Douluo: Rebirth of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King

Chapter 307: Setting the level and content of the divine examination

Chapter 307: Setting the level and content of the divine examination
Finally, in the alien space, set up a place for the inheritance of the divine throne.

In other words, when human soul masters come in the future and accept God's test, they must be qualified to pass through the poisonous fog forest and safely reach the entrance to the alien space.

Then Dugu Bo or Dugu Yan was brought into another dimension and began to accept the test of God.

After Ye Wen's inspection, he determined the location, right in the center of the Poisonous Mist Forest: "That's it."

After determining the position, Ye Wen began to split the alien space.

One day in the divine world is one year in the mortal world. In terms of time ratio, Ye Wen is in the mortal world and the gods are in the divine world. He can do many things and has enough time.

The time of the five great god kings is very limited in comparison.

Therefore, Ye Wen now has enough time to do his own things, but he does not want to neglect it and completes it as quickly as possible.

About a few days later.

Ye Wen finally opened up a perfect alien space, a very stable and good alien space environment.

The next step is to set up the divine position assessment, the test of God, as well as the content and venue of the assessment.

The first is the test level!

Ye Wen's Beast God position and God's Test are divided into five levels. The lowest assessment level is the Beast God Test Four, and the highest is the Beast God Test Eight.

Because Ye Wen and Bat King set up the god throne, the place of inheritance is not to find successors, but to cultivate god-level powerhouses.

Therefore, there will be no nine exams.

The highest level is level eight.

At the same time, Ye Wen will not casually train those human soul masters who are obviously unable to become gods after completing his divine examination.

Therefore, there is no first test of the beast god, a second test of the beast god, or a third test of the beast god.

Starting directly from the fourth test of the Beast God, to the eighth test, which is the highest level.

In other words, those who are qualified to accept his test must complete at least four assessments.

As for the Beast God assessment rating, Ye Wen will not be like the test on Poseidon Island. After all, the training groups are different, and everyone is qualified to accept the test regardless of their age.

Ye Wen will accept it.

Therefore, Ye Wen has already made a plan for the assessment and rating. He will conduct the rating based on various and comprehensive conditions including age, talent, strength, level, martial soul, strength, soul ring, and after becoming a god, whether the upper limit is high or not. .

Suppose there are two 22-year-old soul masters, one is level 79 and the other is level 71. The innate soul power of level 79 is level 9, and the innate soul power of level 71 is level 7.

The one at level 79 is practicing very fast, much faster than the one at level 71, but the spirit at level 71 is very strong, and after being cultivated into a strong man, his combat power will be even stronger. So, no matter how fast the one at level 79 is, he is still 71 The grade test is higher.

Therefore, the focus of Ye Wen's god-level test is martial soul, strength, and the development potential of strength. These three cores are the direction, and the others come later.

As long as the strength is high enough, after becoming a god, the strength of the god will be higher.

As for the assessment content, Ye Wen has already planned it.

The first test is a test to quickly increase soul power, improve certain cultivation qualifications and cultivation talents, similar to the test content of traveling through Poseidon's Light.

Quickly improve the soul power of the examiner, and under the pressure of God's divine power, improve the cultivation talent and increase the speed of soul power upgrade.

In other words, the importance of the first test is to quickly increase the examiner's soul power level and cultivation speed.

The second test is to hone the combat ability and improve the examinee's combat awareness, combat skills, and combat ability.

The third test is to strengthen the body and increase the examinee's physical strength.

The fourth test is to strengthen the mental power and increase the examinee's mental power.Strengthening the body and strengthening the mental power are almost necessary conditions for becoming a god. Without sufficient physical body and mental power, it is impossible to carry the power of a god.

The purpose of honing their combat abilities is to enable them to have sufficient strength and combat effectiveness after they become gods.

Improving soul power and increasing the speed of cultivation is to allow them to reach the peak of level 99 faster and become qualified to become gods.

So basically, for those who are qualified to be selected and enter the test, after completing these four tests, it will be difficult for them to become gods.

The fifth test, the combat assessment, is an assessment to verify the examiner's combat effectiveness, strength, and power.

The sixth test is still a combat assessment, a second verification of the examiner's combat effectiveness, strength, and strength.

In the seventh test, he obtained six full soul bones and cultivated his soul power to level 99. After all, he became a god, especially a first-level god or a second-level god.

No matter what, you must have at least one divine costume of your own, and soul bones are the necessary raw materials for the gods' divine costumes.

The eighth test, merging gods.

Whatever the assessment level, you will also get the corresponding god level.

Those who obtain the Eight Tests of Beast Gods can eventually become first-level gods. The number of first-level gods is very limited, so the Eight Tests will be very, very rare.

If he were not a peerless genius who was far superior to the geniuses of his time, Ye Wen would not have given him the eighth test.

Those who pass the Seven Tests of Beast God can eventually become a second-level god.

Those who pass the sixth beast god test can eventually become a third-level god.

Those who pass the fifth test of the Beast God can eventually become a third-level god.

Those who pass the Four Beast God Tests can eventually become priests.

"Then, let's get started." Ye Wen smiled and was full of enthusiasm.

Now that he had organized his thoughts and finished planning, he immediately began to implement and arrange the alien space he had opened up.

Sort out the assessment areas for the first four exams respectively.

The first test, the assessment of improving the soul power level, is actually very simple. You only need to set up a formation that can store divine power.

Then he injects his beast god power into the formation, forming an energy field and energy layer, wrapping it in it.

You can create one, similar to Poseidon Island, through the Poseidon Light steps, the same existence.

When examinees enter it, they will be pressured by the power of the beast god. Under the pressure of the beast god's power inside, the longer they persist, the faster their soul power will increase.

The speed of cultivation talent will also be stimulated by pressure, which will increase the cultivation talent and speed, and ultimately have the effect of quickly increasing the soul power level.

The second test is to improve and hone combat ability, combat awareness, and combat skills. It is easier to just find a venue.

Then, through Ye Wen's understanding of battle, he left his residual thoughts in this place. This residual memory will be transformed into his appearance and given corresponding combat capabilities.

As long as the examiner can defeat him, Ye Wen's residual thoughts will meet Ye Wen's requirements for the examiner's combat ability and combat awareness.

The third test body can also be tempered by divine power to test the person's physique and physical strength.

The fourth test, improving mental strength, can also allow Ye Wen's residual thoughts to continuously impact and shape the soul and spirit of the examiner.

He began to arrange carefully one by one, taking each of the eight examinations.

(End of this chapter)

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