After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 266 Commander, you must be calm and rational at all times!

Chapter 266 Commander, you must be calm and rational at all times!

The transport aircraft dispatched by the military are medium-sized transport aircraft.

At one time, more than five tons of supplies were delivered to Shen Feng, his combat team, and ten military combat teams.

Food supplies only account for a small part of this.

The rest are weapons, ammunition, and technological equipment.

Among them is the suicide drone that Shen Feng and his team members are obsessed with.

"I'll choke you, what a guy!"

"These are worth a lot of money..."

Liang Chaoshu looked at the entire box of suicide drones dropped from the sky with a look of insanity on his face.

Zhang Nianjia, Yuan Weihong and others also showed expressions of great surprise.

"I really didn't expect that our ninth district also has such powerful technological equipment!"

They have all seen the power of suicide drones.

As long as you find the target and launch it, you can ensure that all enemies will receive the fairest treatment. No one will be left behind, and they will all go to see the Lord of Hell.

At this time, Old A came over and said with a smile: "You don't know this, right?"

"The current drone development technology in our ninth district is already at the most advanced level in the world."

"Many regions are rushing to purchase drones produced by us."

When talking about this, Old A was also very proud.

When they heard what he said, the team members all showed surprised expressions.

They really don't know about this.

Old A saw this, so he explained to them the current military development results of District [-] and what powerful technological equipment they currently have.

The team members listened with great rapture.

But at this time, Shen Feng asked: "Brother, when will the other teams come back?"

Old A cast an approving look and nodded at Shen Feng.

"They still need a little time."

"After we have a good rest, we will set off immediately."

"In addition, we have received the latest intelligence information from the rear."

"I came here to talk to you. Let's have a small meeting first."

After speaking, Old A turned around and motioned for Shen Feng to follow him.

Shen Feng and the team members looked at each other and asked them to choose suitable supplies here, and then he followed Old A to the side.

The captains of the other four combat teams are already waiting here.

Shen Feng noticed that everyone's expressions were a bit off.

"what happened?"

he asked.

"That's right, because we're not very familiar with the terrain here, and a few teams seem to have gotten lost in the jungle."

"We have temporarily lost contact."

"We are now discussing whether we should act separately or whether we should keep the original plan unchanged and deal with the problems at Stronghold 2 first."

Old A explained.

Hearing what he said, Shen Feng nodded.

"The primitive jungle in District [-] is indeed more dangerous. There are many poisonous insects and beasts in it."

"Moreover, the mountains are high and the forests are dense, and the weather is unpredictable."

"It's really easy for people to lose their bearings when entering here..."

Shen Feng is not talking nonsense.

They have personally experienced cruel jungle training.

So I have a deep understanding of the dangers of the primitive jungle here.

But the military special forces in District [-] have never entered the primitive jungle here before for training.

It can be said that they know very little about the situation here.

Therefore, the possibility of encountering sudden danger is greatly increased.

"Brother Shen Feng, what do you think?"

Old A asked.

Shen Feng was thinking about this problem. After thinking about it briefly, he looked up at the other captains. "Now the enemy knows we are coming to deal with them."

"They are fully prepared and waiting for us to come to their door."

"But they don't know for sure where we are yet, and they don't know that we know their deployment, so that's the only advantage we have right now."

"Time is life to us, and I don't think the original battle plan should be disrupted."

The meaning of Shen Feng's words is obvious.

I just don’t want to act separately.

"Moreover, the primitive jungle here has high mountains and dense forests, and it covers a vast area."

"If we act separately, if something happens to everyone, it will completely affect the next combat plan."

"At the moment, we can only hope that those teams that have lost contact can keep up with the rhythm of the large forces."

Shen Feng said.

I heard that Shen Feng could maintain such rational thinking in this situation.

And made the wisest decision, Old A and the other captains showed expressions of approval.

They looked at each other, and Old A smiled and said, "Did you see it?"

"Do you believe me now?"

Hearing Old A suddenly say this, Shen Feng showed a shocked expression.

The four captains looked at Shen Feng with approval again.

"Brother Shen Feng, you are very good. He is a good candidate to be a commander!"

"Commanders must learn to remain as calm as possible under any circumstances, while also being able to make rational judgments at any time."

"You've done a great job, Brother Shen Feng. You're right not to act on impulse at a time like this!"


Several captains, together with Old A, expressed their high recognition of Shen Feng.

Shen Feng finally understood.

It turns out that they are testing themselves here.

He scratched his head and felt a little embarrassed: "When it comes to special operations, you guys are my seniors."

"And jungle warfare is also a dominant subject of our army."

"Actually, brothers, have you already found a solution to this problem?"

Shen Feng looked at the five captains in front of him, including Old A, and asked with a smile.

When Old A and others heard this, they once again showed expressions of approval.

"How can I say you are very sharp and smart?"

"Brother Shen Feng, you are right."

"We have contacted the rear support force to help determine the location and condition of the missing teams."

"In short, they will definitely get proper help. We don't need to worry about this."

"What we need to do is follow the original plan and cooperate with dozens of other combat teams to attack the remaining strongholds."

"Now it's a race against time! There must be no problems or any factors affecting our plan!"

Old A explained.

"My team members and I are well rested and ready to go at any time."

Shen Feng replied.

"Okay, let's not waste any more time!"

"Everyone, get ready and we'll set off in 5 minutes!"

After speaking, Old A stood up.

At this time, a captain suddenly asked: "There are hundreds of criminals underground, how to deal with them?"

Old A turned his head and looked at Shen Feng.

Shen Feng responded directly: "We have given them a big gift."

"After we leave, they will all be converted."


When the captains heard what Shen Feng said, they all couldn't help laughing knowingly.

(End of this chapter)

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