After graduation, fool everyone into becoming mercenaries

Chapter 88 Parents Are Shocked Too Much!

Chapter 88 Parents Are Shocked Too Much!
Topics such as "Heroes of District [-]" and "Lights of District [-]" continue to arouse huge attention and repercussions on the Internet.

The TV news is also repeatedly reporting related matters.

Countless melon eaters are guessing who the mercenaries who are performing missions in the sixth district are.

And the news naturally reached the ears of Shen Feng and the parents of several of his team members very quickly.

It is the same as the patrol officers of the future area patrol department.

After learning this information, the parents naturally matched the identities, numbers, and genders of the mercenaries reported on the Internet with their own children.

[Three women and four men, exactly seven people, the same number as the children in our family!All the genders match up! 】

[Now we need to confirm their names. If there are photos, we can directly confirm whether those mercenaries are our children! 】

In the temporarily established contact group, at this moment, some parents shared the most popular report on the Internet.

And sent a long list of messages to other people.

It is difficult to hide the excitement in my heart between the lines.

Soon, the group became lively.

[Xiaofeng and the others said before that they went to work as mercenaries in the sixth district. Do you all remember this incident? 】

[I remember, I said at the time that they were joking!Could it be that our child really has such a great ability? 】

[If this is true, then I am proud of my child, this is bringing glory to District [-]!At the same time, it is also saving the suffering compatriots!Those scammers and kidnappers are really hateful and vicious! 】

[But this is too dangerous, right?Those criminals also have guns and weapons, and they are ruthless and can do anything!If our children were fighting against them, wouldn't it be...too dangerous! 】

[I just read the news, and I heard that seven of them personally wiped out a criminal gang with at least [-] people!Saved more than a hundred victims with your own hands!Really great!Very mighty!Very proud! 】

[Aren't you all worried about the safety of your children?They are now in a very dangerous situation. Many criminal organizations in the Sixth District are in collusion with the local officials. You don't know about this situation, do you? 】


The parent group was very lively.

Almost every parent put down the work at hand and started to discuss.

Some parents are proud of their son or daughter.

They think that they are doing this to punish the evil and promote the good, to punish those vicious criminals, to save the victims of the Ninth District, and to bring glory to the Ninth District.

But some parents couldn't help but worry after seeing the information.

The sixth district is notoriously dangerous, not to mention that my own children are still directly confronting those vicious and dehumanizing criminals.

They really couldn't imagine what would happen if something unexpected happened.

How can you be happy in such a situation?Worry to death!

[Everyone, don't just speculate here, don't we know if we just call and ask? 】

[Yes, give the children a call and ask them what is going on with them now! 】

In the group, the parents made up their minds.

Immediately someone started to act, took out their mobile phone and started making calls.


Shen Feng led the team members and had just arrived at the exclusive training area designated by the system.

There is a system of special protection here, and ordinary people will not find the abnormal situation here.

So they are absolutely safe here.

In addition to the remote location, it is not convenient for food, clothing and housing. In fact, it is far more suitable as a base camp than a hotel.

Having just arrived here, Shen Feng and his party are preparing to check the latest batch of supplies.

At this time, Shen Feng's cell phone rang.

He took out his cell phone and saw that it was his mother calling.

For the time being, there is no need to block phone harassment from relatives.

So Shen Feng subconsciously connected the phone: "Hey, Mom, what's the matter?"

"Xiaofeng, is that really you?"

On the other end of the phone, Shen Feng's mother asked in disbelief.

Now Shen Feng and the team members don't know that there are already overwhelming reports and speculations about them on the network and news media of the Ninth District.

Hearing such a strange question from his mother, Shen Feng replied in doubt: "Yes, it's me, what happened?"

"Xiaofeng, where are you now? Are you safe?"

"It's safe...what's the matter, Mom?"

"No, we saw on the news that you went to the sixth district as a mercenary and rescued more than 100 kidnapped people."

"I heard that you fought bravely, wiped out dozens of criminals, and smashed a local criminal group. Is there such a thing?"

"Xiaofeng, tell mom honestly, what on earth did you guys go to the sixth district for? Couldn't you be doing something illegal and criminal?"

Shen Feng's mother raised a series of questions at this time.

Not to mention the few questions she asked later, which seemed a bit overly worried, when Shen Feng heard that the actions of himself and his team members had been exposed on the news, he was stunned for a moment.

"Mom, what are you kidding? Our actions are very secretive, how could it be known? How does the news media know what we have done?"

But as soon as he finished speaking, Shen Feng understood.

He subconsciously looked at a few team members who looked at him in astonishment and questioned him: "It seems that it should be the victims who were rescued..."

Sure enough, at this time, on the other end of the phone, his mother said again: "So you say, those seven mercenaries are really you?"

"Uh...Mom, I'll explain this question to you later, but you answer me first, how did the news media know about us?"

Shen Feng still asked back.

At this time, some team members have already started to use their mobile phones to search for relevant news reports online.

And Shen Feng's mother also replied: "I heard that some victims who escaped from the sixth district came forward and said that seven young mercenaries rescued them in the sixth district."

"And people also said that you are three women and four men. When we thought about it, don't the seven of you happen to be three women and four men? I guess it's you!"

"Xiaofeng, are you really going to be mercenaries? It's so dangerous, don't mess around anymore, don't worry your parents, you know?"

"You must pay attention to your safety, come back quickly if you have nothing to do, and don't perform any more tasks..."

When Shen Feng's mother learned that it was really her son who rescued the victims, she was happy but also became more worried.

At this time, while she was nagging, the mobile phones of Liang Chaoshu, Yang Lu, Zhang Nianjia and others also rang.

(End of this chapter)

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