Douluo: Beginning to level Shrek Academy

Chapter 272 Spoilers for the future, bitten by Bibi Dong

Chapter 272 Spoilers for the future, bitten by Bibi Dong
"Separately built, streamlined production, mass assembly, my God! How can there be such an exquisite division of labor in this world! This is incredible."

Titan murmured to himself, and after a long time, his eyes were filled with light and his face looked shocked.

In the past, they would work alone during the entire process of building an item.

So when making the same thing, different blacksmiths have different final products.

It can't be exactly the same, let alone universal.

Now Yuan Lang actually invented this flow production method.

Low-level blacksmiths like those can only forge items that do not require advanced forging skills.

And a master craftsman like him only needs to build the most difficult things, and no longer has to spend time building those parts that he doesn't like.

It not only improves efficiency, but also takes into account specifications.

Simply kill two birds with one stone.

Wait a minute, they are enemies!
Why should I be happy to have invented such a powerful production method?

After admiring, Titan immediately blamed himself secretly.

This Wuhun Palace had a deep hatred for them, and he was actually happy for the other party.

It's just out of place.

"Okay, okay! Just do as Yuan Lang said, do you hear me?"

Bibi Dong praised him repeatedly and gave instructions to his subordinates.


After receiving the order, all the blacksmiths agreed.

As for the magical production method proposed by Yuan Lang, they had already wanted to put it into practice even without Bibi Dong's order.


Yuan Lang looked at Ju Douluo and said.


"The weight of a pure metal gun body is too heavy. The outer material on this gun is both tough and light. Many blacksmiths have never seen it before and don't know how to forge it."

Ju Douluo continued to read out the questions that the blacksmiths had gathered.

"Is this what you're talking about?"

Yuan Lang pointed to part of the shell of the gun and asked.

"Yes, yes, it's these black shells."

The blacksmiths nodded quickly and looked at Yuan Lang expectantly.

The shell was definitely a new material, something they had never seen before.

It's light, strong, and doesn't rust.

If the production method of this material is known, there is hope that weapons can be popularized by ordinary soldiers.

Seeing this, Tai Tan stretched his neck with a curious look on his face.

"This is called high-strength plastic."

"Extracted from petroleum."

Yuan Lang said.

“What is oil?”

Titan asked like a curious baby who had never heard of oil.

Not only was he curious, but the other blacksmiths were also curious.

"There is a viscous dark brown liquid underground that can burn. We call it petroleum and it is called industrial blood."

"It is the basis of industry."

"It has a wide range of uses. After diversion, it can be refined into petroleum gas, gasoline, kerosene, diesel, etc."

Yuan Lang didn't hide anything and spoke truthfully.

"Uh! What's the use of all the oil you mentioned?"

Bibi Dong is a pragmatist, she doesn't care what the oil can be extracted from.

She only cares about what this extracted thing can be used for.

"It has many uses. Gasoline and diesel can be used to power machines, allowing the machines to work on their own and build weapons. Humans can simply operate them beside them."

Yuan Lang said.

"What!? You mean, ordinary people can make machines build their own machines just by operating them?"

Titan said in shock.

"Almost, this is called automated production."

"But I don't know if oil can be found in this world."

Yuan Lang said.

"Oh~ what a pity."

Bibi Dong sighed.

I thought it was about to take off, but I didn't expect it was short of oil.

"Teacher, don't worry. Although there is no oil, there are soul masters in this world!"

"We can completely build a motor, and then convert the soul power of soul masters of various attributes into electricity to drive the machine. The effect is better than oil."

Seeing Bibi Dong's sad face, Yuan Lang opened his mouth to comfort him.

"What did you just say? The soul power of various attributes can be converted into one attribute?"

Bibi Dong was stunned after hearing Yuan Lang's words.

It was the most incredible thing she had ever heard.

To know.

There are thousands of soul masters in this world, with various attributes.

This is innate and cannot be changed at all.

As a result, Yuan Lang actually told her that she could change the attributes of a soul master.

It simply subverted her understanding of soul power.

"Impossible, the soul power attribute is natural, how can it be converted?"

Tai Tan also felt that Yuan Lang was crazy for even talking about attribute conversion.

Something natural.

How is it possible to change?

"Yuan Lang, according to what you said, doesn't it mean that ice attribute soul masters can set fire, and fire attribute soul masters can discharge electricity?"

Ju Douluo also felt that his world view had been greatly impacted.

When he thought of an ice-type soul master waving his scepter to release flames, he felt indescribably weird.

"Ice creates fire, fire creates thunder, the soul masters in the world can use any soul skill with any attribute. Isn't this a mess?"

"Yes! How is this possible~"


The blacksmiths around were also talking about it.

