Chapter 269 Black technology appears!

Hearing what Yuan Weihong said, everyone subconsciously looked up at the night sky.

The thick branches of trees blocked most of the light.

Even during the day, you may not be able to see much sunlight.

Besides, it's still late at night.

But being invisible to the naked eye does not mean that the infrared thermal imaging camera cannot see it, nor does it mean that the night vision device cannot see it.

The enemy also has unmanned reconnaissance drones and suicide drones.

This has been confirmed in previous actions.

So at this moment, Yuan Weihong's worries are not unreasonable.

As they advance like this, the enemy is hidden and we are exposed. It will definitely be dangerous if they are exposed.

"Xueba, let's ask, is there a way, such as using your hacking skills, to control these enemy drones?"

"Let them lose their reconnaissance role, or simply let them blow up themselves with their own suicide drones..."

Liang Chaoshu originally just said it casually.

Who knows, his words gave Yang Lu an inspiration.

At this time, Yang Lu had a flash of inspiration, slapped his smooth forehead and said in surprise: "Okay, Bear, are you enlightened today?"

Hearing what Yang Lu said, the other team members also looked over.

Everyone knows that Yang Lu is very skilled, and now they are looking at her expectantly.

But before Yang Lu could speak, Shen Feng spoke first: "I gave you a book before, which is the world's top hacker technology encyclopedia."

"Did you not read a word of it?"

Hearing what Shen Feng said, all the team members were immediately embarrassed, laughing awkwardly and scratching their heads.

Just by looking at their actions, you can tell that Shen Feng was right.

"Squad leader, to be honest, it's not that we don't want to watch it, but that we really don't have time..."

Sun Bin said with a wry smile.

During this time, they were either training or preparing for war.

Or on a mission.

After getting the hacker's encyclopedia last time, everyone just read it for less than half an hour.

Trying to read the entire book in half an hour is simply a joke.

"Yes, monitor."

"Even if we master the quantum speed reading method, we still can't finish reading that book. Some things are really half-understood by us..."

Liang Chaoshu couldn't help but complain at this time.

None of them are professionals.

I have never come into contact with that professional knowledge before.

Suddenly I was stuck at the last moment, let alone mastering the relevant technology, it would be great to be able to read and understand what it means.

"Okay, stop talking nonsense."

"That book is a good thing. There are many technologies in it that are quite advanced in terms of practicality and concepts."

"If you are free or interested in the future, you can study more, there is no harm in it!"

Shen Feng interrupted everyone's complaints.

He knew very well that in fact, the team members just didn't have enough time to study.

With the blessing of the system, you get twice the result with half the effort.

The learning ability of each of them is very exaggerated.

It is far beyond what ordinary people can imagine.

As long as you give them enough time, mastering these related technologies is not a problem at all.

I can master it in such a short time, but they can’t?

Of course, Shen Feng did not reveal that he had mastered those hacking techniques at this time.

He turned his head and looked at Yang Lu.

The latter nodded immediately: "Squad leader, the hacker technology encyclopedia in the first district does contain such related technology. I can give it a try!" Yang Lu didn't say it too harshly.

Because she has just mastered the relevant technology and has not yet practiced it in practice.

"Just go ahead and do it, we will be your backing, top student!"

Zhang Nianjia immediately smiled.

"That's right, we will clear the way and cover for you, you can just focus on the technical aspects!"

Yuan Weihong also said immediately.

Yang Lu nodded and said nothing more.

I saw her taking out a box from her backpack and opening it.

Then, a folded, square-looking object was taken out from the box.

The length and width of the object were approximately sixty centimeters.

"What the hell is this? A top student?"

Liang Chaoshu asked curiously.


"Specially made."

Yang Lu responded simply and began to fiddle with the drone in his hand.

She found a relatively flat open space, placed the drone on the ground, and then used the control instrument to start it.

Suddenly, the drone started to change like a Transformer.

Its folding rotors began to extend, and soon it changed from the original 1.5 centimeters square to a drone with a width of more than [-] meters.

Moreover, this drone actually has a pod underneath, and below it is what looks like a mini machine gun.

Seeing this scene, the team members were shocked again.

At this time, Yang Lu also explained: "This thing is one of the weapons and equipment purchased by the squad leader. It is also my first time to use this drone."

"It comes with electronic interference, attack, cruise and other functions."

"It can also serve as a relay satellite for air communications. At the same time, it can use its own radar to search for nearby electronic targets within a range of ten kilometers."

"Mainly other types of drones. As long as they receive a signal, they can lock on immediately and then access the target's data link through a special channel..."

Yang Lu spoke more professionally, and the team members were stunned for a moment.

Everyone was unaware of the situation, showing surprise and envy in their eyes.

At this time, Yang Lu took out something that looked like a virtual helmet, full of a sense of technology.

"Let me choke you, Xueba, what are you doing?"

Seeing Yang Lu put on the virtual helmet directly, the team members were immediately surprised.

Only Shen Feng looked calm and calm.

Because these are rewards given by the system and are truly black technology.

And Shen Feng already knew their function before.

Yang Lu's current helmet is one of the black technologies that can directly identify and control drones through brainwave control and face locking.

In other words, after wearing this special helmet, she can not only walk normally, but also see the road in front of and around her.

At the same time, she can also use the pupil helmet to amplify her brain waves while performing normal traveling operations to control drones in the sky to perform various operations.

Such as reconnaissance, attack, data access, communication command and other operations.

As Yang Lu activated the helmet's control system, her body shook slightly.

"What's wrong, Xueba?"

Everyone saw her body shaking and couldn't help asking worriedly.

"No, it's alright..."

"That's right, this perspective is very shocking!"

Yang Lu's voice was a little excited and she couldn't hide it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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