Douluo: Rebirth of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King

Chapter 374 Beast God Space, final ranking

"Lord Beast God, I am now a peerless Douluo at the peak of 99th level! I release my strongest group poison. I'm afraid they will have problems, right?" Poison Douluo's current poison is no longer a joke. , vicious, very fierce.

For a level 99 peerless Douluo who specializes in playing poison, can his ability to poison be weak?
"Don't worry, if you release yours, I can ensure their safety." Ye Wen said.

"Okay then, I will release you Lord Beast God." Dugu Bo saw this and no longer hesitated.

He decisively released his strongest group poison, and in an instant, the green poison spread throughout the entire place. Titled Douluo below level 96 were unable to resist it.

Even level 97, level 98, or even level 99 titled Douluo, if no one can stop Dugu Bo from spreading poison, they will suffer. This is a matter of time.

"Have you felt it? Dugu Bo's poison can greatly affect your state in battle. You must release your power at all times to resist the poison and prevent it from penetrating into your internal organs. But you can't stop him. The poison slowly penetrates from the surface of your skin, right?"

"This large-scale group poison can suppress your power to a great extent and consume your power quickly. Even if no one stops Dugu Bo over time, you will still be penetrated by the poison, leading to poisoning and rapid state. Slide down!”

"Even in the end, he was directly poisoned to death. Perhaps he was severely affected by the poison, and finally got caught in the melee. Killed by the enemy god in front of you!"

"So, everyone, do you think Poison Douluo is more effective than the Lion and Angel Legion leaders in a battle of this scale?" Ye Wen asked.

"This this……"

Everyone was speechless.

"Lord Beast God, we understand, and we sincerely accept Poison Douluo's promotion to the Eighth Examination." The two male lions sighed in their hearts. They couldn't say that, if it was more effective than group battles, then they were convinced.

"Okay, now let's talk about the second thing. There is no need to compete in the last 1V1 individual elimination match. I will announce the cancellation." Ye Wen said, and then said:
"In addition, the combat power rankings will be officially determined in five months, and the subsequent combat power rankings will also be invalid. After that time, there will no longer be any combat power rankings, and you will also receive the final rankings in five months. The final reward corresponding to the ranking on the list!”

"Finally, finally, after the five-month combat power rankings are finalized, all those who have not reached level 99 can continue to stay in the Beast God Space, or they can leave here."

"You are free to do whatever you want, and those who reach level 99 will begin to collectively fuse with the gods and eventually ascend to become gods!!"

"Become a god, gain eternal life and gods, and then enter our beast god realm!!" Ye Wen's words echoed in the beast god space for a long time.

"The day has finally come!!"

Ye Wen's words made all the assessors excited, their blood boiling, and their faces filled with excited smiles, especially those who had reached level 99.

Very excited, excited, they can finally become gods!
They can't wait and have been waiting for a long time, because many people have already completed all the assessments and reached level 99, which is enough to meet the requirements of becoming a god.

But Ye Wen said that he had to wait until the assessment was over before he could become a god together.

So, now we are left with the last five months.

Those who have not yet reached level 99 are also thinking about cultivating quickly, and there are rewards for the final ranking, and they all want to make a final push.

"Then, in the last five months, everyone, please work hard and continue to practice."

"Yes! Lord Beast God!!"

"The rankings will be finalized in five months, and I am still far away from the [-]th place. I must work hard to complete the goal set by the Beast God!" Su Yuntao gritted his teeth and continued to enter. In the process of practicing.

Everyone also began to practice crazily to enter the level 99 peerless Douluo realm as soon as possible. Those who had reached level 99 also began to use various training methods to improve their combat effectiveness and become stronger.Everyone wants to work hard, sprint, and improve their ranking before the ranking is finalized.

As for the final reward, Ye Wen will reward them with all the soul bones he collected, including the hundreds of soul bones in the soul guidance device, and absorb them.

The last five months also began to pass quickly, one month, two months, three months.

During this period of time, some people stepped into the level 99 realm one by one.

In the last five months, the number has increased again, but in fact it has not increased much.

Soon, five months passed like this, and the pace of the human race's divine realm towards the beast gods was getting closer and closer. It would take less than two hours at most to reach the beast god realm.

And two hours in the divine world is equivalent to one month in the mortal world!

It was almost as expected by Ye Wen. The journey took half a year to the mortal world. Ye Wen gave them the last five months to practice, leaving one for them to merge with the divine status and become gods!

At this moment, the combat power rankings are finally determined!
After that, there will no longer be a combat power ranking list in the Beast God Space, this list will be used as this, and Ye Wen will also give them the final reward.

"The list has been finalized, and the time has come. No matter how many people there are, the god-making plan launched in order to cope with the human god world should also end." Ye Wen looked at the gods and thought in his heart.

He took a look at the current final combat power rankings and rankings.

No.1, still the strongest Qian Daoliu, a level 99 peerless Douluo, with a soul ring configuration of black, black, black, black, black, red, red, red, red, five black and four red!
No. 2, still the second ranked Sword Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, black, black, black, black, black, black, black, red, red.

No.3, Golden Crocodile Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

No.4, Demon-Conquering Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

No.5, Qianjun Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

No. 6, Yang Wudi, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black, two red. In the last year and a half, Yang Wudi has gone from eleven to the sixth strongest.

His personal combat power has surpassed Qingluan Douluo and the leader of the Angel Legion, ranking sixth.

No.7, Qingluan Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

No. 8, leader of the Angel Legion, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

No. 9, Lion Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

No. 10, Bone Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

No. 11, Light Ling Douluo, peak level 99, soul ring configuration, seven black and two red.

(End of this chapter)

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