God Seal: From an Epee Sword to Slashing the Holy Demon Continent

Chapter 353: Forced War Mission, the Beginning of Zhennan Pass

Chapter 353: Forced War Mission, the Beginning of Zhennan Pass
Three months passed quickly.

Within three months, Long Haoyu did not tell anyone about Zhennan's forced war mission.

I kept all these things in my heart alone, and just urged everyone to retreat and practice in order to advance further to the fifth level.

The results are very remarkable. Three months of retreat has made everyone in the team improve a lot. They watched Lin Xin being surrounded by people buying brilliant-level equipment in the trading center.

Long Haoyu's face only showed a slightly smoother smile in three months.

His smile became smoother, but the imminent start of the compulsory war mission at Zhennang Pass still did not allow him to truly relax.

Although he is not afraid of war missions, he is even very eager to go to the battlefield and start real killings.

But as his bond with the Demon Hunting Group became deeper and deeper, the invisible pressure still made him feel a little uncomfortable.

"I hope there are no surprises. At least compared to the strength they should have at this time, it has improved a lot now."

"Originally, everything was safe and sound in the end. Now even though some additional factors have been added, the strength has improved a lot, so there won't be much of a problem."

"I didn't expect that I, who upholds the concept of taking life and death lightly, would now have such a profound impact on me!"

Long Haoyu sighed softly, seeing that everyone in the team had purchased the equipment they needed, and suppressed some of the unnaturalness on their bodies.

However, although these expressions disappeared very quickly, Cai'er still noticed some depth on Long Haoyu's face for the first time.

In the past three months, she had noticed Long Haoyu's profound expression many times.

This time, seeing that even the change of clothes in the trading center did not dissipate Long Haoyu's profound expression, the worry in his heart reached its peak.

"Haoyu, in the past three months, I have been feeling like you are thinking about something. What are you worried about?" Cai'er couldn't help but ask.

Cai'er's voice attracted the attention of Lin Xin and others. After being reminded by Cai'er, everyone belatedly recalled what had happened in the past three months.

Long Haoyu, who was originally crazier than them in cultivation, although he did not give up on cultivation during the three months, he often looked outside the holy city while practicing.

I thought it was nothing at first, I just thought that Long Haoyu was eager to go back to the demon territory to fight with the demons.

But this time, they no longer think so.

"Boss, you have been acting a little abnormal these past three months. Are you really worried about something?"

"If you have anything to worry about, you have to tell us!"

Lin Xin asked in a deep voice.

While asking, he looked at Long Haoyu with great concern.

Long Haoyu smiled slightly: "It's nothing, I just have an intuition that something big will happen."

"But after all, it's just intuition. Until everything is truly verified, it's still unknown. Just do whatever you want!"

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that something happened to Long Haoyu, but when they heard that it was due to intuition, they all relaxed.

"So that's it. If this is the case, boss, you are thinking too far!"

"If something big happens, there will definitely be corresponding tasks. Once there are tasks, we will be able to make more achievements."

"If there is really a very challenging mission, the merit we can get in the end will definitely be very generous!"

Lin Xin said in a very relaxed voice.The hanging heart, after landing at this time, returned to his usual careless appearance.

Cai'er was not like that. She listened quietly to Long Haoyu's words and Lin Xin's pretending to be relaxed at this time.

A cold and stern temperament suddenly enveloped everyone.

"No mission of the Demon Hunting Group is easy. Don't be complacent just because we completed a king-level mission by mistake!"

"Don't forget how we completed this king-level mission. If we accept the mission of the Demon Hunting Group with such a relaxed attitude, we will only end up dying within the territory of the demons."

"Furthermore, you all have witnessed Haoyu's strength. It can make Haoyu feel uneasy and can sense it intuitively. Do you think that if there is a mission, it will be an easy one, a mission that can be easily accomplished?!"

Cai'er scolded her coldly. Her absolute calmness prevented her from being affected by Long Haoyu's ambiguity and brought everyone's thoughts back to reality.

Frowning, he thoughtfully analyzed what Long Haoyu said.

Lin Xin fell silent, listening to Cai'er's scolding, he couldn't help but take a deep breath, and a cold sweat broke out on his back, and then he realized how dangerous his idea was.

Everyone's emotions were completely affected by Cai'er's words at this moment, and they all began to meditate on Long Haoyu's 'intuition' this time.

Within three months, although most of the time was spent in seclusion, I had some free time. After discussion, I would form a team and go to the mission tower to see if there were any suitable missions.

Long Haoyu did not stop them from doing so, and allowed them to do so. There was no need to worry about the check task consuming too much merit.

Looking back at the missions that appeared in the mission tower in their minds, whether it was Lin Xin or Sima Xian, or Wang Yuanyuan and Chen Ying'er, they all began to analyze them at this time.

This was especially true for Long Haochen, who was already very smart and racked his brains to dwell on these things.


No matter how they speculated, they could not figure out a reason for this matter.

With such a heavy heart, I returned to the small villa absentmindedly.

Long Haoyu saw that everyone was still silent in his "intuition", and the spiritual power gently vibrated around everyone.

"Okay, don't worry too much."

"After all, this is my sixth sense. It doesn't matter whether it will happen or not. I just do whatever I need to do."

Long Haoyu scolded in a deep voice.

Silently calculating the time in his mind, he knew that the mandatory war mission at Zhennanguan would start in the next few days.

But the specific day cannot be determined. It is obviously not possible to keep Lin Xin and others in silence with such worries.

I originally wanted to let Lin Xin and others recover, but it backfired. God seems to like to joke like this.

As soon as Long Haoyu finished speaking, a staff member from the mission tower came outside the small villa where they were.

Seeing Long Haoyu, the staff saluted: "Long Haoyu, leader of the General Level 21 Demon Hunting Group!"

"Mission tower notification, mandatory war mission!"

"In three days, all demon hunting groups stationed in the Holy City will participate!"

(End of this chapter)

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