Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 40 Tyrant wins the government?The ancient emperor Qin Shihuang!

Chapter 40 Tyrant wins the government?The first emperor of the ages, Qin Shihuang!

"Why didn't I know when I became a tyrant?"

I saw Ying Zheng asked with a flat tone in his tone.

When Ying Zheng's words fell like this, many ministers who knelt down below looked at Ying Zheng at this moment with a blinded look.

Only then did they discover that there was actually a person wearing a black dragon robe beside their emperor Zhu Youjian.


There was a deep doubt in the eyes of the many ministers.

They really want to know now, who is the existence in the dragon robe next to their emperor?Why can the opponent wear a dragon robe and stand with their emperor?
Facing the inquiry from Yingzheng, everyone in the chat group said with an embarrassing voice: "Your Majesty the First Emperor, it seems that later generations really define you as a tyrant."

I saw that Yue Buqun spoke with embarrassing words in his eyes.

Although they really admire Qin Shihuang Yingzheng, after all, this is a serious existence at the level of an emperor through the ages, but it is also a guy who is defined as a tyrant.

So when faced with Ying Zheng's inquiry, everyone in the chat group felt a burst of embarrassment.

But at this moment, the leader of the group retorted like this: "Everyone, His Majesty the First Emperor is not a so-called tyrant. After all, if a character is weak, or even has a kind character in his character, how can he be able to unify the six kingdoms? "

"You all know that if it is said that the emperor is succeeded by the son Fusu, then the benevolence and righteousness possessed by the son Fusu can completely change the history of Daqin, so that the second generation will not perish. So he died in the second generation, purely because of Nahu Hai."

I saw Li Jiahui, the leader of the group, speaking so easily.

When faced with the words from the group leader Li Jiahui, the people in the chat group had no other meaning.

"That's true."

To this, everyone in the chat group responded one after another.

They are not Confucian scholars who belong to Zhenger Bajing. If they are Confucian scholars who are Zhenger Bajing, they may very likely refute the words of the group leader Li Jiahui, because in their concept, the first emperor Yingzheng belongs to Zhenger The tyrant of the Eight Classics, and still belongs to the tyrant of the ages!

But they are all practicing martial arts!

Which one of the people in this chat group is an ordinary existence?

Really not, at least there really isn't an ordinary guy in the chat group, so they all agree with the content explained by the group leader Li Jiahui.

At this moment, the leader of the group, Li Jiahui, continued to reply like this: "The first emperor Yingzheng can be regarded as belonging to the founding king to a certain extent. What the founding king needs to do is basically suppress everything and leave A country with no major problems is handed over to the next emperor, did the first emperor Yingzheng do something wrong?"

The group leader, Li Jiahui, asked rhetorically.

When faced with the words from the group leader Li Jiahui, Gao Yao, who also grew up in the modern world, replied without hesitation: "That must be true!"

"The first emperor is the emperor of all ages, so how could he be a tyrant?"

"Then if the first emperor was a tyrant, I am afraid that the land of China is still in a state of division today. It is because the first emperor unified the six kingdoms, and finally let the concept of unification be deeply recorded in the hearts of all future emperors."

"How could the First Emperor be a tyrant?!" Gao Yao couldn't help but said.

Listening to the words of the group leader and that Gao Yao, everyone in the chat group couldn't help but nodded.

"That's right. If there is no death to unify the six kingdoms, then I'm afraid that the entire land of China is still in a state of division. It is only because the first emperor unified the six kingdoms that the concept of unification has continued to this day." Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but said.

"That's right, it's because you unified the six kingdoms, the first emperor, that the concept of unification has been passed down. Otherwise, one country after another may appear on the land of Shenzhou." In the Yizhuang Uncle Jiu couldn't help but said.

The era that Uncle Nine lived in belonged to the war-torn era, and Uncle Nine knew very clearly what a unified country was like in a divided country.

So among the crowd, Uncle Nine was really very impressed with the concept of Ying Zheng unifying the six kingdoms. This is simply the real emperor through the ages!

Listening to the words of the chatting crowd, Uzumaki Naruto had a deep thought in his heart: "Then if you say that, maybe the ninja world also needs to be unified?"

For Uzumaki Naruto at this moment, when he did not enter this chat group, he thought it was normal to have the five major countries and the other small countries in the ninja world, but after coming to the chat group, especially It was the great achievements of Ying Zheng before listening to the words of the people in the chat group, which made Naruto Uzumaki an idea pop up in his mind.

"Perhaps the ninja world also needs to be unified!"

As this idea popped up in Uzumaki Naruto's mind, Uzumaki Naruto turned his attention to Ying Zheng and Zhu Youjian who was beside Ying Zheng.

Of course, Uzumaki Naruto's main concern is still on Ying Zheng, because from the words of the people in the chat group, we can know that Ying Zheng is a great figure who is as great as the god in the ninja world!

The most important thing is that this is still the existence that unified the six countries. Naruto Uzumaki thought about the five major countries in their ninja world and the other small countries, so he had to let Naruto Uzumaki focus his attention on On Ying Zheng's body.

And just when everyone in the chat group firmly recognized that Ying Zheng was the emperor of the ages and not a tyrant, the group of civil and military officials in front of the palace gate in the Ming world just frowned and said Said: "Who are you?!"

"You actually dare to call yourself me. Could it be that you want to rebel?!"

I saw civil and military officials scolding Ying Zheng one after another.

"See Your Majesty, we think this is a rebellious thief. The other party is definitely connected with that Chuang Wang Li Zicheng, and he should be killed!"

The civil and military officials one after another suggested with murderous words.

However, in the face of the suggestions of many civil and military officials, Zhu Youjian took a deep breath at this moment: "Where is Jin Yiwei?!"

"Kill without mercy!!!"

A murderous word just shouted from Zhu Youjian's mouth.


(End of this chapter)

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