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Chapter 271 Zhao Ling'er who has degenerated into a snake tail?Atavism!

Chapter 271 Zhao Ling'er who has degenerated into a snake tail?Atavism!

As Cao Cao began to use powerful means to promote this martial arts, Ying Zheng in the Qin Empire encountered a particularly complicated matter.

"Wait, you just said that."

"Your legs turned into snake tails?"

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at Zhao Ling'er with a confused look.

Facing Ying Zheng's gaze, Zhao Ling'er nodded with cautious eyes.

"That's right, that's right. I don't know why my legs just turned into snake tails."

At this moment, Zhao Ling'er spoke so cautiously.

Although Zhao Ling'er is different from the plot and does not know the difference between monsters and humans, Zhao Ling'er can also understand that her legs turned into snake tails, which is definitely abnormal.

Regarding Zhao Ling'er's cautiousness, Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with a hint of thought.

"By the way, what's the situation?"

"Zhao Ling'er is not pregnant at the moment."

As for Zhao Ling'er's leg suddenly turning into a snake's tail, Ying Zheng really didn't know what was going on.

If he and Zhao Ling'er got together, and Zhao Ling'er became pregnant, it would not be impossible for Zhao Ling'er's legs to turn into snake tails, because this is a unique characteristic of Nuwa's descendants.

But the problem is that he didn't get along with Zhao Ling'er at all, and he didn't notice the aura of pregnancy in Zhao Ling'er's body.

But Zhao Ling'er's legs somehow turned into snake tails. This was obviously a throwback to his ancestors.

"what's going on?"

A trace of deep doubt flashed across Ying Zheng's eyes.

Faced with the confusion in Ying Zheng's eyes, Zhao Ling'er said cautiously: "Am I suffering from a terminal illness?"

Faced with Zhao Ling'er's caution, Ying Zheng smiled softly: "Don't worry, it's definitely not a bad thing."

"It's probably a good thing."

Ying Zheng spoke softly.

Although he did not know what Zhao Ling'er's situation was, it did not prevent him from understanding that Zhao Ling'er's legs suddenly turned into snake tails, which should be an atavism.

Then if an ordinary guy goes back to his ancestors, he will most likely turn into a monster or something like that. It is really possible that he will turn into something different.

But Zhao Ling'er's return to his ancestors is extraordinary.

Zhao Ling'er's direct ancestor was the serious Nuwa!

What level of existence is Nuwa?

Nuwa is a true creation boss level existence!
Although the Nuwa in the Fairy Sword World cannot be compared with the Nuwa in his memory, she is still a serious Nuwa.

At this moment, Zhao Linger is heading towards Nuwa to return to her ancestors. Is this a bad thing?
No matter how you look at it, this seems like a huge good thing.

So facing the situation that Zhao Ling'er was about to return to his ancestors, Ying Zheng didn't feel any particular panic, but he just didn't know what the situation was.

After listening to Ying Zheng's reply, Zhao Linger breathed a sigh of relief.


"It's okay, okay, Ling'er thought Ling'er was going to turn into a monster."

At this moment, Zhao Linger breathed a sigh of relief.

God knows how panicked she was when she learned that her legs had turned into snake tails.But fortunately, her uncles and brothers said that her legs were not a bad thing. Since her legs were not a bad thing, she let go of her inner tension for the time being.

She trusts her uncle and brother.

"It seems like we need to return to the Fairy Sword World again to ask Nuwa for advice."

Ying Zheng thought to himself like this in his mind.

As for Zhao Ling'er's situation, in Ying Zheng's opinion, he must return to the advanced world to ask Nuwa in the Fairy Sword World what kind of situation this is.

Ying Zheng believes that Nuwa in the World of Immortal Sword will never watch Zhao Ling'er have an accident, because as we all know, Nuwa in the World of Immortal Sword has always been the same!
If something goes wrong with Zhao Ling'er, it means that Nuwa's lineage is completely cut off. How could Nuwa allow this to happen?

"Ling'er, we are going to visit your father next, and by the way, we will also visit your mother."

"Get ready."

Ying Zheng spoke with a hint of relaxation in his tone.

After listening to Ying Zheng's words, Zhao Ling'er's eyes flashed with joy at this moment.

"Ah, can you go back?"

There was a hint of joy in Zhao Ling'er's eyes.

Although she did not suffer any unfair treatment in the Qin Empire, the treatment she even enjoyed in the palace was definitely top-notch.

But Zhao Ling'er still missed her mother and father in her heart.

So when Zhao Ling'er learned that she could return to her world to see her mother and father, Zhao Ling'er would naturally feel bursts of joy.

Soon, Zhao Ling'er began to return to the harem to prepare what she needed next, and at this moment, Ying Zheng directly summoned the leader of Heibingtai.

"See Your Majesty!"

I saw the leader of Black Ice Platform speaking so respectfully.

"Go and inform Han Xin that you need to take some of these soldiers with me to other worlds."

Ying Zheng spoke with a calm tone in his tone.

Facing Ying Zheng's request, the leader of Heibingtai respectfully replied: "I obey, Your Majesty."

"Ta Tata..."

Soon, with the departure of the leader of Heibingtai, Han Xin of the Qilin Legion in Xianyang City instantly learned the notice from the leader of Heibingtai.

"You can travel to other worlds again!"

When Han Xin learned what needed to be done next, an unprecedented excitement flashed in Han Xin's eyes.

As for the world he needs to go to next, although Han Xin doesn't know what kind of world it is, it does not prevent Han Xin from being full of unprecedented curiosity about the world he needs to go to next.

"Get ready, we need to follow His Majesty to other worlds!"

At this moment, Han Xin said with a serious command in his eyes.

"Yes, Marshal!"

After a while, the soldiers in the Qilin Legion learned of the order issued by Han Xin and quickly gathered as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Ying Zheng was riding a fire unicorn and carrying Zhao Ling'er to the sky above the Qilin Legion's military camp.


(End of this chapter)

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