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Chapter 671: The Great Court Meeting is opened again, and the entire army attacks the Great Qin Empi

Chapter 671: The Great Court Meeting is opened again, and the entire army attacks the Great Qin Empire!
As the strength of the Great Qin Empire began to undergo rapid changes, Ying Zheng's strength also began to slowly progress from the initial stage of the Golden Immortal to the current middle stage of the Golden Immortal.

After all, the strength of the entire Great Qin Empire has been improved by a large level, so it is impossible that the strength of his Great Qin Emperor has not improved at all, right?
That was obviously impossible, so when the strength of the entire Great Qin Empire had been raised to a higher level, the strength of his Great Qin Emperor had also been raised to a higher level at this moment.

Facing the fact that the strength of the entire Great Qin Empire began to experience breakthroughs, Ying Zheng also directly launched the Great Court Meeting at this moment.


One after another figures flew directly towards the sky.

As the figures began to fly towards the Heavenly Palace, the soldiers in the five legions all showed expectant eyes.

Because the soldiers in the five major legions of the Qin Dynasty also understand that as the hundred-year period comes, if nothing unexpected happens next, I am afraid that they will most likely follow their majesty on an expedition to another world!
I just don’t know whether all five legions were dispatched or whether a certain legion stayed in the mainland of the Qin Empire.

The 500 million soldiers in the five major legions of the Great Qin Empire all showed expectant and nervous eyes.

Just when the 500 million soldiers of the Qin Dynasty all looked expectantly and nervously, the Great Court Meeting was held as scheduled.

"See Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, Holy Ann!"

Voices began to sound directly in the hall.

As voices began to ring out in the hall, Ying Zheng, who was sitting on the imperial throne, nodded slightly at this moment.

"Very good, it seems you haven't been lazy during these hundred years."

Regarding the current strength possessed by the civil and military officials below, Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction.

With the strength currently possessed by the civil and military officials below, this means that they have really practiced hard in the past hundred years.

Regarding the strength currently possessed by the civil and military officials below, while Ying Zheng felt satisfied for a while, many civil and military officials below showed a nervous look.

For the civil and military officials below, since their Majesty has shown an expression of approval to them, does this mean that they can follow their Majesty to another world?

But it's impossible for all five legions to follow their majesty to that other world, right?

Therefore, in their opinion, it is very likely that one of their five legions will remain in the mainland of the Qin Empire.

Facing the legions that were likely to stay in the mainland of Great Qin, the five marshals below all showed a nervous expression in their eyes.

Just as the eyes of the five marshals below showed a hint of nervousness, Ying Zheng, who was above the emperor's throne, smiled softly: "Are the soldiers in the five armies of Great Qin capable of fighting?!"

"Are the soldiers of Qin's 500 million army ready to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy?!"

For a moment, Ying Zheng looked directly at the five marshals and the many generals in the five legions below with a serious expression.

Listening to Ying Zheng's words, the eyes of the marshals of the five major legions and the generals in the five major legions in the hall instantly lit up.

"See Your Majesty!"

"The Azure Dragon, White Tiger, Suzaku, Xuanwu, and Qilin legions can go to the battlefield to kill the enemy!"

In an instant, a series of extremely firm voices began to sound continuously in the hall.

At this moment, these firm voices began to sound continuously in the hall, and Ying Zheng, who was sitting above the emperor's throne, nodded with satisfaction. "very good!"

"Now that we are ready, let all five legions be dispatched next!"

"The next world is a world where my strength is at the same level as the Yanhuang world. Although the strength in that world may be a little weaker than the current Yanhuang world, it is definitely not much weaker. Even The strength that that world possesses is the same as the strength that the Yanhuang world possesses today."

"Therefore, what the Great Qin Empire needs to do next is to attack together with the five legions!"

"Five legions, are you ready?!"

Ying Zheng said seriously.

Facing the serious words from Ying Zheng, the five marshals below all showed extremely excited expressions and replied: "See your Majesty!"

"The five legions are ready!"

In an instant, a series of extremely firm voices began to sound continuously in the hall.

At this moment, the eyes of many officials in the civil service system also flickered slightly.

For many officials in the civil service system at this moment, after they heard what Ying Zheng said, their only thought at the moment was to wait for the Great Qin Empire to defeat that world. What on earth would they do as civil servants in the Great Qin Empire? Take over that world.

A world that is on the same level as the Great Qin Empire, what kind of world is that?
They didn't know it clearly, but it didn't stop them from understanding that when the Great Qin Empire took over that world, the territory of their Great Qin Empire would more than double in one fell swoop.

At that time, they can send officials one after another to govern one territory after another.

At the same time, countless officials breathed a sigh of relief at this moment.

Since there is a world that is not inferior to the Great Qin Empire, as long as the Great Qin Empire takes that directly, they can directly start sending some of the younger generations of their respective families to govern those territories.

Of course, although they will give their juniors a back door, it does not mean that they will let some incompetent juniors serve as parent officials in a place.

Only capable juniors can serve as officials of one parent, and even if all the juniors among all the civil servants in the court now open the back door, for a world that is not weaker than the Qin Empire, it is probably just like pouring a glass of wine. The same feeling of water in a river.

So as long as the Great Qin Empire can conquer that world, their major families will also start to become more powerful.

"We must bring down that world!"

At this moment, all the cultural relic officials in the Lingxiao Palace spoke with determination in their hearts.

Their Great Qin Empire must win in the next world!
Anyone who wants to stop them in this matter, except Ying Zheng, will be their enemy.

Seeing the excitement in the eyes of many officials in the hall, Ying Zheng, who was sitting above the imperial throne, nodded with satisfaction.

"Get ready, the whole army will attack!"

Ying Zheng waved his hand.


(End of this chapter)

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