Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 607 Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao ask for help from Yingzheng

Chapter 607 Zhu Youjian and Cao Cao ask for help from Yingzheng

And just when the army of the Great Qin Empire began to fight in the Cangqiong World, many friends in the chat group also learned about the current situation of the Great Qin Empire directly attacking the Cangqiong World.

Regarding this situation, the members of the chat group must have felt incredible when they first learned about it.

After all, the difference between the strength of the Great Qin Empire and the world of the sky where Xiao Yan lives is completely earth-shaking.

But the Great Qin Empire just went ahead and invaded the Cangqiong World.

Everyone in the chat group felt deeply confused for a while, but when Xiao Yan took the initiative to tell all the reasons for this incident, everyone in the chat group finally understood what the situation was.

It turned out that some powerful men in the Cangqiong World quietly followed Xiao Yan directly to the Great Qin Empire when Xiao Yan went to the Great Qin Empire.

If they just went to the Great Qin Empire, then forget it. The problem was that the group of strong men from the Cangqiong World were directly caught by the strong men from the Great Qin Empire.

Then in order to survive, the group of strong men from the Firmament World directly chose to dedicate the Firmament World they were in to the Great Qin Empire.

Regarding this situation, everyone in the chat group only felt that it was a little incredible, but when faced with the words told by Xiao Yan, they believed that it was obviously true.

Because Xiao Yan had no need to lie to them, so when he thought that the Great Qin Empire had a new world, and the overall strength of this new world was not weak, all the members in the entire chat group were I felt a deep taste.

Zhu Youjian, who was in the Ming Empire, had a look of silence in his eyes at this moment: "When will the Ming Empire reach the level of the Qin Empire?"

I saw a deep confusion in Zhu Youjian's eyes at this moment.

For Zhu Youjian at this moment, he also has a rough understanding of the strength of the Ming Empire today, that is, the strength of the Ming Empire cannot even be compared with the sky world occupied by the Qin Empire.

The overall strength of their Ming Empire cannot even be compared to the Sky World occupied by the Qin Empire!
So how long will it take for their Ming Empire to reach the level of the Qin Empire?
Although Zhu Youjian knew that the gap between the Ming Empire and the Qin Empire was definitely not just one or two points, Zhu Youjian still felt deeply confused when faced with this gap that had no end in sight.

"Perhaps, I can try to get the Ming Empire to follow the Qin Empire."

At the same time, Zhu Youjian said to himself with a thought in his eyes at this moment.

From Zhu Youjian's point of view at this moment, he believed that if his Ming Empire wanted to become more powerful, it seemed that it had no choice but to actively contact the Qin Empire.

Of course, this does not mean that the Ming Empire will directly become a subsidiary of the Qin Empire. It just means that if the Ming Empire wants to become more powerful, it is obvious that it must enter other worlds.

The problem is that they simply do not have the ability to directly send his Ming Empire to other worlds.

So after thinking about it, Zhu Youjian felt that maybe he could ask Ying Zheng for help.

And at this moment, Zhu Youjian had the idea that the Ming Empire wanted to ask for help from Ying Zheng. Cao Cao, who was in the Wei Empire, also had an idea in his eyes at this moment: "Maybe you can really choose to go." Contact the First Emperor."

At this moment, Cao Cao also said to himself with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

That's right, for Cao Cao at this moment, facing the current strength of the Qin Empire, it is visible to the naked eye that it is getting stronger and stronger. Although the strength of his Wei Empire can be considered quite high in the entire chat group. Not bad, but in the face of the Qin Empire, even Cao Cao, the founding emperor of the Wei Empire, could only lower his head helplessly.

Because Cao Cao knew that the power gap between his Wei Empire and Qin Empire was completely the gap between heaven and earth. And according to the news from some chat group members in the Great Qin Empire, it can be known that the immortals and Buddhas in the Great Qin Empire are no longer a rare thing.

There are even some serious immortal and Buddhist prisoners in the Great Qin Empire. These are some of the beings captured by the Great Qin Empire when it went to attack other worlds.

When he thought that the legendary immortals and Buddhas had become prisoners of the Qin Empire, Cao Cao naturally understood the gap in strength between his Wei Empire and the Qin Empire.

The gap between the two sides can be described as heaven and earth.

If his Great Wei Empire wants to become more powerful, it must launch attacks on other worlds like the Great Qin Empire!
This is what Cao Cao summed up to develop his Wei Empire by plundering some resources possessed by other worlds.

As Cao Cao and Zhu Youjian both had this idea at this moment, they directly started to choose Aite Yingzheng in the chat group.

"@贴正, His Majesty the First Emperor."

"I have a request. I wonder if you can agree to it?"

At the same time, Zhu Youjian's eyes suddenly showed nervousness and he said.

At the same time, Cao Cao, who was in the Wei Empire, also showed a hint of nervousness.

Faced with the fact that these two emperors took the initiative in the chat group, everyone in the chat group looked at the two emperors with curiosity.

"Ah, what are these two emperors doing?"

Zhang Sanfeng, who was in the world of fairy swords, showed a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Faced with the confusion in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes at this moment, Yue Buqun, who was beside him, said with a smile in his eyes: "I think I should have a rough idea of ​​what they are going to do."

"It should be to make the country behind them stronger."

"Especially since the world of Cangqiong is about to become the territory of the Great Qin Empire, their idea is even more profound."

Yue Buqun smiled slightly and said.

Facing what Yue Buqun said at this moment, Qiao Feng beside him also nodded in agreement and said: "It makes sense. The two of them may have been stimulated, so they wanted to let the people behind them The empire has become stronger, so they are directly preparing to ask the First Emperor for help. "

Listening to Qiao Feng's words, Zhang Sanfeng looked at the chat group at the moment: "Interesting."

"I wonder how His Majesty the First Emperor should reply to these two people?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the chat group screen with a hint of curiosity in his eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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