"Do you still remember the Sun and Moon Continent?"

Yuan Lang asked.

"Well, you just said that it's the continent on the other side of your feet. Could it be that the people there..."

Bibi Dongdao.

"Yes, people there use martial arts just like here, but they have formed a soul guidance technology training system based on soul guidance devices."

"You can directly use soul power to drive equipment and launch attacks, and it will not be affected by the soul power attribute."

Yuan Lang nodded.

"The people over there are too obsessed with playing with things! In front of an absolutely powerful person, the soul guide is just a foreign object and is not good for cultivation."

Ju Douluo snorted coldly when he saw Yuan Lang actually blowing the soul guide.

Soul guides have actually appeared here for a long time.

Just like Yuan Lang's Twenty Times Bridge on a Moonlit Night, it is a space soul guide.

This thing is almost always used for storage, and no one will use it as a weapon. In fact, converting the soul power and then using it will consume the soul power, but it is not as powerful as using the soul skill directly.

Why bother?
"Is that so? Then why do you still make firearms?"

Yuan Lang asked.

"Isn't it that your sniper rifle can allow ordinary people to kill the Soul King? That soul guide doesn't have this ability."

Chrysanthemum Douluo said.

"How many strong men are there like you?"

Yuan Lang asked directly.

"There are only a handful of them."

Chrysanthemum Douluo said.

"That's right, the soul guide will be damaged when used, but it can store energy and increase combat power.

Most of the people on the battlefield are ordinary people, and most of the soul masters are low-level soul masters. As long as they can kill the opponent beyond the level, they can gain an absolute advantage on the battlefield. "

"Moreover, ordinary soul masters can fight across levels using soul guides. People of your level can use more powerful soul guides to deal with you. Do you think you have an advantage?"

Yuan Lang asked.


Ju Douluo was directly asked.

It is true that as Yuan Lang said, ordinary soul tools cannot threaten him, but at his level, it is scary to think about using soul tools to deal with him.

It seems that this soul guide should not be underestimated!

"Wait a minute, how do you know that there is the Sun and Moon Empire over there, and how do you know that they have a soul guidance technology training system based on soul guidance devices?"

Bibi Dong asked the biggest doubt in her heart.

Although she thinks this is Yuan Lang's secret, Yuan Lang may not tell it.

But she was too interested in why Yuan Lang knew everything.

"Do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

Seeing Bibi Dong ask this, Yuan Lang did not answer immediately, but looked at Bibi Dong and asked. "You all get out!"

Bibi Dong understood that this matter was of great importance, otherwise Yuan Lang would not ask this question.

He waved directly to signal others to go out first.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope."

Ju Douluo nodded and took Titan down directly.

Others followed closely and retreated.

"Say it! It's just you and me here now. I want to hear the truth."

Bibi Dong said with a serious face.

"I have seen the normal future of your world in my world."

Yuan Lang said bluntly when he saw that Bibi Dong was determined to hear the truth.


When Bibi Dong heard this, her body trembled, her beautiful eyes suddenly widened, and she looked at Yuan Lang with a look of shock.

She knew that Yuan Lang could deduce the future through quantum computing.

But that's only a short time in the future.

And it's limited by distance.

However, now Yuan Lang told her that he knew the future of this world before he awakened his martial soul. How could he not shock her.

"What's the future like?"

Bibi Dong took a deep breath, calmed down, and asked.

She didn't ask Yuan Lang how he knew, but directly asked the future.

Obviously, she has 100% trust in Yuan Lang's character.

"In 6000 years, the Sun and Moon Continent in the west will drift over and collide with the Douluo Continent."

"The Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms with advanced soul guides defeated all the countries in the Douluo Continent."

"At the critical moment of the country's subjugation and annihilation of the species, the president of Shrek Academy stood up and shouted."

"Sixty titled Douluo from across the continent were summoned to fight against the Sun and Moon Empire's army. In the end, defeat was turned into victory, and the invasion was barely blocked."

Yuan Lang didn't hide anything and spoke truthfully.

"Is it that strong?"

"Wait a minute, aren't the countries and continents unified? How could it be that the president of Shrek Academy led people to resist? Where is our Spirit Hall? What about me? Haven't I become a god?"

After Bibi Dong was shocked by the soul guide, she suddenly realized something was wrong.

Why did the president of Shrek Academy call for men to resist the invasion of the Sun and Moon Continent?
Where is their Wuhun Palace?

What about her?

According to her assumption, even if there was an invasion from the Sun and Moon Empire, it would be the Spirit Hall that would be the one to resist on the front line.

Besides, she has already taken the divine examination, and she is still very confident that she can become a god.

Why didn't she show up to protect Douluo Continent?

