Chapter 335 Explosive news!

As more and more netizens in District 9 pay attention to this matter, some netizens who can browse around on the invisible wall also begin to carry news that appears on the external network.

Gradually, the news that Shen Feng and his team members were subject to a global bounty issued by a mysterious super rich man, with a bounty of hundreds of millions of dollars, began to spread in the 9th District.

And this news is tantamount to a super bombshell, which once again ignited the emotions of the people in District 9.

Even the media used this as a hot topic of speculation and began to report extensively.

【Breaking news! Breaking news! The mysterious giant released a bounty of more than 100 million swords and wanted members of the kamikaze mercenary corps! 】

[An insider broke the news! Someone paid a lot of money to buy the lives of Shen Feng and his team members! Is the Light of District 9 facing death threats? 】

[The hero of District 9 is subject to a reverse bounty! How does it feel for a mercenary to be wanted? 】

【call! Please ask the Ninth District officials and the military to provide necessary protection for the Kamikaze mercenary legion to prevent our heroic mercenaries from being harmed by foreign enemies! 】

[The reward exceeds one billion! ! The mysterious lord has issued a super high reward for the Kamikaze mercenary army! What do you want? 】


These related news are tantamount to a severe blow in the hearts of everyone who cares about the Kamikaze Mercenary Legion and takes them as the pride of District 9.

At this moment, countless netizens spontaneously launched petitions on the Internet after seeing these related news.

They called on the officials and even the military in District 9 to provide Shen Feng and his team with the necessary protection to prevent the enemy from harming them.

What's more, they actually went to the official government affairs processing platform to leave messages and provide opinions, hoping that the leaders would pay attention to these issues.

Of course, some people are worried that Shen Feng and his team members are in danger, but of course some people are dismissive and indifferent.

These people speak freely on various short video platforms, Q&A websites, social media, etc., and ridicule netizens who are unfounded and worried.

"Please don't be too ridiculous, okay? Who are the kamikaze mercenaries? They are the magic soldiers of the ninth district! Seven people killed the enemy's entire heavily armed criminal group. This is something ordinary people can do Something?"

"So don't worry about others. If something happens to us, it may not happen to others! What you should worry about is whether you can have enough to eat tomorrow!"

"That's right, if you have this free time to worry about others, you might as well take good care of your own family members and prevent them from being defrauded by the criminals in District 6, or even being tricked into using human flesh to climb over the wall!"

"No matter who is issuing the wanted notice for the bounty, they are definitely going to hit the wall again this time! The Kamikaze Mercenary Legion is invincible!"

"Shen Feng and his team members can definitely save the day, we'll just wait and see!"

"By the way, does anyone know where this mercenary group is now? Please give me your contact information. I want to hire them to help me kill a bad guy!"

"Upstairs, you don't have any dangerous ideas, do you?"

"I think it must be Xiaori or Xiaobangzi who did it! These people are the most insidious. They just don't want to see that we are their fathers, and they don't want to see that their own fathers are good!"


Almost everyone on the Internet is discussing these things.

At this moment, the fermentation of these news soon naturally attracted the attention of the families of Shen Feng and his team members.

It is different from those netizens who join in the fun.

Among the parent groups established by their families, the parents are extremely worried at this moment. My own children have done such a big thing for District 9 and saved so many victims. This is of course worthy of being happy and even proud.

However, when each of their parents suddenly learned that their children were wanted by unknown persons with a reward.

All these parents were a little scared.

"Our child is wanted by a mysterious enemy with a bounty of over 100 million dollars! What do you think of this matter?"

"Why don't we go report the crime? The people from the patrol department will definitely be able to handle these problems!"

"It must be a team of foreign mercenaries taking revenge on our children. They have done such great things, but in the eyes of those criminals, this is tampering with their interests!"

"I suggest you calm down first and don't be anxious. This kind of thing may be a rumor. Now our children have become the focus of public opinion. Everyone wants a piece of the traffic cake..."

"What Lulu's mother said makes sense, and I think so too. Those people just don't want to see our children well!"

"Sigh, but I'm still worried. After all, there's so much money on the bounty. If this is true, there must be many people interested, right? They'll go back and deal with our children!"

"Why don't we ask the authorities for help? They will definitely not sit idly by. After all, our children have done so many good things for District 9 and saved so many lives..."

"Everyone, calm down first. We'd better call the children first, and then ask them if they know about these situations, right?"

"It makes sense! Don't panic, everyone. Our children are all excellent. They can definitely protect themselves. Let's ask about the situation first!"

"In addition, I will also inform our leader later. He has a certain cooperative relationship with the military. Our leader is also very concerned about the development of the Kamikaze Mercenary Corps. If he knows these situations, he will definitely help. !”


In the parent group, parents, relatives, friends, etc. of Shen Feng and his team members are encouraging and comforting each other at this moment, and everyone is also making suggestions together.

Finally, after everyone was temporarily anxious, they began to come to their senses one after another.

Every parent decided to call their own children first to see what the situation was.

At the same time, ask clearly where your children are now and confirm their safety.

The first person to make the call was Shen Feng's mother, Lin Miaoyun.

However, what she didn't expect was that when she called her son's phone number, it showed that the number was empty.

At this moment, Lin Miaoyun was dumbfounded on the spot.

"Why is it an empty number?"

"I obviously called this number before. I have saved the call history and noted the name. There is nothing wrong!"

"Hurry up and try using your mobile phone to see if you can get through!"

Lin Miaoyun greeted Shen Feng's father Shen Qingsong and said.

(End of this chapter)

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