Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 605 The cry of the old Qin people resounded throughout the world!

Chapter 605 The cry of the old Qin people resounded throughout the world!
"Father, I'm here!"

I saw Xiao Yan greeting Xiao Zhan at this moment.

And soon, Xiao Yan's figure came directly to Xiao Zhan's side.

Facing Xiao Yan's figure, Xiao Zhan's eyes showed a deep and heavy look at this moment: "Who are these people?"

"What kind of Great Qin Empire do they claim to be?"

"What is the origin of this Great Qin Empire?"

"Why did you, Yan'er, come out together with them?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan had a lot to say to Xiao Yan, and finally he asked this key question directly.

That is the origin of the Great Qin Empire, and why did Xiao Yan hang out with them?
Faced with the questions that Xiao Zhan had at this moment, Xiao Yan looked at the figures of the Qin soldiers in the sky, and then saw Xiao Yan take a deep breath: "Father, how can I tell you this. "

"You just need to know that from now on, the entire Cangqiong World will belong to the Great Qin Empire."

"And they belong to the Qin Empire."

At this moment, Xiao Yan pointed at the Da Qin soldiers in the sky.

Facing the words Xiao Yan said at this moment, Xiao Zhan didn't know what to say for a moment.

"The Great Qin Empire?"

"Will the entire world become the territory of the Qin Empire?"

At this moment, Xiao Zhan had a confused expression in his eyes.

It was obvious that Xiao Zhan at this moment had no idea what was going on. If his son Xiao Yan hadn't said this, his attitude would have been that it was simply sensational.

How big is their sky world?
Xiao Zhan doesn't know, but what is certain is that the area of ​​their Cangqiong World is absolutely huge. As a result, the Great Qin Empire that popped up from nowhere actually said that it would completely include the entire Cangqian World. Under the rule of the Qin Empire.

This will naturally make Xiao Zhan feel deeply confused.

Regarding the confusion in Xiao Zhan's eyes at this moment, he saw many elders of the Xiao family behind him looking at each other like this.

"Young Patriarch, who is this Great Qin Empire?"

The eldest elder of the Xiao family spoke with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

He also heard the conversation between Xiao Yan and his father Xiao Zhan, and he also heard from Xiao Yan's mouth that the other party had an extremely clear understanding of the strength of the Great Qin Empire.

Since this so-called Great Qin Empire can take down the entire world of the sky, how powerful must this Great Qin Empire be?
At this moment, the eldest elder of the Xiao family really wants to know what is going on.

Facing the words from the Xiao family's elder, Xiao Yan nodded slightly at this moment: "Of course, elder, what our Xiao family needs to do now is to stay here honestly. Don’t try to provoke the Qin Empire.”

"No one who provokes the Great Qin Empire has good results, and I think I should have a deeper understanding of the world of the sky than you, the Great Elder."

"I know what is going on in our current Cangqiong World, and I also know what is going on in the Great Qin Empire. All you need to do now is lead the entire Xiao family not to provoke the Great Qin Empire."

I saw Xiao Yan speaking with a serious expression.

He does not want some disciples of his Xiao family to provoke the Great Qin Empire. Although this is almost impossible, after all, the strength of the Great Qin Empire is there. If those disciples of the Xiao family really dare to provoke the Great Qin Empire, , that’s not a provocation, that’s just going to die.

Although Xiao Yan is not very fond of the disciples in his family, they are still part of their family, and he cannot just watch them die. Facing the instructions from Xiao Yan, the eldest elder of the Xiao family looked deeply at Xiao Yan at this moment, and then nodded with a calm look in his eyes: "Don't worry, I will take care of the entire Xiao family. of the disciples.”

For the eldest elder of the Xiao family at this moment, although he did not know why Xiao Yan had such strong confidence, the other party actually claimed to know the situation of the Cangqiong World. He was not sure how big the Cangqiong World was. As a result, Xiao Yan now How dare this kid say that.

But at this moment, the eldest elder of the Xiao family just watched more and more Qin soldiers in the sky begin to pour out from the Gate of Space and Time. At this moment, the eldest elder of the Xiao family directly pressed the thoughts in his heart deep in his heart. I don't dare to show it at all.

Although he didn't know where the Great Qin Empire came from, the strength currently displayed by the Great Qin Empire was real.

The sense of oppression exuded by the Great Qin Empire, the terrifying murderous aura exuded by the Great Qin Empire, really made the eldest elder of the Xiao family understand that the Xiao family of Wutan City was probably incompetent in front of the Great Qin Empire. A fallen ant.

He didn't dare to have any ideas. Even though the Great Qin Empire might be exaggerated, the strength of the Great Qin Empire was indeed obvious.

The strength of the Great Qin Empire is definitely a behemoth to Wutan City.

Soon, as time passed, all the 100 million troops of the Azure Dragon Legion arrived in the sky world at this moment.

As the 100 million troops of the Azure Dragon Legion arrived in the sky world, Wang Jian, the marshal of the Azure Dragon Legion, also looked at the figures of these soldiers in his field of vision at this moment.


"We have now successfully arrived in this unknown new world!"

"At this moment, what we need to do now is very simple, that is to fill the entire world with the Black Dragon Flag of the Qin Empire!"

"Let the Black Dragon Flag of the Qin Empire fly over the entire world."

"Do you have the confidence?!"

Faced with Wang Jian's inquiry, all the soldiers in the Qinglong Legion replied loudly without hesitation: "Yes!"

When bursts of sound began to resound throughout the world, all the civilians in Wutan City below looked at the dark scene in the sky with trembling expressions.


One after another, civilians in Wutan City had expressions of disbelief in their eyes.

"This, this, this..."

Obviously, everyone in the entire city of Wutan was frightened.

The Daqin soldiers in the sky also shouted loudly at this moment.




The shouts from the people of Great Qin and Old Qin appeared directly and completely in the world of the sky at this moment.


(End of this chapter)

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