Create a great era of e-sports

Chapter 643 DPC Tour Competition

"At 7 minutes, ZSMJ once again produced a handful of saint's relics."

From being dropped by A at the 21st minute, to getting 28 again at the 3800th minute, ZSMJ shocked the field with its powerful farm strength.

The current version of DOTA has very low minion money, and it is very difficult to earn 7 pieces in 3800 minutes.

Even if all the data from so many games in the pub game are combined, it would be very difficult to achieve a non-fat and medium-fat game online.

However, ZSMJ was able to earn 3800 yuan again on the playing field under such great pressure. It is simply inexplicable to develop his strength.

of course.

The reason why he was able to earn 3800 yuan so quickly was not only related to himself, but also to his heroes and teammates.

His teammates helped him stall the situation and prevent the opponent from interfering. The heroic phantom spearman himself had a lot of illusions, so he was able to blast the jungle and add three lanes to quickly get the money back.

"It grows so fast!"

The live broadcast room was full of surprises.

But the game continues.

While getting the money back has cheered up supporters, Coke has gained the upper hand.

In times of crisis, all the teammates of Hot Sauce are helping ZSMJ buy time.

In order to survive as long as possible in the middle lane 09, Shadow Demon used blade armor, vanguard shield, and three waves of electric baton to buy high ground, all in order to stall for time.


ZSMJ matured and took shape, leading his teammates to win several team battles in a row, and successfully came back to win!

“Congratulations to the Hot Sauce Team!”

"They are the champions!"

The moment the base exploded, the whole place erupted.

When they were victorious in the first game, many fans who supported Chili Sauce were confident. When they came back against the odds in the second game, the fans were still confident, but they also knew that Coca-Cola should not be underestimated. When they lost their equipment to A in the third game, Fans felt that it was gone, and even if ZSMJ fought back, they were not sure because the situation was too bad.

But all the depression is released at this moment!

Championship locked!

With unrivaled strength, Chili Sauce defeated its opponents after three consecutive victories and won the championship with its strongest appearance!
This is also the first championship in the history of DOTA e-sports!
on the podium.

All members of Hot Sauce became the center of attention.

"how do you feel?"

09 asked quietly.

ZSMJ nodded vigorously: "It's also fun to play DOTA!"

The game is over.

But the aftermath is still spreading.

Although the first DOTA Ladder Invitational Tournament was small in scale, thanks to the company’s extensive publicity in various aspects, the event set off a wave of discussion on the Internet. Related news and information can be seen everywhere. At present, e-sports is becoming more and more popular. As the game becomes more popular, DOTA gradually enters more and more people’s horizons.

within the company.

"We have received inquiries from more than 40 clubs." Yang Qiu sorted out the documents in his hand: "I did some statistics. Domestic, Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia are the four regions with the most. The remaining teams are distributed in other regions. They are more scattered, such as Eastern Europe, South America, the Middle East, and Central Asia, but their development is slower, their scale is smaller, and their strength is less.”

"Bring it to me and take a look." Yang Qiu handed over the document and Mo Yu took it.

The files are filled with inquiry messages sent by professional e-sports clubs around the world during the recent Ladder Invitational Tournament. They range from official to casual chats between friends. The ultimate goal is to ask Moyu Company about the details of DOTA this year. Event planning.

In terms of files, the main areas of concentration are China, Europe, North America, and Southeast Asia. These are also the four servers with the largest number of DOTA players.

In addition, the four places are also among the places with the most developed e-sports culture in the world.

"What do you think?" Mo Yu put down the document: "If DOTA starts more competitions, will all these clubs join in?"

"If it wasn't a seat system like GAG ​​and there weren't too many restrictions, it should be fine." Yang Qiu thought: "According to the information registered by these clubs in the company, there are also clubs with sufficient capital support, but there are more. Those little clubs.”

"It is simply unrealistic to ask them to bear tens or even hundreds of millions of seat fees, but if it is free, there is no big problem."

All professional clubs that have participated in Moyu Company's gaming events have stayed with the company, and basic information such as club personnel changes and sponsorship changes can be queried.

Of course, some clubs are opposed to this rule.

However, the company claims to the outside world that it hopes to maintain the healthy development of the event and maintain a healthy e-sports environment. Privately, it is directly stated that if you do not register, you will not be able to compete in the company's games. Those clubs can only agree no matter how unconvinced they are.

The fishing game is no longer a small business that can be manipulated at will.

Especially in the field of e-sports, it is undoubtedly a giant in the industry. It can be said that it monopolizes more than 80% of global e-sports events. All popular and professional events are produced by Moyu Games, and the rest are other games. game company.

Those clubs have no room for resistance and can only agree in exchange for joining, otherwise there will be no point in creating an e-sports club.

Everyone has joined, but you won’t join?
Then play alone!

Mo Yu looked at the document again, and it was indeed as Yang Qiu said.

There are relatively few top clubs with strength, achievements, and reputation, and most of them are small and medium-sized clubs.

Mo Yu said: "It's not necessarily that the top clubs are not interested, but that they already have the idea to join or that they are more stable. This ladder invitational tournament has proved it."

In the Ladder Invitational Tournament, many clubs have supported and funded some teams to participate, such as Emperor Star, NB, LGD, Ehome, and IG have all joined, and the same is true abroad.

OG, FNC, G2, SSG, and TL are not a few.

Yang Qiu thought about it carefully, then nodded and admitted: "That's true. In that case, DOTA should be very popular, and we can launch more events."


Mo Yu nodded: "Has the negotiation with ESL been completed?"

"Okay, they have agreed to sign the contract." Yang Qiu replied: "The specific details have been agreed upon. ESL will host and operate GAG's A-level cup within five years, and will also operate a tournament with free prizes this year. DOTA Cup with less than 100 million US dollars.”

As early as last year, the European ESL event company expressed its intention to cooperate with Li Jiahui of the European branch, hoping to obtain GAG's A-level cup authorization.

The two parties have been discussing this matter until recently, when ESL sent representatives to Jingzhou. After negotiation, the two parties finally reached a cooperation.

"In this case, in other words, at least there will be two cup competitions in Saudi Arabia and Europe this year with high prize money."

Mo Yu narrowed his eyes slightly and kept sketching out the DOTA competition plan in his mind.

An Petroleum Cup, an event hosted by ESL.

Not only GAG, but also DOTA.

Both games are high-profile events, open to the world.

"Only cup competitions are still too thin. Have you finished writing the DPC Global Tour plan I asked you to develop before?" (End of Chapter)

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