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Chapter 634 Magneto sent to the Research Institute

Chapter 634 Magneto sent to the Research Institute

"Marshal, I think maybe we can let him go to the scientific research institute to stay."

At this moment, Tony Stark could not help but speak to Han Xin.

Facing the words from Tony Stark, Han Xin said with a hint of inquiry in his eyes: "What's wrong?"

"Is it possible that this guy is special?"

Obviously, although Han Xin had a little understanding of this magnetism, he didn't know much about it, so when faced with Tony Stark's words, Han Xin naturally showed a look of doubt.

"Marshal, the magnetism possessed by Magneto seems to be nothing, but if the magnetism possessed by him is thoroughly studied, I believe it will be of huge benefit to the scientists in the scientific research institute."

"Leave him to the scientists in the scientific research institute. I believe the scientists in the scientific research institute should be quite curious about this guy who masters magnetism."

Tony Stark said to Han Xin.

Facing the words from Tony Stark, Han Xin at this moment looked at Magneto in front of him, and then nodded slightly: "Okay, since you said so, then I will Give you a face."

"When you go back, take him to the Research Institute, and he will be left to you."

In response, Han Xin directly handed over Magneto to Tony Stark.

For Han Xin at this moment, he thinks there is nothing special about Magneto. Maybe there is something special but he has not discovered it.

In this case, it is better to hand over Magneto to the group of people at the Scientific Research Institute for research. Han Xin believes that those guys in the Scientific Research Institute will definitely study Magneto thoroughly.

Regarding the scientists in the Scientific Research Institute, Han Xin's impression was that although their strength was not as good as that of the soldiers in their army, some of the abilities possessed by the scientists in the Scientific Research Institute were extremely powerful.

Some of the means they have can be described as being invisible.

Then they might really be able to research something from Magneto.

If something is really researched from Magneto, Han Xin feels that this will be a big improvement for the entire Great Qin Empire.

Facing the words between Han Xin and Tony Stark, Magneto showed a silent expression and stood there blankly, not daring to have any thoughts.

Obviously, Magneto is still a little bit reluctant to the ending he currently has. He is no longer the famous Magneto he once was. He is now just a prisoner belonging to the Great Qin Empire.

Since he is a prisoner belonging to the Great Qin Empire, all he needs to do now is to obey the other party's orders honestly. Other than that, he cannot make any movement at all.

"Research Institute, what kind of place is this?"

I saw Magneto talking to himself in his heart with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Listening to the conversation between Han Xin and Tony Stark, Magneto understood that he should be sent to the scientific research institute in the Qin Empire next, and what exactly was the scientific research institute in the Qin Empire like? ?
Magneto expressed extreme doubts about this. "It seems that only after arriving in the Great Qin Empire can we know what this scientific research institute is like."

At this moment, Magneto's eyes were seen twinkling slightly.

And just as Magneto's eyes flickered slightly, soldiers from the Qin Empire began to appear directly in the skies of one country after another.

Facing the soldiers from the Great Qin Empire, the top leaders of one country after another wanted to resist, but unfortunately they knew clearly how powerful the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire were.

Their nuclear weapons, the ultimate weapons possessed by humans, are completely unable to do anything to the other party, so now they are really like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with no power to resist at all.

Since they were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered and had no strength to resist, they naturally gave up the idea of ​​resisting. If they didn't resist, they would still have a chance to survive, but if they resisted, they wouldn't even be able to survive. opportunity.

They don't think that the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire will not kill them. The status they once held may belong to the highest controllers in a country, but in the face of the Great Qin Empire, the status they have What is the use of status?
The status they held was of no use at all, so they had no idea of ​​resistance when facing the Qin soldiers.

Just like that, the Black Dragon Flag from the Great Qin Empire began to fly over one country after another.

When the Black Dragon Flag from the Great Qin Empire began to fly over cities one after another, the Great Qin Empire directly took over the entire current earth.

And when the Great Qin Empire took over the entire earth, all the mutants on the earth were directly found by the Great Qin soldiers.

They may think that they are hiding very well in human society, but unfortunately in front of the Qin soldiers, the hiding they have is as eye-catching as a fire lit in the dark night.

As all the mutants on the earth were found, Han Xin stood directly in mid-air looking at the mutants below.

"Come and see, should we put all these mutants into the scientific research institute?"

Han Xin spoke to Tony Stark with a hint of questioning in his eyes.

For Han Xin at this moment, since Magneto is somewhat useful to the scientific research institute, are these other mutants also somewhat useful to the scientific research institute?
So Han Xin directly arrested all these mutants.

Facing Han Xin in the sky, all the mutants below were trembling and looking at Han Xin in the sky.

For these mutants, the only thought in their minds now is whether they can survive next.

Facing these ferocious Da Qin soldiers, all the mutants felt a deep trembling, because they understood the gap in strength between the two sides, and their resistance was completely useless. They were now just at the mercy of others. Like a lamb.

Regarding the trembling mutants below, Tony Stark, who was in the sky at the moment, looked at the mutants below and fell into thought for a while.


(End of this chapter)

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