Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 284 Nuwa, a few years ago, attacked Nanzhao Kingdom

Chapter 284 Nuwa, more than ten years ago, attacked Nanzhao Kingdom
"Nuwa Temple."

At this moment, Ying Zheng looked at the temple in front of him, with deep curiosity flashing in his eyes.

And at this moment, when Ying Zheng looked at the Nuwa Temple in his field of vision with curiosity, the consciousness of Nuwa in the Nuwa Temple also suddenly opened her eyes at this moment.


"This is my strength."

"This is me decades later."

At the same time, the consciousness in the Nuwa statue spoke to itself.

Regarding the consciousness possessed by the statue of Nuwa, she can naturally clearly distinguish that the power that sent Ying Zheng and others over is her power.

Since this power belonged to her, Nuwa naturally dispelled the vigilance in her heart.

Although she didn't know what happened, the Nuwa in this time period just believed that the Nuwa decades later would not harm her.

If a major accident really happened to Nuwa decades later, then she could also be aware of what happened during this time period.But during this period of time, she was not aware of any major events happening at all, which meant that the existence outside the Nuwa Temple was not a major event.

"Just do whatever you have to do."

An ethereal voice came into Ying Zheng's ears.

Regarding the appearance of this ethereal voice, Ying Zheng looked towards the Nuwa Temple.

"It's no problem, Empress Nuwa."

"At that time, after I have completely resolved the matter, I will come to Nuwa Temple again and ask Nuwa Empress to teleport us to the timeline we are in."

Ying Zheng's eyes flashed with respect and he spoke to Nuwa.

Facing Ying Zheng's words, the meaning contained in the statue of Nuwa spoke softly.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

"Just go ahead and do it."

At this moment, Nuwa spoke so calmly.

"As ordered."

Listening to the words coming from the statue of Nuwa, Ying Zheng nodded slightly.

"The whole army obeys!"

"Launch an attack on the capital of Nanzhao Kingdom!"

At this moment, Ying Zheng ordered with a serious look in his eyes.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

For the soldiers at this moment, faced with the order to kill them, all they need to do now is to obey their Majesty's orders and complete them.


After a while, all the soldiers were ready.

While all the soldiers were getting ready, a hint of deep curiosity flashed through the consciousness in the statue of Nuwa.

"His Majesty?"

"Is this the emperor?"

At the same time, the meaning in the statue of Nuwa just flashed a curious look and looked at Ying Zheng.


A voyeuristic power emerged from the statue of Nuwa.

But as this voyeuristic power emerged from the statue of Nuwa, a line of inquiry looked directly at Ying Zheng.

Facing this probing vision, Ying Zheng instantly noticed a sense of voyeurism coming from the Nuwa Temple.

Faced with this feeling of guilt, Ying Zheng chose to ignore it at this moment.

However, in the face of Ying Zheng's ignorance, the consciousness in the Nuwa statue flashed with an unprecedented surprise. "this?"

"What kind of emperor is this?!"

At this moment, Nuwa looked at Ying Zheng in her field of vision with a flash of surprise.

The strength that Ying Zheng possesses belongs to the Mahayana realm, or this realm is nothing to her. Even if she currently only belongs to a consciousness, the power she possesses is Still cannot be underestimated.

Therefore, in Nuwa's view, the Mahayana realm is simply a very weak existence.

But it's different in the human world. Mahayana in the human world can be regarded as a real top powerhouse. The strength that Ying Zheng possesses now belongs to this realm.

It doesn't matter if he is an ordinary strong man in the Mahayana realm, but the other party's identity is still a serious emperor.

Can the emperor still possess such great strength?

How can this be?

What happened in the afterlife?
Why was such a powerful emperor born?

I saw an unprecedented surprise flash through the consciousness in the statue of Nuwa.

As for the consciousness possessed by the statue of Nuwa, there is no such a powerful existence in their current era, which means that this existence belongs to the existence that will be possessed more than ten years later.

More than ten years later, the world has undergone such major changes?

An emperor with Mahayana power appeared.

"Furthermore, the power of national destiny possessed by this emperor is extremely strong. It seems that the other empire is really not an ordinary empire."

A trace of deep surprise flashed across Nuwa's eyes at this moment.

The power of national destiny and destiny emanating from Ying Zheng is not a secret to Nuwa. It is precisely because it is not a secret at all that the current Nuwa feels a burst of curiosity. And waves of surprise.

Because this does not belong to any kind of emperor she knows.

"It looks like your future has undergone earth-shaking changes."

"An emperor in the Mahayana realm was actually born. What happened more than ten years later?"

Nuwa had a deep curiosity in her mind.

"Which guy in the God Realm will watch this happen?"

"What exactly is this?"

Nuwa just had a flash of deep doubt.

Regarding Nuwa's doubts, Ying Zheng at this moment is destined not to give an answer.


Under the leadership of Ying Zheng, the mighty Qilin Legion began to rush towards the distance.


The fire unicorn under Ying Zheng's crotch also roared towards the sky.


Waves of murderous aura began to spread around with the Qilin Legion as the center.

Facing such a powerful army, Nuwa's consciousness in Nuwa Temple became even more curious. She really wanted to know what happened to the emperor who came from more than ten years later in the timeline where she is now. What to do.

"Then let me see what you can do."

"From the emperor more than ten years later."

A curious voice came from the statue of Nuwa.


(End of this chapter)

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