Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 253 Aunt Li Xiaoyao who is in a coma, Ying Zheng who sets off for the Immortal Sword!

Chapter 253 Aunt Li Xiaoyao who is in a coma, Ying Zheng who sets off for the Immortal Sword!

Just when the Great Qin Empire started a so-called big training, Li Xiaoyao in the chat group directly chose Aite Yingzheng.

"His Majesty the First Emperor, something unexpected happened to me here. I wonder if His Majesty the First Emperor can help me?"

At the same time, Li Xiaoyao, who was in the fairy sword world at the moment, showed a heavy expression.

Regarding Aite from Li Xiaoyao, Ying Zheng, who was in the Ming Empire, showed a trace of doubt at this moment.


"what happened?"

For a moment, Ying Zheng looked at the chat group, and then asked Li Xiaoyao.

In response to Ying Zheng's inquiry, Li Xiaoyao in the world of fairy sword flashed a helpless expression and said: "I don't know what the situation is, but my aunt suddenly fell into a coma. I also invited The doctors in town, but the doctors in town were completely incapable of resuscitating my aunt."

"Then I have no choice. Then I can only come and find you, Your Majesty."

Li Xiaoyao said with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

For Li Xiaoyao at this moment, his aunt has already had an accident, so what his nephew needs to do now is definitely to make his aunt recover.

As for why you directly chose to seek help from Ying Zheng?
It's very simple, because Li Xiaoyao can understand what kind of existence Ying Zheng is. On the surface, the First Emperor of Qin may be a majestic emperor, but as long as he does not violate any principled issues, then the members of the chat group Basically, they will choose to ask for help from the other party.

The most important thing is that the other party is definitely the strongest in the chat group.

Since the other party is the strongest in the entire chat group, Li Xiaoyao will naturally choose to ask Ying Zheng for help in the crisis his aunt is currently facing.

Facing Li Xiaoyao's words, everyone in the chat group also looked at Li Xiaoyao with curiosity.

"Your aunt suddenly became addicted?"

"I'm afraid it's not an accident."

One after another, the guys spoke with a hint of curiosity.

Obviously, for this guy who suddenly fell into a coma, this didn't look like an ordinary incident.

"How about you turn on the live broadcast and take a look?"

"Let's see what's going on with your aunt."

At this moment, Uncle Jiu asked with a hint of curiosity.

Regarding Uncle Jiu's words, Li Xiaoyao, who was in the fairy sword world, thought for a while and then nodded: "No problem, I will start the live broadcast and let everyone see what is going on."

As Li Xiaoyao finished speaking, news about Li Xiaoyao soon appeared in the chat group.

[Li Xiaoyao starts the live broadcast. 】

Facing the news from Li Xiaoyao, members of the chat group clicked into the live broadcast one after another. They wanted to know what accident happened to Li Xiaoyao's aunt.

After a while, when everyone's minds were drawn into the live broadcast room, they quickly saw the person in the live broadcast room opened by Li Xiaoyao.

A sleeping woman.

"Are you really pretending to be asleep?"

Naruto Uzumaki spoke with curiosity in his eyes.

Regarding the curiosity in Uzumaki Naruto's eyes, Yue Buqun shook his head slightly at this moment: "No, no, no, this is not pretending to be asleep at all."

"He really fell into a coma. His breathing was very calm. It was even as if there was no change in his breathing."

"Then this is often the biggest change."

Yue Buqun spoke calmly.

Although Yue Buqun's strength cannot be compared with those top-level beings in the chat group, Yue Buqun's strength is not that of a powerless being in the chat group. At least Yue Buqun could easily tell that Li Xiaoyao's aunt was not pretending to sleep.

Yue Buqun was not the only one who could see this, everyone in the chat group could see that Li Xiaoyao's aunt had really fallen into a coma.

"Wait a minute, this is not an ordinary coma, this is purely drugged."

At this moment, Uncle Jiu said to himself with a serious look in his eyes.

For Uncle Jiu at this moment, he could infer that Li Xiaoyao's aunt did not fall into some kind of natural sleep. The province here obviously encountered some special crisis, and then it became what it is now.

Listening to the words from Uncle Jiu, several other people directly in the live broadcast room looked at Li Xiaoyao's aunt who was sleeping with a hint of surprise.

"So this is ah."

"Then this is troublesome."

In an instant, one after another everyone looked at Aunt Li Xiaoyao who was in a deep sleep with thoughtful eyes.

Facing the words in the live broadcast room, Li Xiaoyao could only reply helplessly: "I can only hope that His Majesty the First Emperor can save my aunt."

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao spoke with a hint of helplessness.

Listening to the words from Li Xiaoyao, Ying Zheng, who was in the world of Da Qin, showed a smile at this moment.

"Li Xiaoyao, no problem."

"Although we are not citizens of the Zhengda Qin Empire, the relationship between you and me is equal. Since you encounter problems, I will naturally choose to help you."

At this moment, Ying Zheng replied with a smile in his eyes.

If it were an ordinary world, then Ying Zheng would not be so concerned at all, but the world Li Xiaoyao lived in was different.

Besides, the world that Li Xiaoyao lives in today does not belong to the era that Jingtian lived in, but some of the treasures in that era that Li Xiaoyao lived in are also huge treasures for today's Great Qin Empire.

If nothing else, compared to the immortal system owned by Yan Chixia, the system in the world that Li Xiaoyao lives in is undoubtedly a very complete system.

This is what the Great Qin Empire urgently needs today!

And the most important thing is that from Li Xiaoyao's current words, we can know that he has not come into contact with Zhao Ling'er.

