Chapter 339 Escape!

After listening to Yang Lu's analysis and explanation, all the team members fell silent.

Looking at it this way, they are indeed not suitable for direct head-on firefights with the enemy in such a narrow downtown area.

First of all, they cannot do anything but massacre civilians.

Secondly, the number of enemies is dozens of times greater than them.

This kind of battle is not equal at all.

Under the restricted situation, they can only ask for trouble if they fight with the enemy rashly.

At this time, Liang Chaoshu took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Shen Feng without saying anything.

Remind Shen Feng that there are all enemies outside waiting to deal with him, so it's best not to come out yet.

Shen Feng saw the reminders sent to him by the team members.

In fact, there was no need for any special reminder from the team members. Of course, Shen Feng had already guessed such a result.

So he didn't leave through the VIP channel at all.

Of course, Shen Feng did not leave here through the normal channels of ordinary mercenaries.

He walked directly into the back kitchen of a restaurant within the Mercenary Management Association.

The chefs here are busy.

No one noticed at all that Shen Feng had disguised himself as a chef.

Shen Feng swaggered through the kitchen and came to the garbage disposal room.

There is a garbage channel that leads directly to the outside.

Because it is a dirty place, almost no one wants to come here.

Of course, the enemy would most likely not imagine that Shen Feng would leave from such a place.

This is a normal person's choice under normal circumstances.

However, the mercenaries who came to hunt them this time were not normal people.

Not only are they professional killers.

And each one is very cunning.

For money, some of them may even sell everything they have.

After Shen Feng arrived here, he secretly observed from the window.

He found that the garbage exit in the back alley was indeed guarded by enemies.

So Shen Feng gave up the idea of ​​leaving here.

He looked up and saw a huge ventilation duct.

There is a detailed schematic diagram of the floor structure on the wall next to it.

This is specially prepared for fire escape.

The purpose is to facilitate people on the floor to identify their location and the main entrances and exits in the building.

So that everyone can escape smoothly in the event of an accident.

And now, this key information has become one of Shen Feng's ways to leave here.

Seeing that this ventilation duct was connected to the exhaust outlet on the top floor, Shen Feng suddenly had an idea.

Without saying a word, he found a deserted place, used the multifunctional marching dagger he carried with him, unscrewed the screws of the vent and got in.

Then put the lid back on.

Shen Feng climbed all the way up the ventilation duct.

Finally, he quietly arrived at the ventilation outlet on the top floor.

Repeating his old tricks, he quickly removed the screws on the ventilation and exhaust vents and drilled out.

After a quick observation, Shen Feng immediately saw that the enemy was also ambushing on the top floor.

It's just that these guys are all stupidly turning their backs to themselves at this moment, facing the street outside the floor.

They thought they could be condescending and have an unobstructed view of Shen Feng's situation.

Little does he know that at this moment, death has quietly arrived.

Like a nimble leopard, Shen Feng quickly moved towards these enemies.

He quickly came up behind an enemy, raised his dagger and killed the enemy on the spot. Then immediately launched a sneak attack on the remaining enemies.

These enemies were killed one after another, but no abnormality was found.

Shen Feng felt a little confused for a while.

I don’t know if I am lucky or if these enemies are really that bad.

When he was about to finish off the last enemy, the guy finally became alert.

He turned around suddenly and saw Shen Feng approaching.

He was suddenly startled.

Immediately afterwards, the enemy immediately pointed his gun at Shen Feng and planned to shoot.

However, at that critical moment, Shen Feng threw the dagger in his hand towards the opponent's heart.


The sharp dagger plunges directly into the opponent's heart.

Not only that, the huge impact even caused his body to fly upside down and be thrown three or four meters away.

The enemy didn't even hum a word and was killed on the spot.

Shen Feng looked at the scene in front of him in astonishment.

"My strength is so great? Why didn't I realize it?"

Surprised, but Shen Feng quickly walked over and pulled out his dagger.

This is a titanium alloy dagger given to him by the system.

Not only is it extremely tough, but it is also extremely sharp. It is no joke to cut iron like clay.

After taking care of all the enemies, Shen Feng glanced quickly.

At the same time his ears moved.

After confirming that there were no enemies on the top floor, Shen Feng quietly touched the edge of the wall. He observed the situation on the opposite building through the gap in a billboard outside the railing.

As expected, there were also enemies ambush in the building opposite.

Shen Feng informed his team members of his location and asked them to leave and wait for him two blocks away.

Shen Feng casually picked up a sniper rifle from the corpse of an enemy beside him.

After briefly checking the reliability of the weapon, Shen Feng immediately became the sixth person and began to name the enemies one by one on the opposite building and on the rooftops of several surrounding buildings.

He took out his own special silencer.

This is also produced by the system.

The noise canceling effect is absolutely excellent, it can even be said to be silent.

Shen Feng first fired a shot at an enemy to test the effect.

The bullet shoots out smoothly and hits the target in the head.

Not attracting the attention of any other enemies.

He immediately started to play continuous sniping.

The number of all enemies has been basically confirmed through observation just now, and Shen Feng has firmly memorized their locations.

At this time, Shen Feng, it is no exaggeration to say that even if he closes his eyes and plays blind sniping, he can easily kill these enemies who are ambushing and preparing to kill him.

In just a moment, Shen Feng killed about thirty enemies in a row.

The sniper rifle was also out of bullets.

He immediately ran to pick up a second sniper rifle and continued to snipe at the remaining enemies.

After killing about fifteen more enemies, Shen Feng finally cleared all the enemies on the nearby rooftops.

Shen Feng threw away the weapon he picked up.

He observed it, picked the nearest residential building, then stepped back and accelerated.

After running to the edge of the building, Shen Feng jumped out.

His body seemed to be flying, and he quickly flew over a distance of about seven meters and jumped to the top floor of another residential building.

After landing, he rolled on the spot. Not only was he unscathed, but he also had some strength left.

(End of this chapter)

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