I, the cannon fodder female supporting role, what happened to me?

Chapter 648 I don’t understand why he betrayed me

Chapter 648 I don’t understand why he betrayed me

Everyone was horrified by these words.

Lu Xiang mustered up his courage and raised his confused little hand: "Senior only mobilized a touch of the will of all living beings. Why do you say that we have all died once?"

Immortal Master Daoyan explained patiently: "Whether it is 'a touch of the will of all living beings' or 'all the will of all living beings', they all represent all living beings."

"It's like I'm just a fragment of my soul standing here, but it's also me."

"The principles are indeed too profound for you. You can understand that the way of heaven killed everyone in the southeastern spiritual world on another level."

"At that time, it was Jinhua who used the connection between her and Jinhan's twin sisters as a blessing, and teamed up with the formation created by Jinhan to isolate the connection between the small world of deduction and the outside world, so that the southeastern spiritual world escaped the disaster."

"If this were not the case, when the Heavenly Dao successfully destroyed the world in the deduction, the southeastern spiritual world would have already perished."

Daoyan Immortal Master said for a while and asked Sheng Xi, "Did Jinhua's cultivation regress much more seriously than expected because of this, and she died in the battle with the demon world? Who was the demon that she fought with in the first place?"

The aunt was greater than she imagined. Sheng Xi's heart was heavy: "I don't know the specific situation of the war. I only know that the current demon king is named Yiming. He is also in the Mahayana period and has chosen the way of heaven."

Immortal Lord Daoyan frowned and muttered to himself: "How could Yiming follow the way of heaven? How did Junli teach him?"

Speaking of Junli, Sheng Xi wanted to know if he was Yuanjun Jingchen: "Senior, how much do you know about senior Junli?"

Immortal Lord Daoyan said without hesitation: "He is also a dog."

Sheng Xi: "..." This describes Master well.

Probably because he felt that he still had to maintain his authority in the Mahayana stage in front of the younger generation, Daoyan Immortal Lord coughed dryly and said seriously:

"He is the high priest of the demon world and is very powerful. After discussing it back then, we agreed that he would teach you."

Her father is a dog, and her master is also a dog. If she is not a dog, how sorry will she be to these two?

Wen Zheming was puzzled: "Wouldn't it be better if the junior sister was a little Phoenix and was taught by Senior Feng San, who is also from the Phoenix clan?"

Daoyan Immortal Lord: "Theoretically, this is true, but Feng San has to guard Jinhan."

"Those of us are dead and injured, and the only ones who are in the best condition are Feng San, Jun Li and Jin Hua."

"The entire Phoenix clan was wiped out except for Feng San. He and Tiandao have long been sworn enemies."

"It is the best choice for him to guard Jinhan's seal outside the boundary and resist the attack of heaven."

"Jinhua's cultivation was damaged due to deducing the future. She was originally scheduled to guard the southeastern spiritual world. It is relatively safe there and can allow her to restore her cultivation as soon as possible."

"It takes a long time for the little phoenix to warm up its soul. Jun Li will be in seclusion during this period. When he comes out of seclusion, the little phoenix will almost be resurrected smoothly."

"It's just that when we sent Little Phoenix to recuperate her soul elsewhere, we were afraid of being discovered by Heaven, so we completely cut off contact with her."

"Even if the little Phoenix comes back as planned, we don't know which spirit world she will return to."

"Jun Li's mission is to find the little Phoenix and teach her how to fight against Heaven."

Li Duojin was curious: "Senior, you said that the content of the bet is irrelevant, why do you still put your hope of fighting against the law of heaven on the little phoenix?"

Daoyan Immortal Lord: "Jun Li came up with a method of using the will of all living beings to fight against the way of heaven. Unfortunately, I died too early and could not wait for him to fully understand the idea."

"I only know that he plans to use the little phoenix as a medium to bring everyone to the gambling table."

"If we can find the little Phoenix, Junli will take her back to the southeastern spiritual world. There are people guarding her inside and outside the world, so it's relatively safe."

"It's a pity that the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Who would have thought that things would happen to Junli and Jinhua one after another."

Daoyan Immortal Lord looked at Sheng Xi with a gentler look, "You have suffered a lot, haven't you?"

