Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 242 Ying Zheng VS Black Mountain Old Demon

Chapter 242 Ying Zheng VS Black Mountain Old Demon

At this moment, when the old Black Mountain demon saw that the human opposite him actually burst out with a power that was not much different from his own, an unprecedented solemnity flashed in the old Black Mountain demon's eyes.

Originally, the Black Mountain Old Demon thought that this guy was another skeleton under his feet, but he didn't expect that the power contained in this guy was so powerful!

"Look at your background."

At this moment, the body of the old Black Mountain demon looked towards Ying Zheng with a flash of solemnity.

Although the old demon of Heishan didn't know the origin of Ying Zheng at all, at this moment, the old demon of Heishan could clearly feel the level of strength that Ying Zheng possessed.

The strength that Ying Zheng now exudes is simply in the same realm as him. Although there is no fight, the aura he exudes really does not fall behind him at all.

Facing the words of the Black Mountain old demon, Ying Zheng's eyes only flashed with a trace of calmness and he said: "My origin?"

"I have only one origin from beginning to end, and that is the emperor of the Qin Empire!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng spoke with a serious look in his eyes.

"As for you, come on!"

"Let me see if your power is as strong as the rumors say."

As Ying Zheng finished speaking, the Black Mountain Old Demon directly attacked Ying Zheng at this juncture without hesitation.

"Ghost Claw!"

In an instant, the old Black Mountain demon directly gathered the Yin Qi in his body into a huge claw, and swung it towards Ying Zheng fiercely.

Facing the Black Mountain old demon who directly chose to launch a surprise attack, Ying Zheng did not show any panic at this moment.

"Then let you try my power."

Just as Ying Zheng finished speaking, a force full of oppression condensed from Ying Zheng's hands.

"Boom boom boom..."

"Fist shakes the world!"

A huge fist swung directly towards the Netherworld Claw.

When the ghostly claws from the Black Mountain Old Demon and Ying Zheng's world-shaking fist collided in the sky above the underworld, an unimaginable force began to reverberate crazily in the sky above the entire underworld.


Waves of extremely terrifying power began to fill the air above the entire underworld.

As waves of terrifying power filled the air above the underworld, the Great Qin army below the underworld began to fight against the demon soldiers and ghost generals under the old demon from Black Mountain.

"Archers prepare, let them experience the power of our ministers!"

Wang Jian said with a hint of murderous intent in his tone.


Facing Wang Jian's order, the soldiers in the Qinglong Legion began to take out the bows and arrows they carried on their backs and filled them up.

"Beng Beng Beng..."

When the bows and arrows were completely drawn, the power in the bodies of the Da Qin soldiers one after another began to condense on the bows and arrows, and then an arrow condensed only by mana was directly placed on the bow and arrow.


Li Xin, who was with Wang Jian, ordered coldly at this moment.

"Sweep Sweep!!!"

The soldiers in both legions released the arrows from their bows at this moment.


After the soldiers in the two legions released the arrows from their bows, the bows and arrows, as dense as rain, directly attacked the demon soldiers and ghost generals under the hands of the old demon from Montenegro.

"Start fighting back!"

"You must not be hit by these bows and arrows!"

At this moment, some of the generals under the Black Mountain Old Demon also reacted instantly when facing the Great Qin's attack. Although they did not know how powerful the Great Qin's attack was, they relied on the uniform scale of the attack. Just be absolutely not weak.


Listening to the orders of the generals, the demon soldiers and ghost generals hurriedly began to defend themselves.

When the demon soldiers and ghost generals began to defend, the attack from the soldiers of the two legions of Da Qin also completely failed at this moment.

"Plop plop..."

One after another, the bows and arrows condensed by mana directly hit the demons and monsters hard.

With the attack from the Great Qin army, due to the timely response of the troops under the Black Mountain Old Demon, their casualties were not particularly heavy.

But when the generals under the old demon of Montenegro looked at this scene, a deep look of solemnity flashed in their eyes.

"Are these soldiers actually so powerful?"

In response, the generals spoke with heavy expressions in their eyes.

