Daqin: I am Yingzheng, join the chat group at the beginning

Chapter 621 Nick Fury: You are a traitor to the earth! You bastard!

Chapter 621 Nick Fury: You are a traitor to the earth! You bastard!
"Tony Stark!"

"What on earth do you want to do?!"

I saw Nick Fury staring at Tony Stark with anger in his eyes.

However, facing Nick Fury's anger at the moment, Tony Stark, who was opposite him, shook his head slightly: "What do I want to do?"

"I think you should know what I want to do."

Tony Stark shook his head slightly and said.

"And I seem to have never provoked you from the beginning to the end. As for the Cosmic Cube?"

"I can tell you clearly now that you should stop thinking about the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, because the Cosmic Rubik's Cube has returned to the hands of a strong man who should belong to him."

"The Earth should not come into contact with the Cosmic Rubik's Cube. The Cosmic Rubik's Cube is simply not something that the Earth can come into contact with."

I saw Tony Stark looking deeply at Nick Fury at this moment.

Although Tony Stark doesn't know what level the Cosmic Cube belongs to, he understands that the Cosmic Cube is definitely not something that their small earth can possess.

As for why Tony Stark is so sure?

It's very simple, because the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is something that even Emperor Ying Zheng of the Qin Dynasty considers it to be a treasure. So how can this thing be controlled by their small earth?
What can their small earth do to protect such a powerful treasure like the Universal Rubik's Cube?
In Tony Stark's view, their Earth holding a thing like the Cosmic Rubik's Cube is probably, in the eyes of some powerful people, like a kid wandering around on the street holding a gold brick.

In order to prevent their earth from encountering a fatal crisis, in Tony Stark's view at this moment, there was absolutely nothing wrong with what he did!
What he did was entirely for the sake of the entire earth's civilization.

As for what he did, did he get permission from SHIELD?
Sorry, does Tony Stark need SHIELD's permission to do anything?

What is SHIELD?
What qualifications does SHIELD have to manage him?
Listening to Tony Stark's straightforward words, Nick Fury looked at Tony Stark deeply at this moment: "So, was the Cosmic Cube really brought to the so-called Qin Empire by you? "

At this moment, Nick Fury suddenly remembered the so-called Great Qin general wearing ancient dragon armor that they had met on the top floor of the Stark Group.

The other party took Tony Stark away, and at the same time, the murderous aura exuding from the other party was enough to indicate that the other party was not an ordinary existence at all.

The most important thing is that the power of space shown by the opponent is definitely the power contained in the Universe Rubik's Cube.

Now listening to Tony Stark's words, this has to make Nick Fury think that Tony Stark may have actually handed over the Cosmic Cube to the Great Qin Empire at that time.

Regarding Nick Fury's current words, Tony Stark looked at Nick Fury with a hint of indifference in his eyes, and then said with a calm look in his eyes: "That's right. You asked me that, so I won’t hide it anymore. I did hand the Cosmic Cube directly to the Emperor of Qin, so don’t think about the day when the Cosmic Cube will come back.”

"The Cosmic Cube is not something you can control at all."

"And don't talk to me about the so-called safety of the earth." "In the future, the safety of the earth will no longer be the responsibility of SHIELD. In the future, all civilians on the earth will be controlled by the Qin Empire." Manage it!”

I saw Tony Stark looking at Nick Fury with a serious look in his eyes.

He naturally knew what Nick Fury would say to refute him next, and he would most likely say something about the safety of the earth next.

As for the issue of the comfort of the earth, Tony Stark can only say that no matter how hard it is, the safety of the earth will not be solved by the S.H.I.E.L.D. used by Nick Fury.

What kind of situation would it be like to compare the power possessed by SHIELD with that of the Qin Empire?
In Tony Stark's view, all the power they have on the entire planet is not even as powerful as the security personnel he encountered in the scientific research institute.

Yes, this is Tony Stark's evaluation of what they have on the earth today. The power they have on the earth is not even as powerful as the security personnel in the scientific research institute.

Let me ask, how can such a weak earth have such a powerful force that can solve the Great Qin Empire?

The civilians on the earth do not need to be managed by SHIELD at all. The civilians on the earth will be managed by the Great Qin Empire. As long as the earth becomes the place of the Great Qin Empire, then all the civilians on the earth will be managed by SHIELD. All problems will be handed over to the so-called S.H.I.E.L.D. of the Great Qin Empire, and they can get away with it as far as they want.

Listening to these words from Tony Stark, Nick Fury instantly looked at Tony Stark with an expression of disbelief: "What did you say?"

"The Great Qin Empire?"

"The earth will be handed over to the Qin Empire for management?"

In an instant, Nick Fury looked at Tony Stark with a horrified look in his eyes.

For Nick Fury at this moment, facing the words spoken by Tony Stark, there is only one thought left in Nick Fury's mind at this moment.

That means Tony Stark won't lead the Qin Empire to their earth, right?
If the so-called Great Qin Empire really came to their earth, although Nick Fury didn't know what the strength of the Great Qin Empire was, he also knew that the strength they had on earth was absolutely incomparable to that so-called The Great Qin Empire went to compete.

After all, the general of the Great Qin Empire at that time made him feel the strength gap between the two of them. If the army of the Great Qin Empire really just came to their earth, Nick Fury believed that by then their entire earth would be without any A force can compete with this so-called Great Qin Empire.

When he thought about Tony Stark bringing this unknown force, which was probably an alien force, directly to their earth, Nick Fury's eyes showed an unprecedented anger.

"You bastard!"

"Traitor of Earth!"


(End of this chapter)

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