A big country of aerospace with black technology.

Chapter 183 The whole country is jubilant, screaming and barking!

An astronaut takes confident steps out of the return capsule.

Because the time spent in space was not very long, the body's functions did not decline significantly, so he was still able to walk independently.

After the space station was built, astronauts who had been on missions for half a year, after returning to the ground, performed targeted exercises every day even in the space station.

However, the muscles and bones have been weakened to a certain extent, and they must be assisted by others before they can carry out activities.

This was also an inevitable phenomenon before simulated gravity had yet appeared.

This problem also severely limits the time that astronauts can perform missions in space.

After Yang Hongwei reported his status to the command center, he accepted the request of journalists to take pictures.

Under the gaze of everyone, I took several photos smiling and waving cordially to everyone.

And since he walked out of the reentry capsule safely, his wife, who had been unable to hide her inner excitement, stepped forward to present him with a bouquet of flowers at this time.

"Welcome back to Earth, space hero!"

The staff and journalists present all applauded seeing the heartwarming scene in front of them.

Yang Hongwei looked at his wife, smiled, and took the bouquet from her hand.

It sounds like a long time, but in fact the time is very short, after the recovery of the return capsule is completed briefly.

Yang Hongwei, who is the number one in space in China, has been taken to the Aerospace Medical Research Institute in Beidu for a detailed and professional physical examination.

Although the health monitoring system integrated in the space suit can monitor his physical condition at all times, the health monitoring system has made many performance sacrifices in order to fit into the space suit with a small space.

In terms of working precision, it is not as good as the huge working equipment in the hospital.

And when the first domestic astronaut to enter space was still undergoing special examinations in the hospital.

Domestically, it also aroused cheers from many people.

Within the control center, there were bursts of loud applause.

Many people even hugged each other and wept.

From 40 to [-] years, when we just started to develop the satellite business, we have had the dream of manned spaceflight.

Up to now, it has finally been realized in the hands of us, how can we not be excited!

In fact, many of them have been working since then, and along with many deceased ancestors, they have gradually developed the domestic aerospace industry from scratch.

For example, Chen Qinghua of the rocket segmental assembly center was responsible for the final assembly of the first Hongyan rocket three years ago.

Nowadays, although he is over [-] years old and is about to retire, he is still responsible for consulting work in the assembly plant, guiding on process issues.

During the final assembly of the first Hongyan rocket, Zhang Xingyang promised him that he would witness more space miracles in the future.

Now, at the end of his life, he has witnessed the first miracle of an astronaut.

That is the first time a Chinese has finally landed in space!

Before this, although everyone knew that Chinese people would definitely be able to enter space.

However, none of us thought that this day would come so soon, so early!
In front of the TV, and a group of Chen Qinghua, who was much younger than him, watching the astronauts who had just completed their own evacuation in front of the TV, also fell into joy.

Pointing to the TV, he said to this group of young people who are about to enter the aerospace industry:

"This is your role model in the future, and it is also the career we are engaged in!"

After saying this, looking at the young people in front of him who were chattering about the future development of the country, Chen Qinghua couldn't help thinking of his second brother, Chen Zhongyan.

Two years ago, there was no Chen Zhongyan who died after seeing Shenzhou-[-].

When they were young, the two of them, like the young people in front of them, had great enthusiasm for their careers.

It's just that my second brother is not very lucky. He is only two years away from seeing our first astronaut go into space.

"Second brother, what you didn't see, I saw for you!"

Chen Qinghua thought silently in his heart.

In the aerospace system, many old men with half-white hair showed unprecedented joy after seeing our own astronauts enter space and return safely.

Outside the aerospace system, such excitement is even stronger!

Because for many people in the aerospace system, the success of manned spaceflight is almost a foreseeable thing.

After all, they had a sufficient understanding of the situation in each space system before launching.

But for people outside the aerospace system, this is something with a low probability of success.

Even in the minds of some pessimistic people, it may not even reach 50.00%.

This is a pessimistic mentality that may seem unusual in later generations, but is relatively common now.

Since the 80s, China has basically had nothing to offer in various fields of science and technology.

Almost all the advanced technologies in the world are in the hands of those developed countries, and even the vassal countries around us have a higher level of technology than ours.

This gave a great impact to many people who had just opened their eyes to see the world at that time.

However, this does not mean that these people do not have national pride.

After the complete success of the manned spaceflight, those who are the happiest and proudest are precisely part of this group of people.

Because they know how difficult these technologies are, and how amazing it is to be able to independently complete manned space missions.

Of course, ordinary people also feel strong excitement and pride when they learn from the news that Chinese people have landed in space.

Especially those students who learned about manned spaceflight from the TV in the classroom.

I don’t know how many people have set up their dreams of engaging in the aerospace industry after this, and finally realized it.

Of course, there are people who are proud and excited, and there are also people who are unhappy and say bad things.

After all, there are all kinds of people in this world.

There are also some people who just like to leave good people alone and become other people's dogs.

After the complete success of manned spaceflight, many strange sounds appeared within a short period of time.

"Let me tell you."

"Waste so much money on things that don't really make sense."

"It is better to use this money for people's livelihood."

A seemingly personable talent expresses his views in a TV show with eccentricity.

"The speed of the rocket is too fast, wait for your people!"

As a famous public intellectual, this talented man became famous in this era and established a better image of an intellectual in front of the public.

