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Chapter 630 Global synchronization without file deletion test

Chapter 630 Global synchronization without file deletion test

Late January.

The news that DOTA is about to launch global synchronization and non-deletion of files has officially landed on the official website, and netizens were immediately excited.

"I've been waiting for a long time, and it's finally here!"

"Please give me an activation code! Big money!"

"Officially take a look at me and ask for the activation code!"

"No activation code is required, you can play directly. The client is open for download, but you can't log in yet."

The official website not only opened the client, but also launched the first expansion pack.

The name of the expansion pack is "Origin of Ruins", which tells the background story of DOTA.

The content of the film is very simple. Before the world of DOTA was formed, there was an original origin in the universe. Later, the original origin was broken into many fragments. The two most powerful origin fragments gave birth to consciousness, called Shenghui and Evil Nightmare. .

Just as a war broke out between the Holy Glory and the Evil Nightmare, another fragment gave birth to consciousness, and the hero Sky Watcher, commonly known as the Electric Dog, was born.

Electric Dog hopes to collect all the fragments of the origin and restore the original origin.

During a battle between the Holy Glory and the Evil Nightmare, the electric dog who had been unable to complete the task for a long time and fell into madness and irritation took the opportunity to use all his power to imprison the two origin fragments and other small fragments and turn them into the Crazy Moon. Pushing the prison of Madness Moon into the periphery of the Blade Tower world.

The Mad Moon is actually the island-like map outside the boundary of the game map.

Due to the huge collision of the origin fragments in the Moon of Madness and the tidal gravitational pull of the Blade Tower world, the Moon of Madness eventually completely shattered, causing most of the fragments to burn up, and the remaining few fragments fell to the Blade Tower world and turned into ruins. These include Holy Glory and Evil Nightmare
The landing of the Origin Fragments brought various powers to the indigenous people of the Dota World. The indigenous people either chose to join the Holy Glory or the Evil Nightmare, and built a large number of buildings around the two ruins fragments.

This is where the two bases in the DOTA map, Radiant and Dire, come from.

In order to have the power to repair their ruins, the aborigines on both sides must completely eliminate each other in order to achieve a complete victory.

The whole story clearly explains the ins and outs of DOTA's base and why the two sides are fighting.

Players can understand it at a glance.

The entire expansion pack cost a lot of money. The video of just over 2 minutes cost the company tens of millions. The movie-level CG image quality has also made countless players addicted.

Therefore, in addition to being the best game company for music, Moyu Games also likes to be named the best game company for video.

While the news is fermenting online, the company is also preparing for a press conference.

By the end of the year, the four major game exhibitions will no longer be held. In order to better promote the company, the company will hold a new game conference for DOTA.

Zhang Yiming, the game's chief designer, took the stage to give a keynote speech, inviting the media and some interested players, anchors, and professional players to be the audience, and the entire process was broadcast live on the official website.

Inside the venue.

The house was full of guests.

There are many foreign friends among them.

Zhang Yiming took a deep breath backstage and kept reviewing the entire speech.

Although he had held a high position before, he had never held a development conference before, so he was unavoidably nervous at this time.

"Mr. Mo, can you change someone else? And does it have to be broadcast live?" Zhang Yiming said with a bitter face.

"What are you afraid of?" Mo Yu said: "You are a game designer, who will be better if you don't? Or are you afraid of live streaming?"


Zhang Yiming nodded honestly: "You also said that I am a designer and have no experience in press conferences. Moreover, I have designed games in companies before. I have never given a speech in front of so many people?"

He grimaced and looked troubled. Mo Yu patted him on the shoulder and comforted him: "There's no way, it's the end of the year, there's no exhibition, and you have to get used to it, this kind of thing will happen in the future."

Participating in a game exhibition is not only time-consuming and labor-intensive, but also expensive. The effect cannot be guaranteed. At most, it will only be in front of tens of thousands of people participating in the exhibition.

In the future, with the rise of live broadcasts, press conferences will become the mainstream.

The publicity group targeted by this form is simply not comparable to that of an exhibition. The audience does not need to go to the scene, they can watch it directly on the computer, and there are more than tens of thousands?

A world-renowned company like Moyu Company has at least hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people watching the live broadcast. It is easier to use than any game exhibition.

"Come on, you can do it. There are not that many viewers in the world. People will not pay attention to whether you speak well or not, nor will they pay attention to your accent and word choice. What everyone wants to see is DOTA, and this happens to be what you are most familiar with." field."

Mo Yu spoke out encouragement.

In the previous life, there were so many press conferences, and only a few people were responsible for the spokespersons.

Xiaomi Lei’s boss makes a lot of fools of himself, and he also has a strange accent when he speaks, but isn’t it just the same one after another?
Maybe Zhang Yiming can also produce 'Are You OK? ' may become an Internet celebrity from now on.

"Okay, I'll try my best."

The press conference was approaching, and Zhang Yiming also knew that it was impossible to make any more substitutions. No matter what, he had to go on the field.

7 pm.

The DOTA global press conference officially opened.

Zhang Yiming appeared on the stage in a suit.

The entire press conference lasted about an hour. In addition to explaining the game content and inviting the audience to try it out, the press conference also announced the DOTA competition plan.

"We will create a complete event system for DOTA all over the world, with event prizes starting at one million, establishing domestic leagues in various countries around the world, and holding global invitational tournaments every year. Currently, the company has signed an event contract with Saudi Arabia. Once the time is ripe, The DOTA Oil Cup will be launched.”

"At the same time, we are also planning a super competition that will shock the world - TI International Invitational!"

"The specific information cannot be disclosed at the moment."

Even though the TI International Invitational Tournament is still uncertain, Zhang Yiming's statement and the announcement of some event plans undoubtedly shocked the major e-sports clubs in front of the screen.

DOTA is the only game after GAG that was personally confirmed by Moyu Company executives at the press conference to create a global competition system.

Since its establishment, Moyu Game has launched many games and all of them are very popular.

But no matter which game, in terms of the scale of the competition, it is impossible to compete with GAG.

The three games of Race, Red Alert, and CSGO are usually dominated by cup competitions or online competitions. Only the final events at the end of the year can cause a sensation.

But GAG is different. The competitions are spread across the five major leagues around the world. In addition to the mainstream leagues, there are also wild card leagues. There are also many BC-level small events and three A-level cups every year. The annual event prize money is hundreds of millions.

Most of the global e-sports industry distribution also relies on GAG events.

But now the shock of DOTA has hit, and the moment they got the exact news, many professional clubs have started to think about it. As long as DOTA performs well after it is launched, and Moyu companies really start to form a competition system, they will immediately start to form a team. First Time comes to DOTA.

The end of the press conference.

Zhang Yiming faced the camera and announced the last news that the majority of players are most concerned about.

"After one year, DOTA is about to be launched."

"On behalf of all members of the DOTA development team of Moyu Game Valve Studio, I hereby officially announce that after 12 o'clock tonight, the DOTA global synchronization and non-deletion test will officially begin!"

(End of this chapter)

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