Chapter 319 Fire face to face!

While Shen Feng led his team members to continue tracking the criminals upstairs, he also informed Lao A, Irene and others of the situation here through his mobile phone.

And Shen Feng also told them that there is a secret passage underground in the park, and they can leave directly to the suburbs.

"There may be some remaining armed criminals inside the building, but we have to track down that guy Soto now!"

"Brother A, Irene, the rest will be left to you!"

Shen Feng said.

"No problem, leave it to us!"

Old A responded immediately.

After receiving their affirmative response, Shen Feng was completely relieved and led the rest of the team members all the way up.

But when they reached the stairs leading to the ninth floor, they found that they were also blocked by a large iron gate.


Liang Chaoshu said, immediately turned around and ran back.

"No need, that's slower!"

Shen Feng stopped Liang Chaoshu. At this time, he took out a high-temperature acetylene gun and started destroying the iron door in front of him.

In just the blink of an eye, the lock cylinder was destroyed by the burning of a high-temperature acetylene gun.

Shen Feng exerted force suddenly, and the big iron door opened with a sound.

The team members quickly entered the stairs, but when they reached the entrance to the ninth floor, they were blocked again by another large iron door that was exactly the same.

"These criminals are really crazy!"

"Is it poisonous? There are so many iron doors on every floor!"

Sun Bin couldn't help but complain.

"They do this to prevent employees here from escaping."

Yang Lu explained.

But Shen Feng did the same thing without saying a word.

The big iron door blocking the way was soon opened, and everyone quickly went up to check. There was no threat on the ninth floor.

They continued going up and soon reached the tenth floor.

But just when they arrived at the stairwell on the tenth floor, a grenade suddenly rolled out from the side.

"Be careful!!"

Shen Feng had quick eyesight and quick hands. He stepped forward and kicked the grenade out.

The grenade was immediately kicked back by him.

Then there was a "bang" sound of explosion, coming from around the corner.

It was accompanied by some splattered blood, as well as a large number of steel ball fragments and so on.

Yang Lu summoned a drone from the sky to fly over and take pictures.

When I saw the corridor, two enemies had been killed by the grenades just now.


She said.

Everyone immediately continued to move forward.

Shen Feng took out the PAD in his hand to check the structure of this floor.

Combined with the reconnaissance robot controlled by Yang Lu just now, they soon found the so-called "gentle room".

The door to the room is closed.

Everyone stopped at the door. Sun Bin and Wang Shiqiang naturally turned their backs to Shen Feng and others, guarding the rear to prevent anyone from attacking them from behind.

Yang Lu took out a handheld scanner and scanned the security door in front of her.

After some scanning, she soon discovered something unusual at the door handle.

Yang Lu stepped forward and put the handheld scanner closer.

After further scanning, it was clearly seen that there was an explosive package taped to the door handle behind the door.

"It's C4!"

As soon as Yuan Weihong saw the familiar figure, he immediately recognized the ingredients of the explosive bag.

"Damn it, this guy is still setting a trap here!"

Liang Chaoshu gritted his teeth.

Shen Feng asked, "Where is the enemy?" Yang Lu glanced at it and followed the image information sent back by Suo Tu and others' reconnaissance robot.

"They're still waiting for the elevator!"

Hearing this, Chen Feng didn't even think about it, he stepped forward and kicked the iron door hard.

His kick was powerful and powerful.

The iron door lock was kicked and broken.

The team members had no time to be shocked and immediately followed Shen Feng in.

Once you have the enemy in the elevator, start going down.

With how ruthless those guys are, they will definitely press the dynamite activation button without hesitation.

At that time, the entire building will follow it to the sky.

As soon as Shen Feng and others entered the room, they saw Suo Tu and several of his men waiting for the elevator about thirty meters away.

When the two sides met, they immediately opened fire on each other without saying a word.

Gunfire broke out.

Bullets whizzed towards each other, but it only lasted less than ten seconds, and basically all the enemies on the opposite side were killed.

There was only one Suo Tu, whose hands and feet were broken and fell to the ground. He struggled and looked at Shen Feng and others angrily.

"Is everyone okay?"

Only then did Shen Feng have time to turn around and look at the other team members.

He saw smoke coming from everyone's bodies.

He was also shot three times in a row in his chest.

Despite the protection of the body armor, the bullet was blocked by the steel plate.

However, the pain still spread rapidly throughout the body like a plague, constantly stimulating Shen Feng's brain.

"The top student is injured, monitor!"

Liang Chaoshu shouted.

Shen Feng turned around and saw that Yang Lu's clothes were indeed stained with blood.

She was shot in two places, one on her right thigh and the other on her right armpit.

These are parts that body armor cannot protect against.

"Catch him first, leave me alone, I'm fine..."

Yang Lu endured the pain in her body, slowly sat on the ground, and looked at Suo Tu, who also fell to the ground and was still struggling to escape.

Hearing this, Liang Chaoshu immediately gritted his teeth, clenched his fists, and walked towards Suo Tu with his gun in hand.

He came in front of the opponent and punched the opponent directly, which made the criminal leader's eyes flash with stars and he was in a state of confusion.

At the same time, Shen Feng handed a bottle of healing potion to Yang Lu.

"Drink this first and then talk."

After watching Yang Lu drink the healing potion, Shen Feng turned around and walked towards Suo Tu.

Suo Tu had already been lifted up by Liang Chaoshu's collar with one hand.

At this time, his mouth was full of blood, but his face was still unruly. He glanced at Shen Feng and Liang Chaoshu with disdainful expressions.

When Shen Feng saw the other party being so arrogant, he didn't say much.

He directly grabbed Suo Tu's injured left arm and pressed his fingers hard along the bullet holes in the opponent's arm.

Suddenly, Suo Tu was trembling in pain, his face was distorted, and he couldn't help but open his mouth and shout.


"Fuck you, fuck your mother..."

Suo Tu gritted his teeth and cursed fiercely.

However, Shen Feng still ignored the other party's curses, but with a calm expression, he slowly drew out a dagger.

The sharp dagger flickered with cold light. The moment he saw the dagger, Suo Tu's eyes changed. He stopped cursing and looked up at Shen Feng in shock.

And Shen Feng stabbed his arm directly with the knife.

Then, pull it horizontally.

The tendon on Suo Tu's wrist was cut off by him on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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