Chapter 299 Sharp turn down!

While everyone was resting, Irene also reported the situation here to Zhang Kainan.

Zhang Kainan specially arranged for someone to come and clean up the scene.

At this time, those people had arrived and completely ignored Shen Feng and the more than [-] combat teams and more than [-] special forces members from the ninth district military.

They were minding their own business cleaning up the messy scene left by the previous battle.

"Our plane is here and can leave now."

Eileen also came over and passed the news to everyone.

The armed transport helicopter that had transported them here had flown back at this moment.

"set off!"

Old A saw that everyone had sorted out their weapons and equipment and replenished ammunition, and gave the order.

More than twenty combat teams quickly boarded the plane.

"It only takes ten minutes to get to the headquarters of Edsa Group from here."

Erin reminded everyone again.

Ten minutes passed in a blink of an eye.

Everyone was in high spirits, waiting for the upcoming decisive battle.

They didn't realize that there were actually enemies at the scene of the battle just now.

However, the enemy disguised himself as an ordinary passenger and stood by the window of T3 terminal, watching everything that just happened here.

This enemy is none other than Robertson, the bastard of the mysterious bosses from District [-] who is coming to take over the piggy.

Watching Shen Feng and others leave in a helicopter.

Robertson took out his cell phone and dialed a number.


Edsa Group, Headquarters Park.

Shuo Tu in the office was still dreaming about the trap they had laid, which would eat up Shen Feng, his team, and the military special operations team in District [-] in one go.

At this time, the mobile phone on the table rang.

Suo Tu, who was lying on the lazy sofa, stood up and picked up his mobile phone. When he saw that it was a call from a very familiar number, he immediately chose to answer it.

"Mr. Robertson..."

There was a hint of disguised flattery in Suo Tu's tone.

Robertson's tone on the other end of the phone was very angry.

The sound of his gritted teeth came from the other side: "Two minutes ago, Shen Feng and his team robbed all the piglets at Guangming Airport."

"Now they have left in an armed helicopter, probably heading for your group headquarters!"

"Someone is helping them behind the scenes!!"

Robertson's words made Suo Tu's expression change drastically on the spot, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

"How do they know when and where we trade?"

Sotu asked in disbelief.

But immediately he turned his eyes, his eyes became extremely fierce and cold, and he looked up at a subordinate in front of him.

This subordinate is his confidant.

Apart from himself, Robertson and his men in District [-], only this confidant knew about the transfer of piglets this time.


Suo Tu took out his pistol, loaded it and aimed at the subordinate opposite.

"Did you leak the news?"

"Botu, it's not me..."

The subordinate on the opposite side changed his face when he heard this, and hurriedly waved his hands to defend himself.

"Go and explain to the Lord of Hell!"

Suo Tu believed that his judgment was absolutely correct and pulled the trigger with his finger.

Sure enough, when the subordinate saw that he could not muddle through, he immediately drew his gun and prepared to attack Suo Tu first.     But his movements were still a step slower.

Suo Tu had no expression on his face and pulled the trigger decisively.

In an instant, the subordinate was killed with a headshot.

On the other end of the phone, Robertson, who heard the gunfire, said coldly: "I have ordered my people to rush over immediately to support you."

"But the distance is too far. It will take at least two hours."

"So you have to hold on for two hours!"

"In addition, I have just confirmed the information. The people who are helping Shen Feng are Zhang Kainan's Yan Xia Tang, and General Bochai behind him."

"Mr. Soto, I must remind you that if you cannot solve this crisis, then our cooperation will stop here."

"You should understand what I mean, right?"

After speaking, Robertson ignored Suo Tu's reaction and hung up the phone directly.

Looking at his mobile phone, Suo Tu's chest heaved with anger and his eyes were sinister.

"Zhang Kainan... Yanxia Hall!"

Suo Tu held the phone and gritted his teeth.

After a moment of depression, he began to call the warlord who provided him with shelter.

At this time, on the other side of the plane, Yang Lu suddenly frowned and said, "Squad leader, the enemy over there has discovered our movements!"

She played what she heard for everyone to listen to.

It was the recording of the phone call between Soto and Robertson just now.

Everyone had just finished listening to the recording when Yang Lu monitored a new call.

"Sottu called someone else again!"

This time Yang Lu simply played his voice out so that everyone could hear it.

"General Bo Lao, I am Sotu."

"General Bochai violated the peace agreement between us. He is providing support to the mercenaries in District [-]! Help Chang Kainan to deal with our Edsa Group!!"

Angry and aggrieved, Suo Tu reported the intelligence he had just obtained to the warlord leader named Bo Lao.

After hearing his words, General Bo Lao responded slowly:
  "Guess that bastard dared to violate the peace agreement between us."

"This guy has never taken me seriously."

"You don't have to worry, Suo Tu, I will talk to you personally."

These words seemed like he wanted to avenge Suo Tu.

But just from the other party's slow and unconcerned tone, you can tell that it's just perfunctory.

Suo Tu is also very good.

At this time, he immediately spoke again.

"General Bo Lao, in three days it will be the time we agreed to submit the offering."

"I have prepared a big gift for you and will deliver it to you personally when the time comes."

"However, if our Edsha Group is defeated by Zhang Kainan, or killed by the mercenary army in District [-], then you will lose a large amount of income every month..."

Now that the situation is fierce, Suo Tu is too lazy to beat around the bush.

Just say it clearly.

Hearing this semi-threatening tone, General Bo Lao's face instantly darkened.

"Didn't I say, don't worry, I will send someone to talk to Guai!"

"Sutu, don't play tricks with me. I won't let you go if you lose even one cent of the money you promised me."

"If you dare to speak to me in this tone again, your Edsa Group will close down from now on!"

After saying that, the other party hung up the phone angrily.

At this time, Yang Lu looked back at everyone.

Eileen silently took out her mobile phone and dialed Zhang Kainan's number directly.

(End of this chapter)

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