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Chapter 776 Heaven retreats, kidnaps the God of Wealth?

Soon, following the order from the Lord of Heaven, the four great angels of Heaven began to gather all the power of the entire Heaven towards the main world of Heaven.

When all the power in heaven began to converge towards the main world of heaven, the angels in all the worlds surrounding the main world of heaven felt deeply confused in the face of these orders.

Why would they choose to give up the forces that their Heaven currently possesses and go directly back to the main world of Heaven as quickly as possible?
For the angels at this moment, they were really confused.

What on earth happened?
Currently, no one can answer the doubts that these angels have.

"Never mind. Since we have been ordered, let's prepare to return to heaven as quickly as possible. Something big must be happening, otherwise we would not choose to give up these territories."

In response to the orders issued by the archangels, some high-level angels stationed in various worlds could only shake their heads slightly.

Even though they can be considered as high-level angels, at the moment they have no idea what is going on and why their heaven needs to give up the worlds they currently occupy?
Why does their paradise need to converge towards the main world of paradise as quickly as possible?

For these high-level angels at this moment, they have no idea what is going on.

However, although they didn't know what exactly happened, it was obvious that they now needed to obey orders.

"As ordered!"

Regarding the orders issued by the high-level angels from various worlds, although the ordinary angels in those worlds at this moment are still extremely confused, they still choose to obey the orders obediently.

"Angels, go away!"

Soon, as orders were given one after another, angels in each world began to leave the world occupied by heaven.

Watching the scene of angels spreading their wings and leaving their world one after another, the lords of the forces under the command of heaven in various worlds, these so-called forces were established when heaven descended to this world. They were watching the angels spreading their wings and leaving their world one after another.

There was a trace of deep confusion in their eyes.


"What happened?"

"Why did all the angels suddenly choose to leave?"

At this moment, the leaders of the forces in one world after another could not help but show a trace of deep confusion.

Compared to the confusion of the leaders of forces in one world after another, the major forces in the Defender Alliance also learned of the current movements in Heaven.

After all, there was no need to conceal Heaven's movements, or it could be said that Heaven's movements were completely impossible to conceal, so the forces from the Defender Alliance soon learned of Heaven's actions.

Regarding the actions from heaven, the Dragon God, who is the leader of the dragon clan at this moment, couldn't help but reveal a hint of disdain.

"Haha, it looks like Heaven is determined to fight the Defenders to the end!"

At this moment, there was a hint of disdain in the Dragon God's eyes.

As for what Heaven is doing now, anyone who is not a fool can know what Heaven is doing now. Heaven is gathering all the angels under their command towards the main world of Heaven, which means that Heaven is going to gather together all the strength that Heaven will use.

Why did Heaven do this? In the eyes of the Dragon God of the Dragon Clan at this moment, Heaven's purpose was to fight a decisive battle with their Defender Alliance!

To put it bluntly, Heaven's purpose is to have a decisive battle.

After all, the situation is already very clear in front of us.

Regarding the situation before him, in the Dragon God's view at this moment, what Heaven is doing is completely useless.

"I'll show you next. Even if you have gathered all the power in heaven, it will be completely useless!"

"The next Defender Alliance will completely destroy the entire Heaven!"

The Dragon God spoke with some disdain in his eyes.

For such a powerful force as Heaven, if their Defender Alliance did not have the joining of the Great Qin Empire, their Defender Alliance would not dare to underestimate Heaven. Heaven's strength is really strong.

But now?

Their Defender Alliance has members from the Qin Empire joining them, which means that their Defender Alliance is really not afraid of the so-called paradise at all.

The overall strength of the Great Qin Empire may not be as good as that of Heaven, but the high-end combat power of the Great Qin Empire directly beats all of Heaven, not to mention that the Great Qin Empire has joined forces with their Defender Alliance.

Even though the Great Qin Empire does not belong to the Defender Alliance to some extent, it is still a part of the Defender Alliance at this moment. This is an obvious fact.

If all the strength between their Defender Alliance and the Great Qin Empire were combined together, it could only be said that the strength of their Defender Alliance was really strong. Their Defender Alliance could completely destroy the Abyss World, so what about a mere Paradise World?
Excuse me, is the Heaven World more powerful than the Abyss World?

No, no, no. The strength between the Heaven World and the Abyss World is at the same level, but their Defender Alliance can already destroy the Abyss, so what about this so-called Heaven?

In the Dragon God's view, no matter what Heaven is doing now, it is all in vain.

In response to the Dragon God's ridicule of Heaven, the Berserker God in the battle world was also affected by Heaven's actions. Regarding Heaven's current actions, the Berserker God also showed a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth.

"Haha, this is a counterattack before death."

"Perhaps this paradise may not even be better than the abyss."

The Berserker God couldn't help but shake his head slightly.

Similarly, several other demon forces have also learned about what Heaven is currently doing. Several demons from the Defender Alliance have expressed their disdain for what Heaven is doing.

Just when several demons in the Defender Alliance expressed their disdain, the Lord of Heaven once again summoned the four archangels in Heaven.

"We are going to kidnap the God of Wealth this time!"

…………………………(End of this chapter)

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