After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 282 Let’s just split it equally!

Chapter 282 Let’s just split it equally!

Old A and others looked at Shen Feng's every move and didn't know whether they should continue to stop him.

Emotionally speaking, these criminals do not deserve sympathy at all.

These people have no idea how many evil things they have done here and how many innocent victims they have killed.

They deserve severe punishment.

Even the death penalty is not an exaggeration.

If it weren't for the legal constraints in their hearts, these soldiers at this moment would want to teach these criminals a lesson and kill them directly.

So at this moment, everyone just watched Shen Feng's actions silently, and no one said a word.

The criminal was lifted up by Shen Feng's collar, and his face turned pale with fear.

He nodded and explained: "It's true, everything I said is true."

"This money was originally our pension money, and it was kept here specifically for us... We planned to leave when the time is right."

"I just didn't expect that you would come to attack here..."

"Where's the money?"

Shen Feng asked.

"In, in there..."

The other party pointed to the inside of the stronghold.

But Shen Feng didn't say anything, just held him and let him lead the way.

Liang Chaoshu, Lao A and others also followed.

Soon, under the guidance of this criminal, they discovered a large amount of cash wrapped in waterproof oil paper and sealing film from an underground secret compartment in the warehouse inside the stronghold.

And it’s really all about Dao Le.

But the number is not 1000 million as the criminal said, but more.

Seeing so much cash dug out of the ground, everyone, including Shen Feng and Old A, was a little shocked.

They had never seen so much money in their lives.

"Brother, I have told the guys, can you let me go?"

"As long as you let me go, these are all yours..."

This criminal once again begged for mercy from Shen Feng, Old A and others.

Hearing this, Shen Feng immediately became happy.

"If I don't let you go, these won't be ours?"

"Do you think the decision-making power is still in your hands?"

After saying that, Shen Feng shot the opponent directly in the thigh.


The severe pain caused the criminal to almost lose consciousness on the spot.

After he screamed, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he looked at Old A and others for help.

"Chief, please save me, Chief..."

This criminal can see that people like Old A are soldiers.

Shen Feng is a crazy devil.

He actually attacked him mercilessly in front of so many big brothers from the military in the ninth district.

If you want to survive, of course you can only turn to these military soldiers.

"The military and civilians are one family, chief..."

"I am also a member of District [-]. I plead guilty and accept punishment. I have a good attitude. Please save me..."

This criminal kept begging for mercy in order to survive.

Old A had not yet said anything, but Shen Feng spoke first.

"Brother, we are not qualified to say forgiveness for those innocent people who were killed."

"They left District [-] and fled here to engage in illegal and criminal activities. They have given up their nationality and humanity."

Shen Feng is not talking nonsense.

The Patrol Division and related departments of the Ninth District, after noticing the situation in the Sixth District, publicly released information and called on those who engaged in illegal and criminal activities in the Sixth District to come back and surrender themselves.

Otherwise, your nationality will be revoked.

However, these criminals are completely indifferent and continue to engage in illegal and criminal activities here.

They even used their status as people from the Ninth District to deceive the compatriots in the Ninth District.The list of crimes is almost too numerous to list.

Being reminded by Shen Feng, Old A had indeed planned to plead for the criminal and continue to take them back to the Ninth District for trial.

But now, it seems that that is no longer necessary.

Old A looked down and saw the criminal holding his thigh on the ground, whose knee had been penetrated.

I sighed silently in my heart.

He knew that Shen Feng had no intention of letting these criminals go.

This stronghold is at least [-] or [-] kilometers away from the border of District [-].

It is not easy for normal people to travel in the primitive jungle.

Not to mention criminals with their knees pierced.

They can only stay here and wait to die, or be eliminated by Shen Feng.

After thinking for a while, Old A gently patted Shen Feng on the shoulder.

"Give him a good time, don't torture others."

After speaking, Old A walked directly outside the warehouse.

His team members also left one after another and waited outside.

"Squad leader, what should I do with the money?"

Liang Chaoshu looked at the large amount of cash on the ground, and his eyes were shining.

Shen Feng ignored him, but looked down at the criminal with an expression of pain and regret on his face.

"I was really wrong, I know I was wrong..."

"Please give me a chance, give me a chance to change my ways."

"I will really be a good person in the future, and I will never do anything illegal or criminal again... woo woo woo."

Faced with the fear of death, the criminal burst into tears.

But Shen Feng walked up to the other party expressionlessly.

"If you still have a conscience, when you get down there, go and apologize in person to those who have been killed by you."

"It's their business to forgive you."

"And I am only responsible for saving you and letting you meet them."

After speaking, Shen Feng shot decisively.

Kill this criminal on the spot.

As if he had done something insignificant, he turned around nonchalantly and looked at the large amount of cash in the big hole on the ground.

Then he patted Liang Chaoshu on the shoulder and motioned for him to go out with him.

It would be much easier if only people in their own team knew about the existence of the money.

But now, all of them, Old A, know about this money.

Even the hundreds of rescued victims knew it.

Then it will be more troublesome to handle this money.

Shen Feng came outside the warehouse and said straight to the point: "Brother A, let's just divide the money."

"Let the brothers come over, count the number of people, and divide it equally."

"Just think of it as your overpayment for this operation."

"What did you say?"

Old A looked at Shen Feng, Liang Chaoshu and others in obvious disbelief.

Shen Feng continued to explain calmly.

“If we don’t take this money, legally speaking, it should belong to the local government in District [-].”

"Brothers, do you still want to keep this money for District [-]?"

Shen Feng's words left Old A and others speechless. They all looked at each other and hesitated.

Tens of millions of swords are indeed very tempting.

After all, a penny can't help a heroic man.

No money, miserable.

(End of this chapter)

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