I, the cannon fodder female supporting role, what happened to me?

Chapter 589 I won’t leave you even the second level of qi refining

After exchanging feelings with the wishing bastards, Sheng Xi put Fu Guier away and discussed the next strategy with his senior brothers.

Although she has the power of the combined stage given by the Giant King, there is not much power left.

Sheng Xi didn't want to use it unless it was absolutely necessary.

Moreover, even if she uses this power to protect her senior brothers into the star realm, she doesn't know if this power can support them back to the southeastern spiritual world.

If the giant king's combined power is exhausted halfway, a group of them will be cut into pieces by the bone-scraping wind from the star realm.

Yuan Xian's mentality has always been calm and comforted Sheng Xi: "If there is really no other way, we will practice in the Zhengnan Spiritual Realm for the time being."

"Master has our soul lamp there. As long as the soul lamp is on, Master and Elder Gui will know that we are still alive, so they shouldn't be too worried."

Their senior brothers and sisters are all very talented and have received orthodox cultivation teachings. Now they also know the key to promotion to the combined stage. The difficulty of promotion is definitely less than that of casual cultivators.

As long as one of the brothers and sisters successfully advances to the integration stage, he can take everyone back.

Although this will take a lot of time and is a last resort, it is also the safest method at present.

Sheng Xi and Xiao Liluo had no objection, they just hoped to join other senior brothers and Li Duojin as soon as possible.

The spiritual world in the south is not as peaceful as the spiritual world in the southeast. They are not familiar with the place here, so it is safer to be together.

Unfortunately, the rules of the two worlds are different. The original communication jade token cannot be used. It will take a lot of effort to contact other people who are separated.

The three brothers and sisters were discussing how to find other people, and there was a noise at the door of the cell.

Xiao Liluo ran over to check the situation.

As soon as he took a look, he hurriedly sent a message to the other two people: "Little junior sister, hide quickly! Wang Sanmiao is here!"

Wang Sanmiao is the third son of Jinglei Villa and Wang Duoxuan's younger brother.

Yuan Xian and Xiao Liluo were able to enter Jinglei Villa because of the blessing of the Third Young Master Wang.

It was a middle-aged man with a face somewhat similar to Wang Duoxuan. He was wearing a loose and comfortable short-class cassock, and the muscles on his exposed arms were fully displayed.

The noise at the door was getting closer and closer, and Sheng Xi immediately hid in the secret realm of Anshui Mountain.

Yuan Xian quickly put away the protective formation and erased all traces of the conspiracy.

Before Wang Sanmiao walked into the cell, he and Xiao Liluo walked out side by side to greet him.

Wang Sanmiao led a group of people from the cell door and met Yuan Xian in the corridor.

The strong smell of blood coming from their bodies made Yuan Xian frown.

Glancing at the three girls behind Wang Sanmiao who were seriously injured and unconscious with blood on their clothes, Yuan Xian asked: "It's just a few Qi Refining Level [-] people, how come the Third Young Master still sees blood?"

Wang Sanmiao sneered with disdain and dissatisfaction: "It's not that those people are ignorant. I only want the second level of Qi Refining, can't they just hand him over honestly? They still insist on me doing it."

"No, I can only destroy their entire sect."

Xiao Liluo's expression changed slightly, and he subconsciously raised his hand to draw the sword, but held it back in time.

Yuan Xian stood in front of him without leaving any trace, so that no one could see the clues in Xiao Liluo's expression.

He ordered the guards to take the three newly captured girls deep into the cell and wait for Wang Sanmiao to leave before treating them.

Wang Sanmiao stood at the door of the inner cell and took a look inside while the cell door was open.

Seeing that many girls from the second level of Qi Refining were already imprisoned inside, he beamed with joy and patted Yuan Xian on the shoulder with appreciation.

"Not bad, not bad. You two brothers and sisters can do things much more efficiently. Unlike some trash who will waste my spiritual stones!"

Seeing his bad expression, Yuan Xian guessed that something might have gone wrong: "What happened?"

Wang Sanmiao said bitterly: "They are not just those trash. Not to mention the slowness in arresting people, they managed to arrest more than thirty people, but they were all rescued! A bunch of trash!" Xiao Liluo tried his best to suppress his desire. The corners of his mouth raised, pretending to be sad: "Who were you rescued by?"

The more Wang Sanmiao talked, the angrier she became: "I don't know, the other party's methods are sophisticated and all traces have been wiped out."

"The formation where the sacrifices were held did not sound an alarm and the people were rescued. I suspect there is an formation master inside."

"According to the survivors who escaped, they seemed to have seen several towering puppets."

"With so many people taking action at once, it is probably a small sect with good strength."

Relying on the fact that he is one of the top eight forces in the Zhengnan Spiritual World, Jinglei Villa has always acted unscrupulously.

This time to capture the sacrifice, they did not dare to touch the direct disciples of the other seven major forces.

As for the outer sect disciples and the inner sect disciples, if they can be caught, they will be caught together.

Anyway, they are offering sacrifices to the way of heaven, even if the other seven major sects come to ask for people, they will not give them.

If they have the ability, let them go find someone from heaven.

Do they dare?

Naturally, the other seven sects would not dare.

They are the biggest beneficiaries of Heaven's blessings. What if they offend Heaven, are rejected by Heaven, and are unable to recover in the future?
Some small sects have no such concerns.

Some small sects have few people, and every disciple is precious.

If they could find a chance to rescue the kidnapped disciples, they were willing to take the risk.

And because only those on the second level of Qi Refining with low cultivation level were imprisoned, the protection of Jinglei Villa was not strict.

They caught people off guard, and all the "sacrifice" in a stronghold were rescued.

Listening to Wang Sanmiao scolding his subordinates for being useless, Sheng Xi knew that he would definitely send people to catch these second-level Qi Refiners who escaped.

There is no way to go on like this. We can't put all our energy into preventing people from being arrested in Thunder Mountain Villa.

Sheng Xi secretly sent a message to Yuan Xian: "Senior Brother, take this opportunity to bring over all the second-level Qi Refiners they captured."

Yuan Xian understood Sheng Xi's plan immediately and said to Wang Sanmiao: "Third Young Master, since there are many omissions in the protection in other places, why not send them all to me."

"Is this okay for you?" Wang Sanmiao looked around and looked at the dim cell suspiciously.

Yuan Xian reassured him: "This is the most strictly guarded cell in An Qingcheng. Even if the cell is breached, as long as the city is sealed off in time, these sacrifices will not be able to escape."

Although Xiao Liluo didn't understand Yuan Xian's intention in saying this, it did not affect him in helping his senior brother speak:
"Yes, yes, as long as these people are in the city, it will be convenient for us to arrest them."

"Otherwise, just like other people, they will be thrown into the ravine, and the 'sacrifice' will scatter in all directions, and there will be no direction to catch them."

There is only one large city nearby, Anqing City, and the rest are loose villages and towns, and the protective measures are quite average.

Otherwise, the small team sent to rescue people would not be able to succeed.

The two people spoke eloquently. Wang Sanmiao thought for a while and agreed:

"Okay, I will order them down now to bring all the sacrifices near Anqing City."

"You two have to watch them carefully. If they are lost, I can't spare you!"

Yuan Xian nodded: "Third Young Master, please rest assured."

I won’t leave you even a second level of Qi Refining. (End of chapter)

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