Sheng Xi's voice was crisp: "I haven't suffered much. I'm living a good life. God only wants to cry because of me."

This child lacks such a large part of his Taoist heart, how could he not endure hardship?

Daoyan Immortal Master frowned, fearing that Sheng Xi would cry if he asked too many questions, so he held back the words of concern he still wanted to say.

He raised his head and looked at the situation outside Tianfu, and said to Sheng Xi: "I will send you back to the southeastern spiritual world first."

"Aren't you going to take revenge?" Sheng Xi didn't want to leave just like that. Daoyan Immortal Lord shook his head regretfully: "Slow down, knowing that I'm not completely dead yet, Ling Tongtian will definitely notify Heaven."

"What you defeated was just the phantom of Heaven. In order to kill me, He must come in person. Even if we can escape, the Zhengnan Spiritual Realm will be devastated."

"I don't have much strength left, so now is the time to send you back."

Sheng Xi could see the weakness of Daoyan Immortal Lord's soul. After sending them back, they would probably disappear into ashes: "Do you have any other wishes?"

"What a wish..." Immortal Lord Daoyan murmured in a low voice with emotion, "If I have to say it, besides hoping that the Heavenly Dao will die soon, it would be the Zhengnan Spiritual Realm."

"We have been fighting against the law of heaven for many years, and our companions have fallen one by one. I don't know how many of us are left now."

"The allies all perform their duties, and I am responsible for guarding the Zhengnan Spiritual World. Unfortunately, after my death, the Zhengnan Spiritual World has become what it is now."

"If you can, if things come true in the future, help me kill Ling Tongtian and others, wipe out their power, and return Hai Qinghe Yan to the Southern Spirit Realm."

"Okay." Sheng Xi responded solemnly.

Lu Xiang asked in a low voice: "Senior seems to hate Ling Tongtian particularly?"

Daoyan Immortal Lord laughed at himself: "He is my disciple."

Everyone was surprised.

Daoyan Immortal Master said in a sad tone: "I rescued him from the mouth of the monster, named him, taught him to read and write, taught him the talisman formation, and made him the young master of Lihen City. Even I originally wanted to give him I gave him the destiny chart as my natal magic weapon without any hesitation."

"But when I was seriously injured, he joined forces with Heaven and outsiders to sneak attack on me."

"I can't figure out why he betrayed me."

"I still can't figure it out."

He mentioned Ling Tongtian many times, not so much out of hatred, but out of unwillingness.

He only had one disciple, who taught Ling Tongtian everything he could.

Even though he saw that Ling Tongtian had no hope of being promoted to the Mahayana stage, he did not give up on this apprentice.

But Ling Tongtian betrayed him without warning.

Hibernating in Tianfuhai for many years, Daoyan Immortal Master recalled the past with Ling Tongtian over and over again, but he still couldn't figure it out.

Sheng Xi thought of the current situation in the Zhengnan Spiritual World and asked Yanxian Zun: "Senior, what was the Zhengnan Spiritual World like when you were still alive?"

Although Immortal Daoyan didn't understand her intention, he still said truthfully: "It's almost the same as the Southeast Spiritual World before."

"I can't say that I can live and work in peace and contentment everywhere, but as long as I'm near a righteous city or sect, even mortals who can't practice can be blessed by it."

"Take Lihen City as an example. Golden elixir monks hold classes regularly in the city. Both disciples and casual cultivators from Lihen City can come to attend the classes."

"If any place is attacked by monsters or evil cultivators, report to the nearby sect or family, and someone will be sent to deal with it."

"I can't guarantee that everyone in the Zhengnan Spiritual World was living a good life at that time, but at least most people were able to live a fairly stable life."

Pan Huai curled his lips: "The current spiritual world of Zhengnan is like purgatory on earth."

Over the years, monks often threw corpses that were difficult to dispose of into the Tianfu Sea and destroyed them. Daoyan Xianzun learned a lot about the Zhengnan Spiritual World from the memories of the deceased.

"The miserable situation in the Zhengnan Spiritual World is directly related to Ling Tongtian and the others." Daoyan Immortal Lord said in a deep voice, which is why he hopes Sheng Xi will kill these people.

"This may be related to the reason why Ling Tongtian betrayed you." Sheng Xi said.

Dao Yanxianzun was stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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