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Chapter 294: Absorbing the Holy Spirit Bead, Nuwa’s Descendants Decline in Strength

Chapter 294: Absorbing the Holy Spirit Bead, Nuwa’s Descendants Decline in Strength


In an instant, as waves of holy and incomparable power began to spread from Qing'er's body towards the surroundings, a bead appeared directly in front of Qing'er.

When this bead appeared in front of Qing'er, Qing'er felt a flash of deep emotion.

"This is the Holy Spirit Bead. Next, this Holy Spirit Bead will be handed over to you."

Qing'er spoke to Ying Zheng with a faint whisper.

Facing Qing'er's words, Ying Zheng at this moment looked closely at the bead in front of him.

"This bead."

Regarding this bead at this moment, Ying Zheng's current feeling is that the power contained in this bead is very powerful, and even the power emanating from this bead, if it is brought to the Great Qin Empire It can definitely bring new changes to the entire Great Qin Empire.

"Interesting, it is indeed the Holy Spirit Pearl that belongs to Nuwa!"

As for the origin of this Holy Spirit Bead, whether it belongs to Nuwa, but the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead is real.

Since the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead is real, Ying Zheng is too lazy to think about the origin of this Holy Spirit Bead.

After all, this Holy Spirit Pearl now belongs to him, doesn't it?


In an instant, Ying Zheng directly sucked the Holy Spirit Bead in front of him without hesitation.


As Ying Zheng sucked the Holy Spirit Bead into his hand, waves of incomparable holy power began to permeate Ying Zheng's body from the Holy Spirit Bead.

As the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead began to pour into Ying Zheng's body, Ying Zheng instantly felt the strangeness of this power entering his body.


Suddenly, the power within Ying Zheng's body began to undergo a series of changes at this moment.

"Wait, this power!"

When the power that Ying Zheng sensed in his body began to transform, his realm also underwent earth-shaking changes at this moment.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

A powerful suction force burst out crazily in Ying Zheng's body.

Facing the explosion of this powerful suction force, this terrifying suction force began to be directly aimed at the Holy Spirit Bead held in Ying Zheng's hand.

But as this terrifying suction force began to frantically absorb the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead in Ying Zheng's hand, the Holy Spirit Bead was not to be outdone and diffused the power contained in it towards Ying Zheng.


Looking at this scene at this moment, Qing'er in the prison showed a strange expression.


"Is this really an emperor from another world?"

"Such a scene can erupt just after coming into contact with the Holy Spirit Bead." Qing'er's eyes were filled with surprise.

Obviously, Qing'er at this moment does not understand that this emperor from other worlds can start to unscrupulously mobilize the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead just after coming into contact with the Holy Spirit Bead. The most important thing is that the Holy Spirit Bead does not interfere with him at all. The Emperor of Qin in front of him came from another world.

"Interesting, it seems like this emperor is really going to be kind to Ling'er."

"That way I feel relieved."

Qing'er felt relieved for a moment.

Qing'er can understand the reason why the Holy Spirit Bead can be mobilized by others. People with evil hearts are 100% unable to use the Holy Spirit Bead. Only those with an upright heart and no distracting thoughts can mobilize the Holy Spirit Bead. the power contained in it.

After all, this Holy Spirit Bead is a treasure owned by Nuwa. As a human mother, how can Nuwa stand on the side of evil?

Therefore, the Holy Spirit Bead will naturally identify some evil people, and those who have a lot of distracting thoughts in their hearts will also be unable to mobilize the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead.

But the emperor in front of her from another world can directly mobilize the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead. This already means that the other party is not an evil existence, and the other party will really abide by the rules between them. This agreement.


Just as Qing'er breathed a sigh of relief, the power in her body began to change at this moment.

"Alas, this day has finally come."

When she realized that the power in her body had begun to decline, Qing'er's expression did not change at all, because Qing'er had already expected that the power in her body was accompanied by the delivery of the Holy Spirit Bead. Then the power in her body will lose its source, and it will naturally begin to weaken.

As for why the power in Qing'er's body needs to rely on the Holy Spirit Pearl to be effective?

It's very simple. The reason for everything is that the descendants of Nuwa who belong to the previous generation directly used up the power contained in Nuwa's bloodline. In the end, it led to the next generation, that is, Qing'er, the daughter of this generation. The reason why the power within the body cannot be compared to the previous generation.

If this generation of Nuwa descendants didn't have the Holy Spirit Bead, a treasure belonging to their Nuwa lineage, I'm afraid this generation of Nuwa descendants wouldn't have the qualifications to be called Nuwa descendants at all.

Fortunately, they have the Holy Spirit Bead, so this generation of Nuwa descendants can barely be called Nuwa descendants, but the strength possessed by this generation of Nuwa descendants is somewhat limited.

But with the delivery of the Holy Spirit Bead, and as the Holy Spirit Bead became Ying Zheng's treasure, the power possessed by Qing'er, who lost the Holy Spirit Bead, naturally began to become weaker.

However, Qing'er's expression did not change at all regarding the decline of strength in his body.

"I hope your strength can become stronger. Ling'er will be left to you in the future."

Qing'er said while quietly looking at Ying Zheng who was absorbing the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead.

At this moment, after Ying Zheng absorbed the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead, the realm he possessed in his body began to break through at this moment.


Ying Zheng, whose original strength was only in the Mahayana realm, after absorbing the power contained in the Holy Spirit Bead, the power possessed by Ying Zheng in the blackout has directly broken through to the realm of transcending tribulation at this moment.


An extremely powerful force poured directly from Ying Zheng's body and poured out crazily towards the surroundings. In just the blink of an eye, it had completely enveloped the entire capital of Nanzhao Kingdom, and was even moving towards the surrounding areas. .


(End of this chapter)

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