to the orders given by their marshal, the soldiers respectfully replied.

While Han Xin was leading the Qilin Legion to fight fiercely on the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the imperial capital of the Great Zhou Dynasty was now sinking into an unprecedented heaviness.

The emperor of the Zhou Dynasty just sat on the dragon throne, watching many ministers below fall into despair.

"My dear friends, is there anyone who has the ability to lead a large army to completely wipe out the enemy?"

Emperor Zhou asked silently.

Faced with the inquiry from the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty, none of the many cultural relic officials in the main hall chose to agree.

Before that, they didn't take Da Qin seriously at all. After all, the current Da Zhou Dynasty had already entered this situation, so uprisings and the like were not something that was needed.

If it is an ordinary uprising, then they have absolute confidence that they can send any general to suppress it at will.

But facing today’s Great Qin?
Sorry, all generals can understand that even if they really lead all the remaining armies of the Zhou Dynasty to compete with each other, there will be only one outcome, and that is death!
That's right, it's not that they take advantage of others and destroy their own prestige, it's simply that the strength that Da Qin possesses has been clearly demonstrated.

The power possessed by Great Qin completely crushed all existences, and the power of the Great Zhou Dynasty was simply unable to compete with Great Qin.

With the fall of one city after another, the territory of the Great Zhou Dynasty was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, and these ministers also realized the powerful strength of the Great Qin again and again.

Facing the silent officials, the Emperor of Zhou Dynasty, who was sitting on the dragon throne, showed a desperate expression at this moment.

"Could it be that I will be the last emperor of the Zhou Dynasty?"

"The last emperor of the Zhou Dynasty?"

At this moment, the Emperor of Great Zhou laughed at himself like this.

Even though he may be a little fatuous, he can still understand the current situation clearly. The Great Zhou Dynasty is about to fall. As the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, he will probably be killed by the being called Da Qin soon.


Seeing the silence of many officials in the hall, Emperor Zhou could only wave his hand helplessly.

Facing the order of the Emperor of Zhou, many officials could only nod helplessly.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live..."

Words that seemed respectful, but had a hint of confusion in their tone rang out in the hall.

"Ta Tata..."

As the words fell, many officials began to leave the hall one by one.

Watching the officials leave, Emperor Zhou was sitting quietly on the dragon chair and watching the departing ministers.

"Heh, the Great Zhou Dynasty supports you with high salaries on weekdays, but I didn't expect that when the life and death of the Great Zhou Dynasty are at stake, no one can play a key role."

Emperor Zhou had a hint of silence in his eyes.

He believed that the Zhou Dynasty had always used high salaries to support this group of civil and military officials. Wasn't it because they wanted these guys to be able to play a role at the critical moment?

But what about the results?

When the current Great Zhou Dynasty is about to perish, this group of civil and military officials can't play any role, so why did he support these guys with a high salary in the past?

"A bunch of trash!"

When he thought of this, Emperor Zhou couldn't help roaring loudly.

As waves of roaring words echoed in the hall, many officials who left the hall looked at each other at this moment.

All the civil and military officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty saw a hint of determination in each other's eyes.

They already know what they need to do now, and they can clearly understand what they need to do if they want to survive.

After a while, the civil and military officials of the Zhou Dynasty left the palace and returned to their mansions.

"Start packing everything!"

"Prepare to surrender."

"As soon as Da Qin arrives, he will surrender directly!"

In a certain general's mansion, the general of the Zhou Dynasty directly began to give orders to the housekeeper at home.

He was prepared to surrender directly as long as he waited for the arrival of the Qin army.

He thought that he had not done anything evil, and he only needed to hand over some things in his home to survive.

He thinks it's very worth it.

While the general was already preparing to defect to the Qin Dynasty, the civil servants were even more thorough.

"Hurry up, hurry up, prepare all valuable things, just wait for the arrival of Great Qin, and hand them over directly to the Great Qin army!"

One civil servant after another did not hesitate to give orders to the servants at home.

Civil servants are among the most virtuous in times of peace, but in times of war, civil servants are among the most cowardly.

Facing the attack from the Qin army, the civil servants naturally did not dare to compete with them. After all, they themselves were weak, so in order to survive, they naturally had to choose to surrender more completely.

Just when all the civil and military officials of the Great Zhou Dynasty were preparing to defect to the Great Qin, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty in the palace spoke with a hopeful look: "You mean, the Imperial Master has a way to save the Great Zhou Dynasty? "

Emperor Zhou saw excitement in his eyes.

Facing the words from the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, a man in Taoist robes said seriously: "Yes, the Imperial Master asked me to come over and help you take him there, saying that there is a way to save the Great Zhou Dynasty."

Facing this serious voice, Emperor Zhou showed a deep excitement.

"Okay, the Zhou Dynasty is saved!"


(End of this chapter)

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