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Chapter 291 Provoke Nuwa’s anger?Women are weak, but mothers are strong!

Chapter 291 Provoke Nuwa’s anger?Women are weak, but mothers are strong!

"No, I refuse!"

At this moment, Qing'er chose to refuse without hesitation.

"What are you doing?!"

"You are trying to imprison Nuwa's descendants!"

"And what are you going to do to my daughter?!"

Qing'er stared at Ying Zheng closely with a hint of anger in her eyes.

However, in the face of Qing'er's anger, Ying Zheng replied calmly: "You don't have to be so angry. Please listen to me explain everything clearly first."

"One thing is that you don't seem to have considered the situation that today's descendants of Nuwa have in your world."

Ying Zheng said calmly.

"What kind of treatment are the descendants of Nuwa in this world? As a descendant of Nuwa, can't you see it?"

"Is it possible that the descendants of Nuwa are treated very well in this world?"

"Or could it be that the treatment that Nuwa's descendants enjoy when they stay in this world is at the top level?"

Ying Zheng looked away from Qing'er at this moment and said calmly.


Qing'er was completely stunned by Ying Zheng's words.

If Ying Zheng wants to say something else, Qing'er has a lot of reasons to refute it, but about the treatment that their descendants of Nuwa enjoy in their world?

That's embarrassing, because Qing'er, who is also a descendant of Nuwa, can feel what kind of treatment their queen's descendants enjoy in today's world, no matter how stupid they are.

It can be said that the treatment enjoyed by the descendants of Nuwa in the whole world can be described as miserable.

While Qing'er's face showed a hint of heaviness, Ying Zheng continued to speak: "There is one thing I didn't explain clearly to you."

"That is, the world that the Great Qin Empire lives in does not belong to your world. The world that the Great Qin Empire lives in does not even belong to the Six Realms."

"I need to tell you this in advance."

Looking at Qing'er in his field of vision, Ying Zheng replied calmly.


"You don't belong to the six realms?"

"Is it possible that your Great Qin Empire was not an empire that died in the Six Realms?"

"Are you the human emperor from a world outside the Six Realms?"

In an instant, Qing'er felt extremely incredible.

Regarding Qing'er's incredible possession, Ying Zheng calmly replied: "What?"


Regarding Qing'er's disbelief, Ying Zheng asked directly.

"As a descendant of Nuwa, is it possible that this is a very incredible thing for you?"

Regarding Ying Zheng's words at this moment, Qing'er opened her mouth and really didn't know what to say for a moment.

At the same time, Qing'er also instantly recalled Ying Zheng's words. Ying Zheng had just swallowed up your world.

That means that the other party does not belong to their world. Otherwise, why would they say such things in such a tone?

"Then the emperor from another world, what are you going to do?"

"Is it possible that you are trying to arouse the anger of Empress Nuwa?" Qing'er stared at Ying Zheng with a hint of anger in his eyes.

If the world that Ying Zheng lives in belongs to the empire in a certain corner of their human world, then forget it.

At the very least, Ying Zheng belongs to their world.

But what happens now?

Ying Zheng does not belong to their world at all!
So if she really chooses to agree to the other party, doesn't this mean that the descendants of Nuwa in their world will flow into other worlds?

Will Nuwa's bloodline appear directly in other worlds?
How can this be accepted?

She absolutely cannot accept such a thing!
After hearing Qing'er's flat refusal, Ying Zheng smiled.

"You are really interesting."

"But one thing is that as descendants of Nuwa, you seem to have never really considered this issue at all."

"Is it possible that all of you are in love?"

"Don't you men think about your Nuwa descendants?"

"Even if I don't belong to your world, I know that the treatment you descendants of Nuwa receive in the whole world is getting worse day by day."

"You are descendants of Nuwa, but what kind of treatment do you currently enjoy?"

"Look at you now. As a descendant of Nuwa, you are actually imprisoned directly. How ironic this is."

"And as far as I know, you haven't done anything harmful to the world. It's even just the ignorance of ordinary people. As a result, as a descendant of Nuwa, you were directly thrown into prison."

"Is this the treatment a descendant of Nuwa should have?"

Ying Zheng asked directly and calmly.

"And this problem is no longer a matter of one or two days. You can choose this way."

"But do you want your daughter to suffer the same treatment?"

"Have you already fallen into this situation, or do you want Nuwa's descendants to be completely wiped out in your World Cup?"

"How long do you think the identity of a descendant of Nuwa can be sustained in your world based on the problem you have now?"

"I feel that it is not an accident that Nuwa's bloodline is cut off one day."

Ying Zheng directly brought out the issues of the matter without any cover-up.

As Ying Zheng explained all these things one by one, Qing'er's expression changed drastically at this moment.

If Ying Zheng just said her words, she didn't have any expression, because the situation she was in now was already an obvious fact.

She didn't make any cover-up, but Ying Zheng talked about her daughter's problem and Ling'er's problem.

That Qing'er is different.

There is a saying that goes well, women are weak by nature, but mothers are strong!

Perhaps Qing'er currently belongs to an ordinary woman, even though she has the identity of a descendant of Nuwa, but to a certain extent she still belongs to an ordinary woman, but she has the identity of a mother.

She could bear what she was going through now, but she couldn't bear what she was going through.

"This this this..."

Qing'er fell into silence for a moment.


(End of this chapter)

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