Although their strength is not weak, the opponent did not change at all under the first round of attacks. On the contrary, they suffered some casualties when they suffered the first wave of attacks. Perhaps these casualties are very normal. Condition.

But the generals under the old demon of Montenegro saw that the enemy had no casualties at all. On the contrary, they suffered casualties. They instantly felt the gap between the two sides.

"Be careful!"

"Be sure to be careful!"

"Pick up the weapons in your hands and kill!"

"They are all humans, let's not be afraid of them!"

"Kill them and eat them!"

At this moment, one demon general and ghost general after another roared so loudly.

Facing the roars from many generals, the ordinary soldiers under their command began to shout loudly as if they had been beaten to death: "Kill, kill, kill!!!"

Wang Jian and Li Xin, who came from Great Qin, looked at the scene in front of them with a deep solemn look in their eyes.

"Old General Wang, next we have to make these monsters understand how powerful our Great Qin is!"

Listening to Li Xin's words, Wang Jian nodded slightly and said, "Yes, let these monsters and monsters understand how powerful our Great Qin is!"

"As for this underworld, it belongs to Da Qin from now on!"

"Get rid of all these monsters and monsters!"

Wang Jian looked at the monsters and monsters in his field of vision with a hint of murderous intent.

"Soldiers of the Azure Dragon Legion, kill!"

Wang Jian waved his hand.

Li Xin also began to shout loudly: "Soldiers of the White Tiger Legion, annihilate them!"

When Wang Jian and Li Xin began to mobilize soldiers from the two legions to attack the army of monsters and monsters in front of them, the army of monsters and monsters on the opposite side were not to be outdone and began to attack the front with weapons in their hands. "Kill, kill, kill!"

The armies between the two sides began to collide directly on the battlefield.

When the armies between the two sides began to collide on the battlefield, the battle in the battlefield Sky City was still raging.




A depressing atmosphere filled the sky.

Facing the oppressive atmosphere filled in the sky, both Ying Zheng and the Black Mountain Old Demon looked at each other with solemn eyes.

"As expected, he is indeed the big boss in this world. His strength is not inferior to mine at all."

Ying Zheng secretly looked at the old Black Mountain demon opposite him in his heart, with an unprecedented seriousness in his eyes.

Although he has not used all his power, under normal circumstances, the power contained in the Black Mountain Old Demon is not inferior to him at all. This can already represent how powerful the Black Mountain Old Demon is, and Ying Zheng does not believe it. The Black Mountain Old Demon doesn’t have any trump cards. As a ten thousand-year-old demon in the underworld, especially when all the fairies, ghosts, Buddhas and gods in the entire world have left this world, the Black Mountain Old Demon can take charge of the underworld and become the most powerful person in the underworld. Big boss, this alone is enough to represent that the old demon of Montenegro is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface.

And when Ying Zheng felt a wave of solemnity about the power contained in the Black Mountain Demon, the Black Mountain Demon also looked at Ying Zheng opposite him with a solemn look in his heart.

"Where did this human come from?"

"Why does this human have so much power?"

At this moment, the old Black Mountain demon could be seen muttering to himself with a solemn look in his eyes.

Before the fight started, the old Black Mountain demon didn't take Ying Zheng into his heart at all, because he was the real ruler in the underworld. How could he be afraid of someone who would pop up from nowhere to defend the so-called justice? Where's the guy?

But unexpectedly, the power contained in this existence was not inferior to him in the slightest. Although it was just a claw and a punch, the old demon of Montenegro noticed the strength contained in the opponent's fist. Belong to the same level as him.

Facing this kind of strong man who was on the same level as him, the old demon of Montenegro felt a sense of solemnity for the first time. This time, he had not experienced this emotion for a long time since he took charge of the underworld.

Just when the Black Mountain Old Demon and Ying Zheng looked at each other with solemn eyes, Ying Zheng was the first to break the silence.

"Let's do it. Only one of you and I can survive today."

I saw a flash of seriousness in Ying Zheng's eyes as he looked at the old demon from Black Mountain.

