After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 264 The battle is not over yet!

Chapter 264 The battle is not over yet!
Criminals probably never dreamed that they would be treated like this.

There are more than 600 victims, each of whom has found his or her own target, and continues to retaliate against these immobile and unconscious criminals.

For a time, some unlucky criminals were beaten to death.

Shen Feng and the team members watched all this silently. They did not stop it and were not qualified to stop it.

Even they are not qualified to forgive the criminals on behalf of these victims.

"Let them vent."

Shen Feng reminded the team members, and at this time Yang Lu saw that a victim noticed food on the ground and wanted to pick it up and eat it.

She quickly reminded: "Don't eat food off the ground!"

“Don’t drink that water!!”

"We have prepared clean drinking water and food for everyone on the ground. You can eat it when you go up!"

Liang Chaoshu also remembered something and immediately reminded him: "That's right, everything here has been drugged by us. Please don't eat it!"

Hear their reminders.

The victims who had just picked up food and water and were about to eat and drink them hesitated for a moment, then threw away the things in their hands with longing eyes.

"Thank you so much, everyone..."

"You are our saviors, reborn parents..."

A group of victims came over crying and thanked Shen Feng and the team members.

"You don't have to be so polite. We are all compatriots in District [-], and we are one family."

"The air here is very turbid and not good for your health. Let's get out first!"

Shen Feng greeted all the victims and asked them to leave with him and his team members.

Soon, hundreds of people came back to the ground from the underground one after another.

Looking at the long-lost sky and earth, breathing the fresh and natural air in the forest.

For a time, hundreds of victims who had regained their freedom once again cried with joy, hugging each other and comforting each other.

Shen Feng and his team members quietly took out the uncontaminated drinking water and food that they had sorted and selected before, and distributed them to the victims.

The victims were starving.

One by one, they started grabbing bread, biscuits, and instant noodles and started devouring them.

At this time, Shen Feng informed the other special operations teams of the news.

"Brother, we have successfully rescued the victims and are currently counting to confirm their identities."

"We can evacuate in a moment."

These hundreds of victims need to be properly resettled.

They must be moved to a safer place before further operations can be continued.

Fortunately, it's not far from the border of District [-].

Walk about five or six kilometers to the north, and after passing through this virgin forest, you can reach the national border of District [-].

Because the military and officials knew about Shen Feng's actions in advance.

A special operations team was also dispatched to provide support.

So now the other side is ready to respond, and all the rescuers are standing ready, waiting for their triumphant return.

After learning the news, Lao A and others also contacted the support personnel in the rear through their own channels.

Ten special operations teams all moved this way.

Everyone needs to redistribute tasks now.

While the hundreds of victims were eating, Shen Feng gathered with Old A and the captains of the other nine combat teams.

"This is just the enemy's first stronghold. We have successfully rescued these victims, but the enemy's criminal group has not been completely crushed."

"This is inconsistent with the combat goals we originally set."

"So we need to continue to act. Other combat teams are already on the way. We need to go over and join them to launch simultaneous attacks on the remaining strongholds."

Old A analyzed the current situation to the captains of the remaining nine teams.

And Shen Feng already knew these things.

Old A is now the captain of ten special operations teams and is responsible for commanding the joint operations of the ten teams.At this time, he proposed: "We must escort these hundreds of victims safely to the border, and then someone will be responsible for taking them home."

"Teams [-] to [-] are responsible for this escort mission. Are there any problems?"

Old A looked at the captains opposite.

They shook their heads at the same time and said there was absolutely no problem.

At this time, Old A looked at Shen Feng again.

"Brother Shen Feng, your performance this time is very good, even more professional than us..."

"Next, just follow us and continue to act together!"

In advance, through intelligence analysis, the military had already formulated a detailed combat plan.

There are also backup solutions for various emergencies.

So at this moment, everyone is very calm.

Shen Feng said there was no problem and took out the satellite combat map and took a look.

The next thing to attack is stronghold No. 2.

It's about fifty kilometers from here.

It is also hidden in the deep mountains and old forests.

And like here, it was originally an illegal casino.

It is one of the places used by the criminals in the Sixth District to trap people who have been lured here.

"We're fine here."

"But some supplies are needed."

Shen Feng nodded and looked at Old A.

He was eyeing the suicide drones in the hands of the military.

"There is no problem with supplies."

"Our people will deliver the airdrop in a moment."

"By the way, speaking of this, I still have to thank you, Brother Shen Feng."

Old A smiled and patted Shen Feng on the shoulder.

Seeing Shen Feng's confusion, the other party immediately explained: "It's like this. We just got the exact news. The officials of the Sixth District have acquiesced in our actions and will not intervene in any way."

"So when our helicopters fly over, they won't do anything to interfere."

"However, our aircraft can only operate within [-] kilometers of the border and cannot exceed this limit."

Old A's explanation still puzzled Shen Feng.

"But what does this have to do with us, brother..."

"Ha ha!"

Old A patted Shen Feng's shoulder hard again.

"I made it clear that I wanted to give your Kamikaze mercenary army some face!"

The tone was somewhat meaningful.

After hearing this, Shen Feng's heart moved slightly.

He thought of a possibility, which was the Mercenary Management Association in District Six.

At that time, the guy from Palau said that some people among the top officials in District [-] wanted the Edsa Group to be killed.

And in order to achieve this goal, the actions of Shen Feng and his companions can be supported in all aspects.

However, the other party clearly had bad intentions behind leaking such news to the ninth district military.

This move is quite sinister.

"Brother, don't worry."

"No matter what, my team members, my organization's heart is always towards District [-]!"

Shen Feng promised.

(End of this chapter)

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