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Chapter 650 Lu Bu’s helplessness, Cao Cao: You don’t want to see Wuhundian being hunted down, right?

Chapter 650 Lu Bu’s helplessness, Cao Cao: You don’t want to see Wuhundian being hunted down, right?
"Hello, girl."

Cao Cao spoke softly to Bibi Dong.

Facing the words from Cao Cao, Bibi Dong looked at Cao Cao with a look of despair.

Although Bibi Dong didn't know what Cao Cao's identity was, judging from the status that Cao Cao held in the Wei Empire, Cao Cao could definitely be considered to have a high and powerful position in the Wei Empire.

Facing this kind of person, in Bibi Dong's view, it was the other person who ruined her first-hand foundation.

If the other party hadn't led the Wei Empire to directly attack them, I'm afraid that Wuhun Palace, under her leadership, would have been able to dominate the entire Douluo World in one fell swoop.

In the end, because of the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire that popped up out of nowhere, her ambitions were completely wiped out.

For Bibi Dong, this can definitely be described as miserable or even desperate.

So in the face of Cao Cao's immediate move, Bibi Dong directly chose to ignore it, and there was even a deep anger in Bibi Dong's eyes.

Facing the anger in Bibi Dong's eyes, Cao Cao narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Your Majesty, this."

"Do you want?"

Lu Bu's figure came to Cao Cao's side and stretched out his hand to scratch his neck.

Obviously, in the face of Bibi Dong's attitude, in Lu Bu's view, the other party seemed to have not yet clearly understood the situation and problems the other party currently had.

Perhaps before their Wei Empire and Ming Empire came, there would be no problem for this so-called Spirit Hall to be superior in this world, after all, the strength possessed by the opponent.

But what about now?
Sorry, the most powerful ones in the entire Douluo World are now their Great Wei Empire and the Ming Empire that traveled into this world together with their Great Wei Empire.

The Ming Empire and the Wei Empire are the most powerful existences in the entire Douluo world today. As for Bibi Dong?

Bibi Dong was just a prisoner. A prisoner dared to act like this when facing the emperor of the Wei Empire. Lu Bu felt that he needed to let the other party understand what the situation he was currently in was like.

Regarding Lu Bu's words at this moment, Bibi Dong closed her eyes calmly, and then said with a hint of indifference: "Then kill me."

"I believe that I have no use value to you at all. With your strong strength, you can directly unify the entire Douluo World."

"I have no use value to you at all, just kill me."

At this moment, Bibi Dong said with a hint of deathly grayness in her eyes.

In Bibi Dong's view, if she had not been defeated before, she might actually have some use value, and she, the leader of the coalition, needed to disintegrate their coalition of soul masters.

However, the current situation is that their coalition of soul masters has been completely eliminated by the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire. No force in the entire Douluo World can compete with the Ming Empire and the Wei Empire.

Since there is no force in the entire world that can compete with these two empires, then just kill her, who is completely useless.


Regarding Bibi Dong's current posture, Lu Bu held Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly.

Regarding Lu Bu who was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd tightly, Cao Cao beside him directly stretched out his hand to block Lu Bu's next action: "Don't be so angry."

"You need to be patient when dealing with women, especially beauties."

"Right, little beauty."

Cao Cao narrowed his eyes and looked at Bibi Dong. For Cao Cao, Bibi Dong's current appearance directly hit Cao Cao's inner thoughts.

Therefore, Cao Cao's attitude towards Bibi Dong at this moment is very simple, that is, to bring her into the harem.

Even if he couldn't bring her into the harem, at least Cao Cao would have a taste of Bibi Dong.

Facing Cao Cao's actions at this moment, Lu Bu, who was holding Fang Tian's painted halberd, twitched slightly at the corner of his mouth.

As the God of War in the Great Wei Empire, Lu Bu naturally belongs to the upper echelons of the Great Wei Empire. Since he is the upper echelon of the Great Wei Empire, Lu Bu naturally understands some of the hobbies of their emperor Cao Cao.

For example, about good wives, this can be said to be news that anyone with a little bit of strength in the entire Wei Empire can know. However, if you know it, no one dares to say it in front of their emperor. Talk about this.

So many people have subconsciously forgotten that their emperor Cao Cao loved his wife.

Now, when they came to this world, especially when facing this woman, looking at the appearance of this woman named Bibi Dong, Lu Bu had a deep helplessness in his eyes.

"It seems that His Majesty has thoughts about this woman."

Lu Bu shook his head helplessly and sighed.

For Lu Bu at this moment, this matter is really not something he can stop.

Although this woman named Bibi Dong belongs to the resistance force in this world, under normal circumstances, they need to completely eliminate her.

Then the problem is that their Majesty has taken a fancy to this woman, so what can be done?
At present, he still needs to kill the other party?
It's impossible. As for the final result, it seems that there is only one thing left, and that is His Majesty who will fulfill them.

"Your Majesty, I'm going to see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net."

In an instant, Lu Bu directly raised his hands and said.

Facing the words from Lu Bu, Cao Cao naturally understood Lu Bu's intentions, and this was exactly what Cao Cao expected.

"Go ahead and see if there are any fish that have slipped through the net!"

"If you encounter a fish that has slipped through the net, deal with it completely!"

Cao Cao spoke directly with a serious expression.

"As ordered."

As soon as he finished speaking, Lu Bu began to lead some soldiers towards the distance.


Just as Lu Bu led some soldiers towards the distance, only Cao Cao and Bibi Dong were left on the scene.

When only Cao Cao and Bibi Dong were left at the scene, Cao Cao looked at Bibi Dong with a smile.

"I heard your name is Bibi Dong, right?"

"Well, Bibi Dong, do you want to see some members of your so-called Spirit Hall being hunted down by the Wei Empire?"

I saw Cao Cao looking at Bibi Dong with a smile, but Bibi Dong suddenly fell into silence when faced with the words from Cao Cao.


(End of this chapter)

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