After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 333 In terms of human race genes, District 9 is the best!

Chapter 333 In terms of human race genes, District is the best!

Behind the white coat, behind the originally empty special bulletproof glass, a figure suddenly appeared slowly.

This figure was like a gecko, using its four limbs to cling firmly to the back of the glass, and turned its head upside down to stare at the white coat.

When everyone saw this scene, their expressions changed drastically and their pupils shrank severely.

At this time, Bai Daco himself didn't know what happened. He was still playing with his mobile phone.

Until he looked up and saw Mr. Z and the other bosses across from him. Everyone's expressions were extremely shocked, looking behind him in disbelief.

The man in the white coat finally realized something was wrong.

He was trembling and turned around subconsciously to look behind him.

At this moment, more disguised experimental subjects began to appear in front of him.

All of these experimental subjects were naked.

Or, like a gecko, it clings to the glass with its limbs and stares at itself and others.

Or he was standing under the lush trees, leaving only a faint outline, as if a shadow was standing there.

Or, some simply squatted on the big rocks by the pool.

The whole person seems to be integrated with the stone, and the figure also disappears and appears.

Seeing such a scene, Bai Daco was dumbfounded.


Mr. Z recovered from the shock and immediately looked at the white coat.

At this time, a voice sounded from behind them.

"This is the latest batch of experimental subjects. There are only fifteen survivors in total."

"They have adapted perfectly to the modified genes in their bodies."

"What they are showing now is what we have given them, the ability to use their environment to hide their whereabouts like a chameleon."

When everyone heard the voice behind them, they subconsciously turned their heads to look.

I saw a dashing man in a white coat walking towards me, accompanied by several assistants.

And this person is the real person in charge of this experimental base.

His name is Chen Gang, Dr. Chen.

An overseas Chinese from District 9 who was born in District 9 but has immigrated to District 1.

That silly guy in the white coat just now was just Dr. Chen's assistant.

Hearing Dr. Chen's words, Mr. Z's eyes lit up.

At this time, Dr. Chen had already arrived in front of him, stretched out his hand politely and calmly, and greeted Mr. Z: "You are welcome to take the time to inspect our base, Mr. Z."

Mr. Z shook his head and spread his hands.

"I clearly remember that the experimental subjects I invested in totaled more than a hundred, and most of them were white and black."

"But I don't see them right now."

"The survivors seem to be all from your ninth district."

When Dr. Chen heard this, he immediately showed a confident and meaningful smile.

He calmly explained: "According to Dr. Odawa's research, we have 100% confirmed that the race of the ninth district is the best race in the world."

"They are far superior to white people in terms of genetic integrity, bone density, overall muscle content, cardiovascular system, etc."

"With all due respect, Mr. Z, the genes of white people are not even comparable to those of black people. And the genes of people in the Ninth District are far superior to those of black people."

"They have the most complete, or even near-perfect, genetic adaptability, which can satisfy almost all of our experimental research projects."

"This is why I need more experimental subjects from District 9 to conduct further experiments."

"With other human species, we wouldn't even be able to get the experiment to the observational stage..."

I heard Dr. Chen’s explanation.

Although Mr. Z, as a white man, felt very unhappy inside.

However, the results of the research are right in front of us. No matter how unconvinced he was, he had to accept the facts before him.

"What's the progress of genetic weapons research?"

Mr. Z turned around and looked at the "mutants" who seemed to have turned into monsters.

The main purpose of his coming here this time was to inspect the research results of genetic weapons.

I didn't expect to find this first.

"As you can see, Mr. Z."

"We need more experimental subjects, experimental subjects from District 9."

"Currently, genetic weapons have reached the most critical stage."

"But without those necessary experimental subjects, we cannot obtain more accurate data, and computer simulation alone cannot obtain 100% reliable data support."

Dr. Chen explained.

"What a bunch of freaks!"

"It's really disgusting to look at..."

Mr. Z didn’t know whether he was cursing people or the experimental subjects.

At this time, he turned around and looked at Dr. Chen.

"Listen, if your genetic weapon is successfully developed, I want you to test whether it can have an effect on these monsters first."

As he spoke, he pointed at the observation cabin behind him, where the fifteen experimental subjects of District 9 had turned into monsters that were neither human nor ghosts.

"Since we created them, we must have the ability to kill them."

"Since they were transformed from experimental subjects in District 9 and possess complete human genes from District 9, your genetic weapons should be effective, right?"

Mr. Z added.

"Don't worry, Mr. Z, I will definitely give you the most perfect experimental results."

Dr. Chen responded with a smile.

Seeing Dr. Chen cooperating with him so respectfully, Mr. Z showed a somewhat arrogant expression of satisfaction.

He turned his head and looked at his accompanying secretary.

The secretary immediately took out a check.

"Here's your research funding for the quarter."

"As for the experimental subjects, we will arrange them as soon as possible."

After speaking, Mr. Z raised his proud head, turned around and prepared to leave with his entourage.

But after taking a few steps out, he suddenly stopped again and turned to look at Dr. Chen: "By the way, what's the development progress of 'Salvation 1'?"

"It has entered the third phase of clinical trials."

Dr. Chen answered immediately.

"That's good, I need it to generate revenue for us as soon as possible."

After saying that, Mr. Z didn't say another word and hurried away with his people.

"Doctor, what is 'Salvation 1'?"

The beautiful assistant beside him couldn't help but asked curiously.

"'Salvation No. 1' is a multifunctional anti-cancer drug."

"It can treat multiple types of cancer at one time and can save people even in the terminal stage."

"The boss has invested more than 500 billion dollars in this project..."

Dr. Chen didn't say a word.

This project has cost so much money, and if there is still no return, then this group of people may be in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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