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Chapter 629 The Qin soldiers who ignored the nuclear explosion

Chapter 629 The Qin soldiers who ignored the nuclear explosion


Just as mushroom clouds began to appear over cities one after another, all nuclear-armed countries in the world and even every country set their eyes fiercely on the beautiful country's land.

The nuclear bomb is the biggest killer weapon currently belonging to their human civilization. If the nuclear bomb does no harm to this unknown force, then they may just wait to die.

After all, if nuclear bombs do no harm to the opponent at all, then what weapons do their current human civilization have that can threaten the opponent?
I'm afraid there won't be any anymore, so what else can they do in the face of such a huge number of soldiers owned by the other side?
Then we can only honestly choose to surrender.


When bursts of explosions resounding throughout the world began to appear crazily in the sky above cities, Nick Fury in the S.H.I.E.L.D. headquarters was also closely watching the mushroom clouds in his field of vision.

At this moment, Nick Fury also really wants to know whether the nuclear bomb can kill these Qin soldiers. If the nuclear bomb can kill these Qin soldiers, then the huge boulder suspended in Nick Fury's heart will completely fall.

Because this means that the so-called Great Qin Empire can be killed, and their earth civilization has hope of defeating each other!
On the contrary, if even nuclear bombs cannot kill this so-called Great Qin soldier, then their human civilization will have no hope at all. The final outcome of their human civilization will 100% be ruled by this Great Qin Empire.

So at this moment, Nick Fury is particularly concerned about whether nuclear bombs can kill these Qin soldiers.

At this moment, when Nick Fury looked nervously at the mushroom clouds in his field of vision, when the Great Qin soldiers in the mushroom clouds felt that power, every Great Qin soldier There was an unprecedented calmness in the soldiers' eyes.

They did not feel that this so-called nuclear bomb posed any special sense of crisis to them. They really did not notice the slightest danger in this so-called nuclear bomb, and there were not even any marks on their armor.

However, when they saw that the ordinary civilians in the city they were in were directly killed by this so-called nuclear bomb, the Daqin soldiers shook their heads slightly.

"It seems like this so-called beautiful country really wants to kill us."

Some Da Qin soldiers just smiled at their companions and said.

"They don't even care about the civilians in their own country, so they must kill us. I didn't expect that we could make them take it so seriously."

Regarding the smiles that these Daqin soldiers had at this moment, the companions around them nodded in response: "That's right, if we let them know about the weapon they have, there will be nothing they can do about it. We even In the end, I don’t know what kind of mood they will have when they don’t know how many of their own citizens were killed.”

Some Da Qin soldiers had deep smiles in their eyes.

They really want to know now. Later, some leaders of this beautiful country will know that the weapon they possess cannot cause any harm to them. On the contrary, all the citizens of their own country died under this weapon. What kind of scene will happen?
And just when there was a deep smile in the eyes of these Da Qin soldiers, some of the team leaders waved their hands directly: "Don't laugh around here, hurry up and take action."

"Strive to fully integrate this earth into the rule of Qin as soon as possible."

Facing the captain's order, the ordinary soldiers understood instantly.

"As you command, Captain."

"Action!" Soon, one by one, the soldiers began to walk directly out of the range of the nuclear bomb explosion.

As for the nuclear radiation contained in nuclear bombs?

Sorry, these so-called nuclear radiations do no harm to Daqin soldiers at all. Even standing directly in the center of a nuclear explosion next to a big city for millions of years will probably have no effect at all.

"Ta Tata..."

With the sound of footsteps, Da Qin soldiers walked out of the center of the nuclear explosion one after another.

When the Qin soldiers walked out of the center of the nuclear explosion directly under the eyes of the whole world, the whole world was completely silent at this moment.

One country after another looked at the pictures displayed on the satellite surveillance. They looked at the appearance of the Great Qin soldiers walking out of the center of the nuclear explosion. They looked at the appearance of those Great Qin soldiers without any damage at all. All countries were silent. .

They had thought that the Great Qin soldiers might be able to avoid the power of the nuclear explosion. After all, the mere fact that the Great Qin soldiers could float in the sky meant that these Great Qin soldiers were definitely not ordinary people, but they really had not thought about it. This Great Qin soldier could actually ignore the power caused by a nuclear explosion!

You must know that nuclear bombs are the most powerful weapons of their current human civilization. As a result, their most powerful weapons of human civilization are completely unable to cause any harm to the soldiers of Qin. This scene is a sight for all countries in the world. , they all instantly felt an unprecedented despair.

Because this represents a result, it means that the Great Qin Empire will completely rule them in the future!
And their country will cease to exist at this moment, and will be replaced by the so-called Great Qin Empire.

At the thought of this, all countries in the world fell into complete silence.

In the Stark Tower at this moment, Tony Stark looked at the Daqin soldiers who came out of the nuclear explosion unharmed. Tony Stark could not help but feel a sense of fear at the beginning. After all, nuclear bombs are the most powerful weapons they have in human civilization, even though he knows that the strength of Da Qin soldiers can ignore the power of nuclear explosions.

But when the Qin soldiers actually emerged from the nuclear explosion unharmed, Tony Stark could only say that his previous worries were completely in vain.

The power possessed by Da Qin soldiers was beyond his imagination.

"It seems that the entire earth will soon become the territory of the Qin Empire."

I saw Tony Stark talking to himself while raising the wine glass in his hand and shaking it.

And Nick Fury, who was in SHIELD headquarters, fell completely silent for a while watching this scene.

"Earth, it's finished..."

A desperate voice sounded in Nick Fury's office.


(End of this chapter)

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