Chapter 639 Han Xin VS God King Odin
"damn it!"

When a roar came from the depths of Asgard, Han Xin, who was in the air above the Kirin Legion, showed a disdainful smile: "Haha, the turtle-like thing has finally come out now."

As for the breath in the depths of Asgard, Han Xin had already sensed it when he led the Qilin Legion to Asgard.

After all, only that guy was the most powerful in the entire Asgard, so Han Xin naturally stared directly into the depths of Asgard, but what he didn't expect was that that guy was really tolerant.

When Asgard was about to be destroyed, the opponent hadn't come out yet, but what they didn't expect was that the opponent couldn't help it after the so-called Thor, the God of Thunder, was killed.

"It looks like this guy should be the shrunken kid."

I saw Han Xin looking at the figure deep in Asgard with a trace of disdain.

"Then let me meet you personally."

Han Xin said calmly.

"You go and deal with the other beings in Asgard at this time, and leave this guy to me."

I saw Han Xin speaking seriously.

For Han Xin, the strength of the guy in his field of vision is not very strong, but if he can't stand the opponent's current posture, it looks like he is going to fight for his life.

If a strong person who has transcended the tribulation realm really wants to fight for his life, then a strong person who has transcended the tribulation realm at the same level may not be able to stop him.

In other words, some of the generals in his Qilin Legion may not be able to stop the opponent. Even if they can stop the opponent, by then the generals in his Qilin Legion will probably suffer more or less. color.

If that's the case, then he, the marshal of the Qilin Legion, should take action himself.

His strength is that of a serious Earth Immortal!

Han Xin is confident that he can completely deal with Odin, the god king who has the power to transcend the tribulation realm.

The difference in strength between him and Odin is there. He is a serious being in the realm of earthly immortals. As for the God King Odin?

Sorry, Han Xin agreed with the god-king Odin who had the power to transcend the tribulation realm, but he was obviously standing opposite their Great Qin Empire.

Facing the enemy standing opposite their Great Qin Empire, Han Xin had only one attitude, and that was to kill!

"As ordered."

The general of the Qilin Legion behind Han Xin immediately respectfully expressed his understanding.


In the blink of an eye, the figure of General Da Qin disappeared in an instant, and they went directly to deal with the other strong men they encountered in Asgard.

As many Great Qin generals left, God King Odin also appeared directly on the battlefield at this moment.

As the figure of God King Odin appeared directly on the battlefield, he also saw the tragic ending of his Asgardian soldiers on the battlefield.

"damn it!"

"You damn intruders!"

Looking at the Asgardian soldiers dying on the battlefield, God King Odin's eyes revealed an unprecedented anger.

For the God King Odin at this moment, these soldiers are the ones who follow him in the north and south. It can be said that it is precisely because of the existence of these soldiers that Asgard's reputation resounds throughout the nine realms and even the entire universe.

As a result, the current outcome of these soldiers was indeed beaten like this by the enemy who jumped out of nowhere. For the God King Odin at this moment, he naturally knew what the outcome of their Asgard would be next. Looks like.

Even if Asgard can survive the next invasion, their Asgard's reputation in the entire universe will probably never return. When the enemy sees that Asgard's strength has declined to such an extent, they will pounce on them like a vicious wolf. In other words, even if Asgard can survive the current battle, they will not be able to survive the subsequent revenge from all worlds in the universe.

Of course, whether Asgard can survive the next battle is a big question.

Seeing the strength of the Qin soldiers on the opposite side, God King Odin showed a deep despair in his eyes.

"I will definitely make you pay the price!"

God King Odin spoke with a look of anger in his eyes.

Facing the anger in the eyes of God King Odin, Han Xin, who was opposite him, attacked God King Odin without hesitation.

"No more ink stains, go to hell!"

As he spoke, Han Xin directly held a spear and swiped at God King Odin.

"Boom boom boom!"

When Han Xin waved the spear fiercely at God King Odin, an explosion that resounded throughout Asgard began to appear directly on the spear that Han Xin waved.

Facing the attack from Han Xin, Odin instantly sensed a fatal crisis in this attack.

"not good!"

Regarding this fatal crisis, Odin instantly understood the actual gap between the two of them.

Regarding the strength gap between the two sides, Odin no longer had any ink marks at this moment, and directly began to violently explode all the power in his body towards the opponent.


As a scream rang out, all the power in Odin's body began to burst out crazily.

Facing Han Xin opposite him, Odin understood at this moment that he had to unleash all his power. If he was still hiding it, Asgard would be destroyed today.


When Zeus began to burst out all the power in his body, Han Xin, who was opposite him, began to wave his spear and blast away without blinking.


Just when Odin used all his own power to swipe at the power exploded by Han Xin, the spear swung by Han Xin directly knocked Odin away.

"Thump thump!"

Odin's figure was directly shot away by Han Xin.

After seeing Odin's figure being shot away by Han Xin, the Asgard soldiers who were fighting reluctantly with the Qin soldiers on the ground were completely stunned.

Odin is the belief of all the soldiers in Asgard. As a result, their belief was ejected under their eyes. This scene was no less than a heavy blow to the soldiers of Asgard.

The soldiers of Da Qin would not tolerate them.

"go to hell!"

In the blink of an eye, countless Asgardian soldiers died directly under the attack of Daqin soldiers.


(End of this chapter)

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