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Chapter 258 Li Xiaoyao suffers from angina, I want to marry a wife and have children

Chapter 258 Li Xiaoyao suffers from angina, I want to marry a wife and have children

"Well, what's going on here?"

"Is it possible that I was also plotted by those guys?"

Li Xiaoyao, whose heart was aching for a while, said with a flash of pain in his eyes.

Regarding this sudden heart cramp, Li Xiaoyao really didn't know what it was. He only knew that the sudden heart cramp was really sudden.

But Li Xiaoyao seriously suspected that the sudden cramping in his heart was definitely related to the Miao people from Nanzhao.

Because before they came, he and his aunt had no problems at all. It was just a minor illness at most, but that kind of illness would be suffered by normal people, so Li Xiaoyao did not change the previous ones. He mentioned all the minor problems, but since the group of Miao people from Nanzhao Kingdom came to them, his aunt suddenly fell into a coma, and based on the words of the First Emperor Ying Zheng, we can know that his aunt said This one is indeed a Gu technique from Nanzhao Kingdom.

His aunt was successfully treated by the First Emperor, but now he suddenly felt a heart attack. He seriously suspected that this was the control that the Miao people had on him before, but it didn't break out.

"These goddamn bastards!"

A trace of deep despair flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

Just when a hint of deep despair flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes, an inexplicable force directly blessed Li Xiaoyao from somewhere.


As the inexplicable force directly blessed Li Xiaoyao, at this moment, Li Xiaoyao opened his mouth and felt his heart that no longer hurt, but an unprecedented flash of light flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes. Afraid.


In an instant, Li Xiaoyao began to breathe deeply.

"Damn Miao people, don't let me encounter you again, otherwise I will make you pieces to pieces!"

Li Xiaoyao gritted his teeth and said.

Although he didn't know what the sudden feeling was, it didn't stop Li Xiaoyao's heart angina feeling from leaving a deep impression on him. The feeling of heart angina just now made Li Xiaoyao realize what despair is. It felt like, if it hadn't been for the sudden force that blessed him, he might have died.

Regarding this kind of existence that almost killed him, Li Xiaoyao felt that once he had the power, he would definitely kill all those guys.


Li Xiaoyao looked at his aunt who was unconscious on the hospital bed, and Li Xiaoyao took a deep breath.

"Aunt, don't worry, nothing will happen to you, and nothing will happen to me!"

"I will definitely let you see me marry a wife and have children."

I saw a trace of determination flashing in Li Xiaoyao's eyes and he said.

If he was a little repelled by marriage before, then Li Xiaoyao is not particularly repelled by marriage now.

Because if the First Emperor Ying Zheng hadn't come here, he would probably never see his aunt again. If his aunt really died like this, Li Xiaoyao felt that this would definitely be a major event for him. punishment.

"It's time to stay behind."

A sad word came out of Li Xiaoyao's mouth.

Li Xiaoyao, who was considering staying as a postgraduate student, had no idea that the reason why he had angina was purely caused by Ying Zheng.

As for why Li Xiaoyao suffered angina?
Obviously, as the heroine in the plot, Zhao Ling'er has been cut off by Ying Zheng, so Li Xiaoyao, as the male protagonist, will naturally feel a little bit. Therefore, Li Xiaoyao's heart angina is just after the heroine was taken away. Just a normal reaction.

Just when Li Xiaoyao made up his mind to keep a wife, Li Furong, who was lying on the hospital bed, slowly opened her eyes.


When Li Furong opened her eyes, the first thing she saw was Li Xiaoyao guarding the hospital bed.

"Xiaoyao, what's wrong with me?"

A trace of doubt flashed in Li Furong's eyes.

Regarding the confusion in Li Furong's eyes, Li Xiaoyao also instantly noticed that his aunt was awake. "Auntie, you finally woke up."

At this moment, Li Xiaoyao's eyes held an unprecedented excitement.

"It's all the fault of those damn Miao people. They used poison to make you fall into a coma. They even wanted to use the fact that you were in a coma to threaten me to do something for them."

"If I hadn't happened to know some strong people, I might have been threatened by them."

A trace of deep fear flashed in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

"Now Auntie, your awakening is what that friend of mine did."

Seeing Li Furong's awakening, Li Xiaoyao also had a deep excitement in his eyes.

His aunt finally woke up, and the fear he just felt was finally relieved.

While listening to Li Xiaoyao's words, traces of memories began to emerge in Li Furong's mind. The memories in Li Furong's mind instantly reminded him of some of the hexes the Miao people used on her in the inn. , and then she seemed to really pass out.

"Wait a minute, where are those Miao people from Nanzhao?"

"You must leave them!"

A hint of deep excitement flashed in Li Furong's eyes.

Although she said she was successfully treated, where did those Miao people go?
Those Miao people were already synonymous with danger in Li Furong's eyes at this moment.

Facing Li Furong's solemn look, Li Xiaoyao smiled slightly at this moment: "Don't worry, Auntie, those Miao people from Nanzhao have been completely eliminated by my friend's men."

"Although I'm not sure whether there will be Miao people from Nanzhao coming here in the future, at least we are safe now."

Li Xiaoyao said softly.

Listening to Li Xiaoyao's reply, Li Xiaoyao's aunt Li Furong breathed a sigh of relief: "Huhuhu..."

"Fortunately, fortunately, those guys have been dealt with, otherwise we might have to run away to get away from them."

A wave of words filled with fear came out of Li Furong's mouth.

"Oh, by the way, as for your friend, although I don't know how you met him, he helped us, so we must not forget the other person's help!"

"We must remember that we must not become that kind of ungrateful existence!"

"Did you hear that, Xiaoyao?!"

Li Furong said with a serious look in her eyes.

Facing Li Furong's words, the current Li Xiaoyao nodded slightly and replied: "Don't worry, Auntie, I'm certainly not the kind of ungrateful being."

"I will definitely make good friends with him."

Li Xiaoyao nodded and replied.

"Oh, by the way, Auntie, now that you're awake, I think it's time to discuss something with you."

There was a seriousness in Li Xiaoyao's eyes.

"what's up?"

A wave of doubtful words came from his aunt's mouth.

"Auntie, I want to get married and have children, and I want to leave a queen for the Li family!"

For a moment, Li Xiaoyao spoke with determination in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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