Therefore, after his related program was broadcast, it quickly aroused extensive discussions among his fans.

After all, what he said didn't sound like a problem.

In this era, there are still tens of millions of people in the country, who cannot even meet their daily food and clothing.

In the eyes of his fans, it would be great if the money was invested in the poor.But they don't think that these two things are not in conflict, and the development of the aerospace industry has an important positive effect on poverty alleviation in poor areas.

Generally speaking, most of the poorer areas in China at this time are in remote mountainous areas with inconvenient transportation.

In these places, it is extremely inconvenient to develop agriculture or industry.

Because it is mountainous and arable land is scarce, agriculture cannot use large-scale mechanized farming like in the plains, and it is difficult to compete with plain agriculture.

In their future, development is also mostly through tourism.

The tourism industry, without good communication conditions, cannot attract enough tourists, because not everyone can endure a life of isolation for several days.

Communication satellites in space provide the premise for development in areas where many signal base stations were once required to be set up.

However, few people can think of the deep-seated reasons behind it.

In their eyes, there are not so many stars and seas.

"Don't you think what he said is right?"

Even when Zhang Xingyang went shopping in a small town near the base, he heard many people discussing this matter.

Because of the proximity to the Rocket Research Institute, people in the small town have more understanding and concern for related matters.

"Right what?"

Another man, after hearing this person's remarks, directly opened his mouth.

"He knows a damn spaceflight!"

At this time, Zhang Xingyang was also thinking about gossip for the first time in a long time. Although his steps were still going back and forth among the shelves, his ears were always paying attention to the quarrel on the other side.

"You understand?"

Who knew that the one who boasted about public knowledge at the beginning was also a grumpy old man.

"Is what he said wrong?"

"There are still so many people who can't eat, why don't we use this money to help the poor!"


"As you said, the aerospace industry is not used for poverty alleviation funds!"

Zhang Xingyang recognized the person on the other side at this time. He was Qu Jing, a researcher who had just joined the Rocket Research Institute last year.

Mainly responsible for the research and development and improvement of rocket engines.


"Our country's aerospace system makes money, right?"

Qu Jing said to the almost unreasonable person in front of him.

In the eyes of those on the opposite side, the development of the aerospace industry is a matter of losing money.

However, this is actually an illusion of many people.

At least in the world Zhang Xingyang lived in, this was their illusion.

The aerospace industry, especially their rocket research institute, makes money.

And there is a lot of money that can be earned every year, and the tax paid every year is nearly one billion.

Every time a rocket is launched, the profits are at least tens of millions, and they are basically US dollars.

The bulk of Rocket Research Institute's profits come from overseas satellite launch business.

As for domestic satellite launches, they are basically at cost.

The profit margin of foreign satellite launches is basically around ten times.

Moreover, there are many things related to the aerospace industry, which have a strong correlation with the national defense industry.

It is one of those industries that is impossible to give up.

You see, even Yingjiang, which has been continuously outflowing industries, has not relaxed its aerospace industry, although many industries have naturally declined due to lack of investment.

The person opposite Qu Jing obviously didn't have any opinions of his own and was just following what others said.

After seeing that I couldn't talk to the other party, I put down a sentence:
"What a great thing."

"Compared to Eagle Sauce, it's not rubbish."

After Qu Jing heard this, he felt angry. He just wanted to catch the other person and continue to educate him, but he didn't expect that the other person had already slipped away like a dog.

Seeing this, Zhang Xingyang shook his head. He originally thought that he would see a tit-for-tat debate. Who knew that the other party would be here?

Pick up what you want, check out and leave.

In China, there is still relatively little negative news about manned spaceflight. Everyone is basically very proud of it, and only some yellow-skinned and white-hearted banana people feel uncomfortable.

In the international arena, because of the success of this manned spaceflight, there have been waves of disturbance.

As the third country in the world to independently conduct manned space activities, it has naturally attracted a lot of attention.

During this time, Yingjiang, who was still immersed in his past aerospace achievements and reminiscing about the afterglow of the past, did not pay too much attention.

After all, this achievement was accomplished by them in 40 to [-] years. In their view, there is nothing to be proud of.

It will take at least 30 years for the Dragon Kingdom to catch up with them.

Now all their energy is devoted to the construction of the International Space Station.

But in this world, there will always be a group of people. The master is not anxious, but they themselves are.

On the second day of the manned space mission, successfully completed.

Footbath announced that they would participate in the construction of the International Space Station, and at the press conference, they also secretly belittled the Dragon Kingdom, which had just completed manned spaceflight.

"Unlike some countries, we will not engage in meaningless space activities."

"What we will participate in will be the greatest aerospace miracle in human history!"

"A base that can operate in space for a long time, a ship drifting in space!"

"After the construction is complete, our astronauts will have the opportunity to stay in space for a long time."

"It's completely different from some countries that only stay in space for dozens of hours!"

However, there are different voices in the world regarding the Dragon Kingdom's manned spaceflight.

In this world, interests are complex. Some people oppose them, while others agree with them.

At the same time that Longguo announced that the first step of manned spaceflight was successfully completed, the Gallic Space Ministry sent a congratulatory message.

It also stated that the two sides have many areas for cooperation in the aerospace field and hope that the two sides can strengthen cooperation.

Francis, who has a good relationship with the domestic rocket research institute, even made contact in private, and wanted to jointly develop a rocket for planetary exploration with Zhang Xingyang and the others. (end of this chapter)

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