Douluo: Rebirth of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King

Chapter 389 The situation is reversed, a cage full of poisonous fog

Immediately afterwards, in just a few seconds, more and more priests were poisoned by Dugu Bo, and fell down one after another. Even some third-level gods also appeared in the condition, and a handful of third-level gods also began to collapse. Got off.

The group toxicity released by Dugu Bo will not directly cause them to be fatal. It will only make the opponent lose the power to resist. However, if it goes on for a long time and fails to be cured, they will also die!

The scene instantly became extremely chaotic, with all kinds of screams and chaotic roars ringing out.

The human gods who originally gathered together to fight tried to disperse and get out of the poisonous mist to avoid fighting in the poisonous mist.

But how could Ye Wen let them escape from Dugu Bo's poisonous mist so easily? He had already secretly prepared it when Dugu Bo released the group poison.

"It's not that easy for you to escape." Ye Wen sneered at the corner of his mouth.

At that moment, he immediately activated his domain skills.

"Abyss Dragon Domain Skill, Abyss Cage!!!"

"Come in, everyone!!!"

In an instant, a huge circle of ice crystal cages rose up, trapping almost all the gods in it, unable to escape.

The domain skill, Abyss Cage, was a skill that Ye Wen used very frequently in the past. Basically, it was used every time to capture the contracted beast, or to prevent the opponent from escaping.

This was Ye Wen's most commonly used move in order to subdue his twenty contracted beasts.

Once trapped in it, it is difficult to escape, and its defense is very strong.

In addition, now that Ye Wen has become a god and his domain has been upgraded to a god-level domain, the effect of this domain skill is even more terrifying.

Not only has the coverage expanded several times, but the hardness has also increased several times.

Now the effect of this domain skill, if it is not a god-king level powerhouse, no god can break through his abyss cage.

"What is this!!"

"No! We're trapped!!"

"Damn it! If we can't break out, we will be poisoned by these poisonous mists sooner or later, and then we will be completely ruined!!"

The gods in the human and divine world were completely panicked.

"Quick! Find a way to break this ice crystal prison and get out!!"

In an instant, it seemed that the situation began to reverse. It originally seemed that the human and divine realm had the absolute advantage in terms of numbers, but now it suddenly became that the beast and divine realm had the upper hand!
That's right, at this moment, in addition to the God King, the human and beast gods, almost all the first-level gods, second-level gods, third-level gods, and priests are trapped in Ye Wen's abyss cage.

The space is blocked and surrounded, the air cannot circulate, and the poisonous mist spreads inside and cannot escape.

In other words, at this moment, except for the God King, all the gods are trapped in an independent space full of green poison!

Under this situation, if they can't break Ye Wen's cage, let alone the priest, the third-level god, even the second-level god, and the first-level god will be poisoned, it's only a matter of time!

All the gods in the Beast God Realm have anti-venom prepared by Dugu Bo and are not affected at all.

In other words, in this case, in maybe less than an hour, all the human and divine realms except the God King will be wiped out.

The damage to the Beast God Realm will be very, very small, and the damage will not even reach one-tenth of the Beast God Realm!

Just kill all the other gods with minimal losses!
Once the Human God Realm is in the poisonous mist cage, the entire army is annihilated, and all lose their fighting ability, then the hundreds of free gods from the Beast God Realm will besiege the six God Kings such as Ye Wen, Shura God and other five God Kings.

Then the human race and the divine world will undoubtedly be defeated!
100% sure to fail!
Therefore, the key now is whether the Human God Realm can break Ye Wen's abyss cage in time. This will be the key to the victory or defeat!

"Break it for me! Break it for me!!!" A large number of human gods have begun to attack the abyss cage crazily, using various skills to smash and blast against the ice crystal stone wall, but no matter how they attack or destroy, they can't None of them could break through Ye Wen's cage.

"Damn it!! It's too hard! This thing is so hard that we can't break it with our strength!" Various attempts by a large number of second-level and third-level gods ended in failure.

"You guys cover for me, let me try!!!"

Vulcan took the opportunity and quickly aimed a blow at the ice crystal stone wall. The powerful Vulcan skill and the terrifying power of fire directly hit the ice crystal stone wall.

There was a bang, a terrifying loud noise.

But even a powerful first-level god like Vulcan was still unable to break through.

"How could that happen?" Vulcan's expression turned extremely ugly.

"It's over..., even the God of Fire..."

When the gods saw this, they all felt their hearts go cold, and gradually showed expressions and emotions of despair.

What a presence is the god of fire! ?

The most powerful of the seven elemental gods, and one of the most powerful first-level gods in the divine world.

In terms of power and strength, Vulcan is already the leader among the first-level gods.

Even a powerful blow from the God of Fire couldn't break the ice crystal cage, and the other gods basically had no hope.

In other words, none of the gods they were trapped in had the ability to break out of the predicament!

"Our hope can only be placed on the God Kings."

The gods were all heavy-hearted.

They understand that if they can get out, they can only place their ultimate hope on whether the Shura God, Destruction, Evil, Kindness, Life, and the five god kings outside can come around to help them break through.

Otherwise, they will have to face the poisonous mist and the attacks from the gods of the Beast God Realm. They will definitely not be able to survive for long!
But the five great god kings are now also being held back by the beast god realm, Gu Yue, Emperor Tian, ​​Evil Tiger, Snow Emperor, and Bat King, and it may be difficult for them to escape.

The current situation is very dangerous for the human and divine world!

"It's time for us to fight back, let's kill!! Defeat all these human gods first!!"

Feeling the great reversal of the situation, we have entered into a great advantage.

Those human gods in the Beast God Realm who originally thought they were unlikely to win and lacked momentum and confidence suddenly gained momentum, confidence, and self-confidence.

Each one of them was 100% motivated and fighting, with excitement on their faces. They could see that the current situation had a great chance of winning!
This made them full of confidence in the victory of the Beast God Realm.

"Kill!!" The gods of the Beast God Realm began to kill more and more bravely, and a large number of priests began to fall one after another without even using them to fight.


Various screams rang out.

It is difficult for the priests to defend against Dugu Bo's poisonous mist, let alone mobilize their strength to fight. These priests are basically useless.

The number of humans and gods began to decrease rapidly.

(End of this chapter)

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