Today, only one of him and the Black Mountain Old Demon can survive, and he certainly cannot die!
If he died, wouldn't the entire Great Qin Empire be doomed?
He couldn't die for the sake of the thousands of people in the Qin Empire.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the old Black Mountain demon also looked at Ying Zheng opposite him with a very calm look: "Haha, it's hard to say who died here today."

"Let me capture your soul today and torture it severely. I will make your soul fall into the abyss!"

"I will turn you into my slave!"

The old Black Mountain demon looked at Ying Zheng with a trace of viciousness in his eyes.

When faced with the words of the old monster from Black Mountain, Ying Zheng didn't say much.

"All the power of Great Qin will be added to my body!"

In an instant, Ying Zheng's choice without hesitation began to mobilize the power of Qin's national destiny.

At this time, Ying Zheng had completely lost the idea of ​​testing this thing with the Black Mountain Old Demon before. Testing this thing once was enough. Since he had successfully tested the approximate strength level between the two parties, he had to do it this time. Get serious about it.


As Ying Zheng began to summon the power of Great Qin's national destiny, the entire world of A Chinese Ghost Story began to tremble.

When the world of A Chinese Ghost Story began to tremble, the old demon from Montenegro instantly sensed where this feeling was coming from.

"It's you!"

I saw a trace of solemnity flashing through the eyes of the old Black Mountain demon.

"This power!"

Facing the powerful force that was gradually taking shape, the Black Mountain Old Demon instantly felt a heavy weight, because in that extremely powerful force, the Black Mountain Old Demon sensed what was called a fatal crisis.

"No, how can I die here!"

"I want to continue to rule the underworld, and I want to become the lord of the underworld!"

A trace of anger flashed in the eyes of the old Black Mountain demon.


In an instant, the Black Mountain Old Demon completely exploded its body.


After the Black Mountain Old Demon exploded his body, streams of aura filled with extreme resentment began to emerge from the Black Mountain Old Demon's body.

I saw that there were ghosts and ghosts one after another outside the body of the old demon of Montenegro that could not escape. Many ghosts and ghosts wanted to escape from the body of the old demon of Montenegro. Unfortunately, they were tightly imprisoned by the old demon of Montenegro.

Facing this scene, Ying Zheng, who summoned the power of Qin's national destiny, frowned instantly.

"It seems we need to get rid of the old Black Mountain monster as soon as possible."

"This kind of scourge must not stay!"

Seeing the many resentful spirits on the Black Mountain Old Demon, Ying Zheng became even more murderous towards the Black Mountain Old Demon.

These resentful spirits were obviously left behind by the Black Mountain Old Demon after he killed those humans. Because the resentment shown when those humans were killed by the Black Mountain Old Demon directly caused the Black Mountain Old Demon to completely imprison them in its body. In this way, the Black Mountain Old Demon can channel the grievances contained in those resentful spirits and use them to his advantage.

This may enhance the strength of the old Black Mountain demon, but behind him are lives one after another.

As the Human Emperor, Ying Zheng absolutely could not watch this incident happen under his nose.


As the Black Mountain Old Demon began to explode all the power he contained, the power of Great Qin's national destiny had begun to elevate Ying Zheng's power to a new level.

"This time, what I represent is not only the Great Qin Empire, this time I will judge you in the name of the Human Emperor!"

"Evil, die!"

The emperor's shadow behind Ying Zheng fully bloomed at this moment. In his hand, the emperor's shadow also held the Xuanyuan Sword, the sword of the human race's holy path.

Looking at the shadow of the emperor behind Ying Zheng, the Black Mountain old demon directly felt a cold air rising from his spine.


"Then let's take a look and judge me?"

"Then it depends on whether you are qualified or not!"

In an instant, the Black Mountain Old Demon rushed directly towards Ying Zheng in his true form.

Facing the collision of the Black Mountain Old Demon, Ying Zheng, holding the Xuanyuan Sword, swung it directly at the Black Mountain Old Demon.

"Cut all beings!"


(End of this chapter)

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