"Teacher, are you sure you want to listen?"

Yuan Lang did not say directly, but asked again tentatively.

This is not a good ending for Bibi Dong!

Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel a thump in her heart when she heard Yuan Lang asking again.

Every time Yuan Lang asks this, it's not a good thing.

But once curiosity arises, it cannot be suppressed.

Even if I know the future is not good, I still want to know.


Bibi Dongdao.

"I told you, you won't hit me!"

Yuan Lang continued to take vaccinations.


Bibi Dong said impatiently.

She wanted to see who had the ability to destroy her unification.

What about her future?
"When you wanted to unify the Douluo Continent, Yu Xiaogang joined the Tiandou Empire and the Star Luo Empire to fight against the Spirit Empire you created."

"You were killed by Tang San to protect Qian Renxue..."

Yuan Lang saw that Bibi Dong wanted to listen, so he spoke truthfully.

"Yu Xiaogang~——"

When Bibi Dong heard this, she became furious, her silver teeth clenched, and she smashed the table into pieces with one palm.

She had thought about her countless futures, but she never imagined that her great cause of unifying Douluo Continent would be destroyed by Yu Xiaogang.

In order to protect Yu Xiaogang, her body was defiled and her soul was corrupted.

As a result, when she unified Douluo Continent, it was the person she loved the most who stood in her way.

He even died at the hands of his disciples.

How much she loves Yu Xiaogang, how angry she will be when she learns about the future.

She couldn't understand that she had done that much for Yu Xiaogang, even if she had raised a wolf, she would be familiar with it.

Why doesn't this Yu Xiaogang know how to be grateful?

"Look! I asked you not to ask, but I'm fine now. You must have been injured!"

Yuan Lang knew that Bibi Dong would be furious if he told her, so he had already hid far away.

"Your Majesty, what's wrong?"

Ju Douluo heard the huge commotion inside and rushed in quickly, asking worriedly.


Bibi Dong was still angry and shouted directly.

"it is good!"

Without any hesitation, Yuan Lang responded decisively and ran out with Ju Douluo.


Seeing Yuan Lang was about to leave, Bibi Dong shouted angrily.

This guy, despite his stern look, was actually thoughtful and knew how to avoid her.

He quickly shouted: "Come back."

Ju Douluo thought Bibi Dong was calling him, so he quickly stopped and turned around.

"I didn't say you."

Bibi Dong glared at Ju Douluo and said.


Knowing that Bibi Dong was calling Yuan Lang, he quickly continued to retreat.

At the same time, I was wondering in my heart, what exactly did Yuan Lang say to Bibi Dong?
"Teacher, you said it yourself."

Yuan Lang said with an innocent look.

He just said that he had asked before and you insisted on listening, but there was nothing he could do about it!
"You... okay, I want to listen, I don't blame you."

Bibi Dong wanted to find someone to get angry with, but as Yuan Lang said, it was really what she wanted to hear. She had no choice but to complain: "But you know my future, why didn't you tell me earlier?"

If she had known that she had been tricked and crippled by Yu Xiaogang and killed by Tang San, she would not have let Yu Xiaogang and Tang San leave at all in the Continental Soul Master Elite Tournament.

"You didn't even ask!"

Yuan Lang said with an innocent look.

"No, if I don't ask you, you won't find a way to help?"

Bibi Dong was extremely angry and resentful in his heart.

"I want to help, but you won't let me!"

"I advised you to ignore the game and just set up a trap to kill them. You even got scolded."


Yuan Lang is even more innocent.

He wanted to help Bibi Dong get rid of hidden dangers.

But at that time, Bibi Dong only had Yu Xiaogang in her heart.

No matter what you say, don't let him move.

How can this be his fault?


Bibi Dong suddenly became angry and slammed Yuan Langbi against the wall.

Silver teeth gritted.

Not to mention, it was rare for Yuan Lang to take the initiative to help her.

But at that time, she firstly did not want Yu Xiaogang to be harmed, and secondly, she was worried that killing Tang San would break the trust of the world.

Now it seems unjustifiable to blame Yuan Lang.

But don't know why.

Although Yuan Lang didn't seem to have done anything wrong, she just felt unhappy.

"Um... Your Majesty, what are you going to do? You said you wouldn't hit me."

Seeing Bibi Dong's face getting closer, Yuan Lang knew something was wrong and wanted to retreat, but at this time he was already pressed against the wall and had no way to retreat.

Bibi Dong ignored Yuan Lang's reminder, and like an angry lioness, grabbed Yuan Lang's hand, opened her small mouth, and bit it hard.

I won’t hit you, right?I'll bite you to death.


Yuan Lang's screams came from the house.

(End of this chapter)

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