Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 296 Loyal eunuch, I am the emperor of the Qin Empire!

Chapter 296 Loyal eunuch, I am the emperor of the Qin Empire!
"Ta Tata..."

Facing Ying Zheng riding a fire unicorn, he appeared in the palace of Nanzhao Kingdom. In a large hall, the king of Nanzhao Kingdom now showed an unprecedented expression of despair.

"It's over, it's really over."

"The Nanzhao Congress has been completely eliminated in my generation."

Waves of desperate words came from the mouth of the King of Nanzhao.

When he learned that the entire capital of Nanzhao had been fully occupied, he had completely lost all support in the palace.

Since the capital city of Nanzhao Kingdom has been occupied by the enemy, do we still need to talk about all the places outside the capital city?

I am afraid that all places outside the capital have been completely occupied by the enemy, which means that Nanzhao Kingdom has actually been completely destroyed, and he will be the last king of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Not only might he be the last king of the Nanzhao Kingdom, but more importantly, if nothing unexpected happens, he is very likely to die.

When he thought that his fate would end in death, the King of Nanzhao could no longer bear the pain in his heart.

Just when the king of Nanzhao could no longer bear the grief in his heart, a eunuch staggered into his sight.

"Ta Tata..."

As the eunuch staggered into the hall, the King of Nanzhao in the hall flashed an unprecedented displeasure.

"what are you doing?"

"Didn't anyone tell you that what you need to do now is to be quiet?!"


"Is it possible that you want to betray Nanzhao?!"

At this moment, the king of Nanzhao looked at the eunuch in his field of vision with an extremely angry look.

In the eyes of the King of Nanzhao Kingdom at this moment, the attitude of the eunuchs who had said they had it was quite honest, but as a result, after the entire capital of Nanzhao Kingdom was defeated like this, these eunuchs forgot about it. Are they the identities they should have?
Faced with the anger of the King of Nanzhao, the eunuch who entered the hall at this moment replied tremblingly: "Greetings to the King, those enemies have already arrived in the palace, please leave here. ."

"It will be very dangerous here, Your Majesty."

I saw the eunuch at this moment speaking tremblingly.

While listening to what the eunuch below said, the King of Nanzhao was stunned for a moment.

His eyes that were originally filled with anger were instantly filled with guilt.

Originally, he thought that the eunuch would be very arrogant when he thought that the Nanzhao Congress would be destroyed, so he scolded the eunuch directly, but he really never thought that the eunuch in front of him was not at all what he thought. In such a way, the eunuch in front of him actually came over to tell him the news in this crisis.

The enemy has occupied the palace, and even the enemy is coming towards him. Then the eunuch asked him, the king of Nanzhao, to leave here, otherwise he, the king of Nanzhao, would be in crisis.

So what is this?
This is obviously a loyal eunuch!
Facing such a loyal guy, he doubted his loyalty.


A sigh came out of the mouth of the Nanzhao King.

Listening to the sighs at this moment, the eunuch below hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, we should leave here now."

"Your Majesty, you must not suffer any accidents. As long as you are still here, the Kingdom of Nanzhao will be here!"

At this moment, an anxious voice came out of the eunuch's mouth.Listening to what the eunuch said, the King of Nanzhao shook his head slightly at this moment: "We have no way to go."

"The entire capital of Nanzhao Kingdom has been completely occupied by the enemy, and even the entire Nanzhao Kingdom has fallen. Where should we go at this time?"

"Is it possible that you want me to abandon the millions of people in Nanzhao?"

"I can not do it!"

A firm voice reached the ears of the eunuch below.

Facing these words at this moment, a deep silence flashed in the eyes of the eunuch below.

When the eunuch facing him fell into silence for a while, he also remembered a word outside the palace.

"I have to say that although it is obvious that you cannot be a king, your awareness has surpassed that of many heads of a country."

A burst of emotional words directly reached the ears of the King of Nanzhao.

Facing this emotional voice, the face of the eunuch below suddenly changed drastically, and even the face of the king of Nanzhao Kingdom above also showed a deep silence.

If it is normal, then this is most likely a daring guy.

but now?

This is obviously the enemy!
This was obviously the words spoken by the guy who occupied the entire capital of Nanzhao Kingdom.

Facing this upcoming crisis, a trace of deep silence flashed across the face of the King of Nanzhao.

"Ta Tata..."

At this moment, the eunuch below stood directly in front of the King of Nanzhao with a firm gaze.

After a while, figures appeared directly in the sight of the King of Nanzhao and the eunuch below.

A man in black imperial robes calmly looked at the two guys in his field of vision.

"King Nanzhao, I have to say that although you are not a very good person, your enlightenment just now is enough for me to take a high look at you."

At this moment, when Ying Zheng looked at the king of Nanzhao Kingdom, who was his nominal father-in-law, even Ying Zheng had to sigh slightly.

The identity of the king of Nanzhao Kingdom is obviously unqualified. Not only is he not suitable to be the king of Nanzhao Kingdom, he is not even suitable to be a father.

But one thing I have to admit is that the words this guy just said are something that many, many emperors cannot have, but this guy who is not worthy of being a father or even a king said such words.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, a trace of deep silence flashed across the face of the King of Nanzhao who was above.

"Are you the emperor of the Tang Empire?"

Regarding the words of the King of Nanzhao, Ying Zheng responded with a hint of disdain: "Emperor of the Tang Empire?"

"Sorry, I am the emperor of the Qin Empire!"

A firm voice came out of Ying Zheng's mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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