Since Li Xiaoyao has no contact with Zhao Ling'er at the moment, Ying Zheng feels that maybe he can intercept Zhao Ling'er.

There is no way, Zhao Ling'er's identity is indeed a bit special.

This is a serious descendant of Nuwa!
Although the Nuwa in the Immortal Sword World and the Nuwa in the prehistoric world in his memory may not be the same Nuwa, the Nuwa in the prehistoric world is definitely the Nuwa in the Immortal Sword World, but this is also true. Oh, the classic Nuwa!
As a descendant of Nuwa, Zhao Ling'er represents Nuwa to a certain extent. If Zhao Ling'er becomes a member of the Great Qin Empire, then it also means that the Great Qin Empire received the influence from Nuwa. The care of the ancient gods.

Zhao Ling'er's identity alone is enough for Ying Zheng to treat her with caution.

At this moment, after Li Xiaoyao heard Ying Zheng's words, there was only a hint of deep surprise in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you His Majesty the First Emperor for your help!"

A hint of deep surprise flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

He knew he was right to ask for help.

His request for help from Ying Zheng was approved by Ying Zheng. "Then His Majesty the First Emperor, I will open the passage to my world to you."

Soon, Li Xiaoyao directly opened the time travel authority for Ying Zheng.

When Li Xiaoyao opened the time travel authority, Ying Zheng in the Great Qin world showed a smile at this moment.

"Don't worry, your aunt doesn't have any problems at the moment. I will come over soon and cure your aunt completely."

Ying Zheng smiled and said.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Li Xiaoyao breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.


"It's okay, Auntie."

"Fortunately, you didn't have any accidents."

Looking at his aunt who was in a coma, Li Xiaoyao's eyes flashed with unprecedented joy.

Fortunately, he had already joined this chat group before and had a good relationship with everyone in the chat group.

Otherwise, he would not know who to turn to for help in the current emergency situation.

Fortunately, he had joined this chat group a long time ago, and he also met the First Emperor Ying Zheng in this chat group.

"Everyone, this live broadcast will be closed first."

Li Xiaoyao raised his hands and said to everyone in the live broadcast room.

Regarding Li Xiaoyao's words, everyone in the live broadcast room said they had no problem.

"It's okay. Since His Majesty the First Emperor is willing to help you solve this problem, it means that your problem has been solved."

"Of course it's good news for you."

Everyone in the live broadcast room said there were no problems.

What's the problem?
No problem at all.


Just like that, Li Xiaoyao completely closed the live broadcast room.

As Li Xiaoyao closed the live broadcast room, Li Xiaoyao's eyes flashed with an unprecedented solemnity.

"It seems that those guys may have caused Auntie to be like this!"

An unprecedented anger flashed across Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

His aunt had never had any accidents before, but after the Miao people from the distant Nanzhao country came to them, his aunt suddenly fell into a coma.

From Li Xiaoyao's point of view, this is 100% inseparable from those damn Miao people.

"Just wait, you will feel better then!"

Even though Li Xiaoyao now understood that his aunt's coma was inseparable from the Miao people, Li Xiaoyao could only suppress the anger and even hatred deep in his heart.

There was no way, he couldn't just pick up the kitchen knife and rush towards them, right?
If he really picked up the kitchen knife and rushed towards them, then I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to wait for the arrival of the First Emperor at all, and he would be killed directly.

"I don't believe it anymore. When the First Emperor comes, he won't be able to deal with you damn guys!"

Li Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and said.

Anyway, at this moment, Li Xiaoyao has pinned his hopes on the upcoming Ying Zheng.

He believed that Ying Zheng had the means to deal with this group of Miao people.

While Li Xiaoyao was waiting for Ying Zheng to arrive, the group of professors from the Moon Worshipers in the inn were discussing among themselves.

"Everyone, I think the young master of this inn can definitely let him take the lead for us."

"Tell him that if you want to save his aunt, you must obtain the elixir from Fairy Island. Then we just need to follow behind."

One of the leading guys spoke with a serious tone.

Listening to what the leader said, some of the surrounding team members looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of agreement in each other's eyes.

"I think this method is very good."

"The formation on Fairy Island restricts us, but it has no defense against those ordinary guys. We only need to let him destroy the formation on Fairy Island later."

"I believe we can take Her Royal Highness away by then!"

One after another, the members of the Moon Worship Sect began to discuss with a hint of excitement.

As for Li Xiaoyao in this inn?

Sorry, Li Xiaoyao seems to be in their pocket at this moment. If Li Xiaoyao wants to save his aunt honestly, he must obey their orders.

However, if Li Xiaoyao knew about the malice of this group of guys, he would probably be able to spit on them.

Although he is an ordinary mortal, the people he comes into contact with are very powerful!

At least for this group of ordinary Miao people, the person he comes into contact with, or even the guy who wants to establish their world later, can slap them to death.

While Li Xiaoyao in the Immortal Sword World was waiting, Ying Zheng in the Great Qin World directly ordered coldly: "Gather all the soldiers of the Black Ice Platform."

"Next, follow me to another world."

Ying Zheng calmly ordered.

As for the five legions?

No, there is no need to mobilize the five major legions for the time being.

Because he did not go to the fairyland world to start a war, he should just be a forward, so the five legions are not needed, but the Black Ice Platform soldiers still need to be brought.

"Brush brush..."

Facing Ying Zheng's order, the figures of the Black Ice Platform soldiers one after another flashed in front of Ying Zheng in an instant.

After a while, an overwhelming number of Black Ice Platform soldiers appeared in Ying Zheng's field of vision.

"set off!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand.

Set off for the Immortal Sword!


(End of this chapter)

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