Create a great era of e-sports.

Chapter 619 Youth Training Camp

The youth training camp is located near Jiangdong District, Jingzhou.

The Jiangdong headquarters building and Jiangdong Stadium that the company is building are also in that area.

The surrounding area is vast and sparsely populated, with few entertainment venues. It is in the early stages of development and is full of schools, companies, and unfinished real estate communities. It is most convenient for youth training personnel to concentrate on training and minimize external temptations.

Sixteen GPL teams plus 24 GDL teams and six individual club members who accepted the invitation came to the youth training headquarters under the leadership of Mo Yu.

"Lao Cai, come here."

Yang Qiu waved.

A group of people had already stood at the entrance of the youth training camp. The leader was a man who looked to be in his early thirties, followed by several staff members.

Yang Qiu introduced: "Mr. Mo, this is Cai Xiaoqiang, the director of the youth training base. He is mainly responsible for managing the personnel and affairs of the youth training base, and is not responsible for specific training projects."

The company now has many employees and is divided into multiple subsidiaries. Cai Xiaoqiang is affiliated with Mojing Sports, but Mo Yu has never seen this person before.

However, Mo Yu had never seen Cai Xiaoqiang, but Cai Xiaoqiang had seen Mo Yu, and he quickly stepped forward to say hello.

"Hello, Mr. Mo."

"You are welcome."

Mo Yu smiled and said a few greetings, reflecting the boss's approachability, and then talked about work: "Have the auction arrangements been arranged?"

"Well, everything is ready."

"Then let's talk as we walk."

Mo Yu stretched out his hand to signal.

The youth training base was originally located in the urban area, but later on, more and more players were trained. In addition to those trained by various clubs and recruited from the society, there were nearly 200 players.

There were too many people and the original base was not enough, so they later moved to Jiangdong.

It was also the first time for Mo Yu to come to Jiangdong base and he was not familiar with the situation here.

"Tell me the specific situation."

The heads sent by various clubs are also very interested.

The youth training base in front of us occupies a huge area. It is a building rented from a real estate company that develops an industrial park here. The entire three floors of the building belong to the youth training base.

Cai Xiaoqiang led the way, starting from the entrance.

"Everyone, what you see when you enter is our display wall. On it is the list of players for each youth training session. The first floor is the canteen and accommodation, and the second and third floors are the training room, analysis room, etc."

Sort each player by number on the display wall.

From 001 to 219, there are a total of 219 youth training players. Below the number are the players' names and photos, and they are divided into five sections: TOP, JUN, SUP, MID, and ADC, which means top laner, jungler, support, mid laner, The shooter is very clearly marked and easy to identify.

Everyone looked very curious and walked around to take a look.

Mo Yu also walked around.

The new base is pretty good, with bright windows and clean space. There are many posters of GAG heroes on the exterior walls. There is also a sculpture of a black galloping horse with four hooves in the gate square.

"What does that sculpture mean? Why is it a horse?"

Someone also saw the galloping horse sculpture and asked curiously.

Cai Xiaoqiang smiled and explained: "That means dark horse. Everything is unknown for every youth training player before he goes on the court. We also use the dark horse as a metaphor. The world is uncertain, and you and I are both dark horses!"

"In each issue, we will select the five players with the best performance in the five positions from all the players and award them with black cards, which also means dark horses. You can look at the display wall again, which also marks the black card players."

"I see."

Everyone suddenly understood and turned to look at the display wall carefully. On the display wall, most people had a green badge hanging on their chest, but the five players 076, 129, 145, 163, and 191 had a black badge hanging on their chests.

"Is that the black card player?"

Mo Yu was curious and looked over carefully.

The five people are Li Miao, Zhou She, Ding Liangren, Han Xu, and Wen Mengmeng.

They all looked to be Internet-addicted teenagers of fifteen or sixteen years old, with pimples on their faces and unsmiling looks.

Cai Xiaoqiang introduced from the side: "Li Miao, in the unit, good at big trees, crocodiles, weapons, Ruiwen, Sword Queen, sixteen years old, native of Sichuan Province, Noxus King Rank, free man."

"Zhou She, jungler, good at Blind Monk, Spider, Poodle, Leopard Girl, Reksai, fifteen years old, from Hubei Province, Black Rose King Rank, from Star Club."

"Ding Liangren, middle unit, good at ball girl, clockwork, fox, sixteen years old, native of Gan Province, Ionian master rank, from WE club."

"Han Xu, shooter, good at Xiao Pao, Lucian, Big Mouth, Ezreal, fourteen years old, Ionia master level, from LGD club."

"Wen Mengmeng, auxiliary position, good at robots, Feng Nu, Qin Nu, Niu Tou, and Japanese Nu. He is fifteen years old. He is from Shandong Province. He is the King of Demacia and comes from the NP Club."

Cai Xiaoqiang picked it up at his fingertips and explained the basic information about each player clearly, so he obviously had a good plan in mind.

The five black card players are both free agents who signed up for themselves, youth trainees trained by GPL clubs, and youth trainees trained by GDL clubs.

"Currently, the youth training camp mainly recruits free players who have registered through official registration channels and youth training players trained by major clubs. Everyone receives training in the same place. It happens to be a tactical training class now, so there is no one on the first floor, and they are all on the third floor. Listen to the class in the big training room upstairs.”

"Everyone, follow me."

Cai Xiaoqiang led everyone to continue walking upward.

The second floor is different from the first floor. It is divided into multiple small spaces filled with computers, most of which are in groups of ten. There is a small blackboard next to it. It is obviously a place for daily training, actual combat, and group confrontation.

Arrived on the third floor.

In addition to the same training room as on the second floor, there is also a large training room at the end of the corridor.

At this time, the door of the large training room was closed, and some faint sounds could be heard outside, but they were not very clear.

Cai Xiaoqiang led everyone to the back door of the training room and gently pushed Xiao Ban open with his hands.

Through the crack in the door, you can see that the training room is full of people, all of whom are teenagers with career dreams. On the podium, there is a lecturer in a suit who is imparting knowledge passionately.

"Today I will mainly talk about POKE flow. Let's watch the video of this game."

The instructor's voice came from the training room.

No one went in to disturb him, but just took a look outside the door.

Mo Yu also joined in.

He didn't recognize the lecturer on the stage, but he looked very professional, and some of the things he taught were tactical routines and game analysis commonly used in professional competitions.

Many youth training players in the audience were listening carefully to the lectures and taking notes, but some were chatting among themselves and wandering off.

There happened to be a student at the back door who turned around and looked over. He was startled when he saw the face of a stranger like Mo Yu, and then immediately turned back and pretended to listen to the class attentively.

"Sure enough, there are students everywhere who don't pay attention to class!"

Mo Yu shook his head and sighed.

Although e-sports is a profession that only young geniuses can engage in, genius is only the threshold for a profession. Who among the players who can make it to the professional level is not a genius?
Only players who have gone through a lot of training, actual combat, and are used to being abused in professional leagues can truly gain a foothold in the professional arena.

Unless someone is a genius among geniuses!
But there are so few people like that, not even one in ten thousand! (End of chapter)

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