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Chapter 101 New Hero: Shadow Demon

Chapter 101 New Hero: Shadow Demon
Shadow Fiend, referred to as SF.

Elegant figure, difficult to release skills, high damage, very handsome to play, it tests the player's personal ability, is a very popular hero in DOTA.

The master Shadow Demon, no matter how the opponent moves online, can always press the target, directly destroying the enemy in the early stage, becoming the most eye-catching focus of the game.

However, the difficulty of the hero Shadow Demon is also very high.

It is very difficult to hit all three pressure guns. Players cannot use the mouse to control the direction to release skills, they can only release skills in the direction they are facing, and the distance control must be very precise. Novices are often in a hurry when playing, and they can’t aim at people at all. It is very difficult to hit one shot and two shots with multiple pressures, and it is very difficult to hit all three shots.

However, if the skill is released accurately, the damage of the Shadow Demon will be ridiculously high.

In the online game, no matter how the opponent moves, they can always hit the target, and when they have no vision, they can directly press blindly, and instantly become the focus of the audience.

Mo Yu felt it would be a pity if such a hero could not appear in "God and God".

So in this update, Shadow Fiend is the first hero to be launched.

The core gameplay of the French shadow demon gunner is retained, and other skills are re-modified and integrated into the game.

"Please take a look, this is my introduction to Shadow Fiend's skills, background story, and modeling."

Mo Yu motioned everyone to look at the screen, which showed the basic information of Shadow Demon.

Shadow Fiend.

Namon Moore.

Good position: middle road.

Skill introduction: Passive: Demon King Descends: When Shadow Demon's skill hits the enemy, it will reduce the enemy's magic resistance by 5%, deceleration by 10%, and turn rate by 10%. This effect can be superimposed, up to three times, and lasts for six Second.


W Skill: Destroy Shadow.

E skill: destroy shadow (far).

R skill: Dirge of Soul: Passive effect: Shadow Fiend can obtain soul by killing enemies, and every 10 points of soul value will increase its magic power by 1 point, killing minions and wild monsters to get 1 point, and killing large monsters to get 2 points, 5 points for killing dragons, dragons, and heroes.

Background story: The Shadow Fiend is a terrifying monster formed by the combination of the energy erupted in the void and the dark fog that never disperses on the Shadow Island. It has the ability to manipulate souls and shadows. It lives in the deepest part of the Shadow Island all year round. Food, with powerful magical powers.

"Shadow Fiend's skills are all spell power bonuses. I position it as a mage turret hero in the middle lane. Through the precise release of skills, it will cause a lot of damage to the enemy. In addition, because of its passive growth, its own attributes will grow faster. Low, typical crispy skin with high damage and low blood volume."

"I have also made the current growth of the basic attributes. You can take a look, but this value can only be used as a reference. The specifics need to go through many tests before making a final decision. It cannot be too high."

"Because the background story of Shadow Demon is set to be a creature produced by the combination of black mist and void, and can manipulate shadows and absorb souls, so the overall modeling tone of the hero is mainly black, creating a western demon image as the hero's original skin, In addition, there will be a dark purple-toned skin for Shadow of the Void, and I already have preliminary design artwork here."


Mo Yu briefly talked about some of his design ideas for Shadow Demon.

Now the number of employees of Moyu Company has increased greatly, so his workload has also been reduced a lot, and with the help of the memory of his previous life, when launching a new hero, it is often only necessary to state the general framework, and the specific values, modeling details, etc. Having someone else do the final touches saves a lot of work.

"The above is probably the entire design idea of ​​Shadow Demon. You all have a look, and if you have any comments, you can raise them." Mo Yu took a sip of water to relieve his dry throat.

In the meeting room, everyone looked at the document, compared it with the picture on the projector, and started whispering and discussing with each other.

These people are all recently recruited designers, among them are the supervisors of modeling, art, numerical value, and planning departments. They have good working ability and have been engaged in the game industry. I have been exposed to MOBA games for the first time, and I am not very proficient in MOBA design work.

After discussing for a few minutes, no one dared to stand up to express their opinions, and most of their eyes were on Huang Jiajian.

After all, Huang Jiajian has worked long enough and developed many new heroes under Mo Yu's leadership, so his understanding of the game is much higher than theirs.

Huang Jiajian stood up and said, "Mr. Mo, according to the design plan you provided, Shadow Demon is a growth-type hero, passive and has magic resistance reduction. If this is the case, are his skills and values ​​too supermodel?"

The designers of LOL have one thing that players criticize the most.

That is, when a new hero goes online, at the very beginning, players haven’t figured out their outfits and gameplay, and their performance is pretty normal. However, after the players figure it out, the performance of the new hero will directly surpass the existing heroes, and the winning rate will directly increase. top.

Such as Yue Nan, Sharmila, Qiyana and so on.

Once the gameplay of these heroes is figured out, the winning rate will reach the top directly, and it is a must.

At this time, the designer will jump out again and slash directly, and then the hero will become weaker, then strengthened, back and forth, over and over again, and finally will gradually tend to balance.

The workload involved is enormous.

It’s just that I can’t blame the designer. The official launch of a new hero must go through many internal tests, and it will go online after it is basically confirmed. But the designer is not a player. When it comes to the truth, how can a few designers compare with millions of players? ?

Therefore, designers often feel that the balance is balanced, but they are slapped in the face after the launch.

Mo Yu didn't have a good idea either.

This phenomenon cannot be eliminated. After all, there are hundreds of people in Moyu Company and millions of gamers. It is impossible for designers to consider all aspects.

So he said: "Numerical issues such as damage and attributes are only a preliminary design. The specifics need to be recalculated based on the performance of the hero after the actual test."

"Before Shadow Fiend goes online, we conduct multiple tests internally to ensure that it will not cause damage to old heroes, and then officially launch it."

"In short, you have to remember that "Gods and Gods" is an extremely competitive competitive game. Balance is the most important thing. It can't be too strong or too weak. Too extreme will affect the life of the game. "

 I took my wife back to her natal home today, and after driving for several hours, my head became muddy. I actually wrote this chapter for 3 hours. If the next chapter is not written, I will add it tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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