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Chapter 657: Killing the Soul Emperor with one sword, regret from Gu Yuan

Chapter 657: Killing the Soul Emperor with one sword, regret from Gu Yuan


In the blink of an eye, facing the beheading from Wang Jian, the Soul Emperor, who was the big boss in the sky world, was completely wiped out.

Looking at the Soul Emperor who was completely wiped out, various families in the Cangqiong Alliance Army below also began to be defeated one by one by the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire.


In the blink of an eye, as the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire began to defeat each family in the Cangqiong Alliance Army one by one, this meant that the Cangqiong Alliance Army was completely wiped out at this moment.

Regarding the annihilation of the Cang Qiong Alliance, many elders from the ancient tribes behind the Great Qin army expressed deep emotion.

"Although I knew that the Qin Empire's army could defeat these coalition forces, I didn't expect that it would be too easy. It feels unreal."

The great elder of the ancient clan shook his head slightly and sighed.

Facing the words spoken by the great elder of the ancient clan, the current second elder of the ancient clan calmly said: "It's normal. I think it's normal."

"The six major families in the coalition are very powerful. Even if our ancient clan faces the six major families in this coalition, we will probably be defeated directly."

"But it's a pity that they encountered the more powerful Great Qin Empire. The strength of the Great Qin Empire is beyond their imagination. Even if it is only 1/5 of the power, not even 1/5, it can still defeat the coalition forces. Everyone in the game realizes what dimensionality reduction is.”

The second elder of the ancient clan took a deep breath, and then spoke seriously.

Facing the words from the second elder of the ancient clan, several other elders also nodded: "Indeed, the six major families in the coalition are very powerful. They can even directly annihilate our entire ancient clan in one fell swoop, but in Facing the Qin Empire."

"Then the six major families in the coalition seem a bit unworthy."

"Look at the soldiers of the Great Qin Empire, the strength of the most ordinary soldiers belongs to the Douzong realm!"

"Existences in the Douzong realm can only serve as ordinary soldiers in the Qin Empire."

"And the number of Douzong soldiers, there are a full 100 million soldiers in the Qinglong Legion today!"

"With such a huge number, they can easily wipe out our entire sky world."

One of the elders said calmly.

For him, he believed that it was not unusual for the Great Qin Empire to easily destroy the coalition forces headed by the Soul Clan.

Is it strange?

No, no, no, it’s not surprising at all in his opinion, after all, the power of the Great Qin Empire lies here!

The Great Qin Empire has a total of five legions, and each legion has as many as 100 million soldiers. This means that the Great Qin Empire has a total of 500 million regular soldiers!

Five hundred million, this number is not a lot, but what if all these five hundred million are serious soldiers?

Moreover, the lowest strength possessed by these soldiers belongs to the Douzong realm, and those who can manage their existences are all Douzong-level beings. The strength of the officers is all Douzong realm. How many of these officers are there?
Sorry, they really can't know clearly, but one thing is certain, that is, the number of Dou Zun-level officers is hundreds of thousands, and may even be as high as one million!

This amount is scary!
And the generals in the Great Qin Empire are serious fighting saint-level beings!
Finally, the strength of each of the marshals in the five major legions of the Great Qin Empire belongs to the serious level of Emperor Dou!
According to the information they know so far, the strength possessed by the current Emperor of Great Qin is not an ordinary Dou Emperor level existence. The strength possessed by the Emperor of Great Qin is even higher than that of Dou Emperor. And this is only the military power of the Great Qin Empire. The power among the people of the Great Qin Empire is also very powerful, such as the so-called Ministry of Public Security.

The Ministry of Public Security, as its name suggests, manages public security issues throughout the Qin Empire.

Don't underestimate the Department of Public Security. Although it is just a department that manages public security issues, the power of this department that manages public security issues can grind their entire world to the ground. All the powers they have combined together may not be able to defeat this Ministry of Public Security. In fact, this Ministry of Public Security can easily grind their entire world to the ground.

These powers are only part of the Great Qin Empire, and even they don't know the true power of the Great Qin Empire.

So faced with 1/5 of the power used in the military, are you surprised that the coalition led by the Soul Clan can be easily destroyed?

Not surprised at all!
Regarding the words of many elders around him, Gu Yuan, the leader of the ancient clan, showed a deep disappointment at this moment: "It's a pity that Xun'er actually followed that guy Xiao Yan. If he hadn't followed that guy Xiao Yan, If so, we can send Xu E to the palace of the Qin Empire."

"Even if you just become an ordinary maid and palace maid, then the future of our ancient clan is limitless."

There was a trace of deep disappointment in Gu Yuan's eyes.

Although the future of the ancient clan following Xiao Yan will be good if nothing unexpected happens, but how can Xiao Yan compare with the emperor of the Great Qin Empire?

After seeing the power of the Qin Empire, Gu Yuan already felt a little disgusted with Xiao Yan.

However, even if he dislikes it, Gu Yuan also knows that it is the best result for his ancient clan to be included in Xiao Yan's list.

"Well, clan leader, although Xiao Yan is no match for the emperor of the Great Qin Empire, if nothing unexpected happens, Xiao Yan will probably be a strong man in the future. Our ancient clan may have to rely on each other in the future."

An elder comforted Gu Yuan.

Although they cannot be bound to the Great Qin Empire, they can only be bound to Xiao Yan, but this can be considered a relatively good result. After all, if nothing unexpected happens, Xiao Yan will definitely be a powerful man in the future.

This is a relatively good ending for the entire ancient tribe.

"Oh, of course I know."

Gu Yuan on the side nodded slightly.

At this moment, when the elders of the ancient tribe began to discuss, Wang Jian waved his hand directly: "Completely take over the remaining areas of the Cangqiong World!"

"From now on, this world will be the world of the Qin Empire!"

At this moment, Wang Jian spoke with serious words.

"Wind! Wind! Wind!"

In an instant, the soldiers of the Azure Dragon Legion let out bursts of roars.


(End of this chapter)

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