Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 255 Go to Fairy Island and intercept Zhao Linger!

Chapter 255 Go to Fairy Island and intercept Zhao Linger!
Just when Ying Zheng was curious about the Miao Gu technique proposed by Li Furong, the soldiers from the Black Platform came to the lobby of the inn and saw the Miao people discussing in the lobby.

Just when many soldiers from Heibingtai just appeared, the eyes of many Miao people from Nanzhao Kingdom instantly showed a hint of solemnity.

"Wait, something doesn't seem right."

Suddenly, the leader of the Miao people looked around with a flash of seriousness.

He didn't know why, but just now, he suddenly felt that the air around him was filled with a hint of chilling.

He was certain that he had never felt this way before, but suddenly there was this sense of chilling, which made the captain feel solemn.


"what happened?"

When the slightly weaker team members listened to their captain's words, a trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of those team members.

Just when doubts flashed in the eyes of many Moon Worshipers, one after another Black Ice Platform soldiers picked up the weapons in their hands and attacked these Miao people.

"Sweep Sweep!!!"

In an instant, with a flash of white light, the weakest Moon Worshiper died completely.

"Plop plop..."

When the weakest Moon Worshiper died completely like this, a look of deep fear suddenly flashed in the eyes of the remaining believers.

"Enemy attack!"

However, just as the Miao captain finished speaking, the figures of many Black Ice Platform soldiers appeared directly from the shadows.


In an instant, figures appeared one after another, accompanied by the deaths of the Moon Worshipers.

"Plop plop..."

A corpse fell to the ground.

"Captain, everything has been resolved."

An ordinary soldier from Black Ice Platform said to their captain.

"Be wary of your surroundings!"

The captain of the black platform soldier looked around with a serious look at the moment.

"As ordered!"


I saw many figures of Black Ice Platform soldiers beginning to take complete control of the entire inn.

When the figures of many Black Ice Platform soldiers took control of the entire inn, Ying Zheng, who was on top of the inn, also analyzed the poison in the body of Li Furong, who was in a coma in front of him.

"So this is voodoo."

Ying Zheng said to himself with a flash of thought in his eyes.

Li Xiaoyao, who was beside him, faced Ying Zheng's posture with an unprecedented nervousness flashing in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, is my aunt a big problem?"

Li Xiaoyao asked with a nervous look in his eyes.

Facing Li Xiaoyao's inquiry, Ying Zheng smiled slightly at this moment.

"Haha, it's just a small problem."

"You don't have to be so nervous. It's just that this is the first time I understand the voodoo in your aunt's body. Now that I have understood it, it's time for your aunt to wake up."

As Ying Zheng spoke, he waved slightly to Li Furong.


Waves of golden power surged toward Li Furong from Ying Zheng's body.

After a while, when this golden power completely entered Li Furong's body, the Gu magic in Li Furong's body was completely obliterated by this golden power.

"嘤~" When the poison in Li Furong's pavilion was completely wiped out, Li Furong couldn't help but subconsciously let out a groan.


Li Furong looked like she was about to wake up, but the next moment she fell asleep again.

"Ah, this is it?"

When Li Xiaoyao on the side looked at the current appearance of his aunt, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"It's a small matter, because that bewitching spell consumed your aunt's energy. Now that she wakes up, she will naturally fall into sleep again to regain her energy."

"The next thing you need to do is prepare some food so that you can regain your strength after your aunt wakes up."

After Ying Zheng looked at the sleeping Li Furong in front of him, he spoke calmly with a calm look in his eyes.

Regarding Ying Zheng's words, Li Xiaoyao's eyes immediately showed a hint of gratitude.

"Thank you, His Majesty the First Emperor."

Just when a hint of deep gratitude flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes, Ying Zheng said slightly: "It's just a small matter. You can take care of your aunt here first. I'll go check on you first." What the world is really like.”

Facing Ying Zheng's words, Li Xiaoyao said he didn't care.

"Then His Majesty the First Emperor, I won't send it away. I will take care of my aunt first."

"I've been here waiting for you."

Li Xiaoyao said with a sense of helplessness.

Maybe before that, he wanted to go to the whole world to see what it was like, but unfortunately, Li Xiaoyao could only suppress this idea deep in his heart, because now he had an aunt to take care of.

"Just take care of your aunt here honestly. My strength is quite good, so I'll go first."

Ying Zheng looked at Li Furong who was unconscious on the bed, and then spoke to Li Xiaoyao.


In an instant, Ying Zheng's figure disappeared directly from Li Xiaoyao's sight.

Facing Ying Zheng's figure disappearing from Li Xiaoyao's sight, Li Xiaoyao looked at his aunt who was sleeping on the bed. At this moment, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "Thank you, His Majesty the First Emperor. ah!"

At this moment, the figure of Ying Zheng who left appeared in the sky.

"It's there."

When Ying Zheng looked at the powerful luck on the horizon, Ying Zheng could instantly determine that the place belonged to the heroine Zhao Ling'er.

As for why you are so sure?

That's because of luck!

Zhao Linger is a serious heroine!

Even if Zhao Ling'er is not a heroine, Zhao Ling'er is a serious descendant of Nuwa. When the descendants of Nuwa and the identity of the heroine come together, it seems that only Zhao Ling'er can be cast.

The most important thing is that the opponent's direction is in the sea. Who else besides Zhao Ling'er?

"Brush brush..."

Now that he had found his target, Ying Zheng flew directly in the direction of Fairy Island.

When Ying Zheng flew in the direction of Fairy Island, the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult who was far away in Nanzhao Kingdom suddenly opened his eyes: "Huh?"

"This is a major change."

The leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult said to himself with a flash of thought in his eyes.


"Da Qin?"

A trace of doubt flashed in the eyes of the leader of the Moon Worshiping Cult.


(End of this chapter)

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