Create a great era of e-sports.

Chapter 40 Reducing Difficulty

Chapter 40 Reducing Difficulty
"Any competition is the most important thing about fairness and justice. I will absolutely not allow any shady things to happen on the one-acre three-point field of e-sports. Whoever dares to touch it, I will interrupt the hand of anyone!"

"Mr. Zhang, this is the first time, and I hope it will be the last time. From now on, don't mention this matter again, or don't blame me for falling out!"

Mo Yu warned Zhang Zhaoyang sternly and mercilessly.

Opposite the phone.

Zhang Zhaoyang's expression was displeased, and he felt that Mo Yu was disrespectful.

To him it was a trivial matter.

The winner of the Internet cafe competition is only [-]. He spent [-] to buy a spot, isn't he making a lot of money?

He stopped talking, expressing his anger.

Mo Yu knew, but still didn't give face.

He didn't even call Mr. Zhang, and called him by name directly: "Zhang Zhaoyang, do you think it's because I don't give you face?"

"Sorry, I just don't give you face, and I told you, I won't give this face to anyone who comes."

"Since it is a game, it must be about rules. Rules are also the foundation of a game. If it is broken, what is the point of the game?"

"Zhang Zhaoyang, let me explain the truth to you clearly. If you still insist on your own opinion, then we should stop talking, and there will be no results if we continue talking, let alone future cooperation!"

"Think about it for yourself!"

Mo Yu hung up the phone directly.

He didn't care what Zhang Zhaoyang thought, he just couldn't do it anyway, maybe he might turn against him, but he wasn't afraid.

Just a real estate tycoon, what are you afraid of when you have money?
There are many real estate bosses who have gone bankrupt in later generations, so Jingzhou Construction Engineering will definitely be able to persist until that period?
I dare not say anything else, "God and God" will definitely last!
After 20 years, the house is worth money, but the real estate company may not be rich!

Looking at the phone, Mo Yu decided to immediately ask someone to post a new rule in the background of the official website.

[Regard to all gamers of "God and God". 】

[In view of the fact that the pre-selection stage of the Internet cafe competition is coming to an end, the majority of players will witness the birth of the top sixteen teams. In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the competition, any team or any member of the sixteen teams that entered the offline group stage shall not privately use any name In exchange for qualifications, if found, the title will be sealed for 365 years, and at the same time, it will be permanently banned from participating in any activities held by Moyu Company in the future, and playing any games under Moyu Company! 】

Any team, any member, any name, any activity, any game!
Anything five is enough to show Mo Yu's determination!

Many players were very curious about why such an item was added, and they posted posts to discuss it. Mo Yu didn't explain much, anyway, don't touch it, and he will block one if he catches one.


After posting the announcement, Mo Yu took a look at the popularity score list on the official platform.

At the top of the list are those popular online games.

Warcraft, Dream, Journey, Papao, Crossfire, and Audition include 3D online games, 2D turn-based, 2.5D national war krypton gold, racing, FPS, dancing, all of which are the kings of similar gameplay games.
"Gods and Gods" just came in seventh.

The official recommendation is--unique new gameplay, passionate battles, player-to-player operation, the first choice for friends to start hacking, super hot games are highly recommended!

Click on the comment area, almost all praises, some looking for blackmail, some begging for a master, all kinds of serious comments, among which the most discussed topic is the performance of the major teams in the qualifiers.

Thanks to its own player base, plus various highlights and game videos uploaded by the company to the video platform, the discussion posts of the Internet cafe game are the most numerous in the entire comment area.

Mo Yu flipped through several pages and found that many players were discussing which of the two branch EU streams and ghost streams was more reasonable.

In the North American division of the previous life, various tactics were popular, such as ghost flow, EU flow, and even the unique gameplay of three-person routing and two-person roaming. In the end, FNC used the most commonly used EU flow in later generations to strongly defeat all opponents. In the end, the EU flow completely flourished.

And in "God and God".

It was the same at the beginning. There were many strange splits and chaotic tactics, and there was no mainstream split among the players.

However, as more and more teams using other lanes were defeated by EU teams in the qualifiers, this 1112 lane gradually became popular in the game.

"It seems that the game will definitely be dominated by 1112 lanes in the future. The hero skills I reproduced from DOTA should also be more inclined to this way of splitting, and we can't just copy them!"

Mo Yu thought deeply.

In his previous life, he had played both games. Although his rank was not too high, he was still familiar with the basic hero skills and items.

There are no attributes such as AP bonus and AD bonus in DOTA. Many hero skills and control time do not match LOL.

For example, there is no magic immunity in LOL, and the control time of skills is mostly within three seconds, and cannot be released multiple times in a short period of time.

But in DOTA, there is even a skill of controlling for 7 seconds!
In order to perfectly adapt these things to "Gods and Gods", a lot of energy must be spent and re-modified to make them more in line with the gameplay of "Gods and Gods".

Mo Yu recalled that he had seen the IDs of many former DOTA professional players in the team list of the Internet cafe competition, such as PIS, 09, 820, Zhou and others.

These people are well-known players in the knife circle, and each of them has their own famous scene and outstanding record.

The emergence of these IDs is one of the important reasons that prompted Mo Yu to transfer the hero skills in DOTA to "God and God", not all of them are heroes in LOL.

However, "God and God" is more inclined to LOL.

So it is very difficult to get a perfect fit.

Mo Yu himself has also found in the game that many things that were reproduced from DOTA before are actually not very suitable for the current game environment.

For example, the high and low slopes in the middle road, the woods in the wild area, etc. are actually not suitable. After all, there are already grasses, walls, and one more woods.

The setting of high and low slopes aggravates the player's fear of the middle lane, especially for novices, many people are not used to playing the middle lane, and the setting of high and low slopes is one of the reasons.

After thinking about it, Mo Yu still decided to cancel these two settings in the next version update, and let the map of "God and God" completely copy LOL, but it is not the corner of the side with multiple card visions and various The stage of planting fruits and portals, but the early maps plus exploding fruits.

River crabs and the like will not increase for the time being.

The reason for this is that he considered that "God and God" is still a new start after all, and the overly complicated setting may be easier for experts, but it is not friendly to newcomers.

Adding explosive fruits is to add a little fun to the game, but the actual difficulty has not increased.

in the past.

The reason why LOL can quickly rise above DOTA is that simple settings, map elements, and field of view control are also key.

After all, not everyone likes soul games and brain-burning mazes.

More people like to be simpler, but it is better to highlight some difficult things in the simplicity, so as to have the pleasure of upgrading and challenging.

It's like advanced skills such as skill flash, five knives per second, light speed QA, snake girl reverse R flash, roundabout kick, etc.

As soon as new players enter the game, they find that it is too complicated and brain-consuming, and they will not face the difficulties, but will face the difficulties.

Only like LOL, it is easy to enter at first glance, but you can find the difficulty in the simplicity after playing a lot, so that it will attract more players and retain players.

And this is exactly what "God and God" in the development stage wants more!
(End of this chapter)

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