I, the cannon fodder female supporting role, what happened to me?

Chapter 661 Xiaoxi, don’t look at me like this, I’m scared

Chapter 661 Xiaoxi, don’t look at me like this, I’m scared

"Of course I want good news. Can my father return to normal?" Li Duofu asked impatiently.

Sheng Xi shook his head: "I don't think your father was taken away."

Li Duofu was stunned and hurriedly said: "This is impossible! If my father had not been kidnapped, how could he have killed the elder Keqing he invited?"

Halfway through, he felt that this was wrong again, and asked with hope, "You want to say that my father was not taken away, but the father who appears outside now is someone else pretending to be him, right?"

Sheng Xi looked at him sympathetically.

Li Duofu must have guessed something in his heart, but he just didn't want to admit it.

"What's the bad news?" Wen Zheming asked.

Sheng Xi: "The bad news is that it turns out that Li Youkui can't come back."

Ever since he saw the evil thoughts in Tiandao's body, Sheng Xi has been thinking about the reason why Tiandao became what it is now.

What Li Youkuang did these days was the same as the way of heaven changing from good to evil.

When he became like this, it was probably God who inspired the evil thoughts deep inside his body.

If we want to erase these evil thoughts, we can only destroy Li Youkuang completely.

Sheng Xi expressed his thoughts, and Li Duofu was the first to object: "Can't we simply eliminate the evil thoughts and let my father return to normal?"

The Dao of Heaven, which is the condensed will of all living beings, has the greatest good thoughts, but they are all reduced to a tiny bit by evil thoughts. In the end, this little good thought fled.

Now that Heaven is well prepared, it will definitely eradicate the good thoughts in Li Youkui's body, leaving only pure evil.

"He even wants to kill you. Do you think he still has any good thoughts left?" Sheng Xi asked.

Li Duofu froze on the spot.

His biological mother died young. Li Youkui did not marry again in these years, and all his thoughts were focused on business and raising his son.

Li Duofu knows better than anyone how good his father is to him.

Because of this, he wanted to save Li Youkuang more than anyone else.

But now...

Li Duofu bit his lip and said nothing. After a long time, he asked with a slightly trembling voice: "Evil Thought is also my father, right?"

He is more filial than Sheng Xi imagined.

Sheng Xi asked: "Then do you mind if your evil father kills you, kills everyone in the Li family, and then joins Heaven to destroy the world?"

Li Duofu seemed to have had all his strength drained away, and he froze on the spot, with the last bit of hope in his eyes extinguished.

Some things were still being investigated in detail, and Li Lingshi originally didn't want to say it in front of Li Duofu.

But now seeing that the child wanted to save his own father, Li Lingshi sighed: "Duofu, do you know that your father bought a large number of people and sent them to the mines?"

Human trafficking is strictly prohibited in the southeastern spiritual world, but there are always places where righteousness cannot control, and evil still exists.

This is the news that Li Lingshi just found out this morning.

He caught the group of traffickers and learned that Li Youkuang had purchased monks with high qualifications and low cultivation from them many times during this period and sent them to the mines for sacrifice.

There will be a new sacrifice in the afternoon, and Li Lingshi will soon notify the clan elders to clean up the house.

Usually, high qualifications mean good luck, while low cultivation means easy catching.

The object of Li Youkuang's sacrifice can only be Heavenly Dao. It should be that Heavenly Dao wants to absorb the luck of these people.

Li Duofu recalled in a daze that he once went to the mine and trembled when he saw the blood stains on Li Youkuang's clothes.

His father is really gone.


Xiao Liluo and Li Duojin took Li Duofu away to do ideological work for him.

Sheng Xi thought about how to kill Li Youkui.

Although there are many monks in the Li family's transformation stage, Li Youkuang has help from heaven, and these elders in the transformation stage may not be able to kill him.

Moreover, Li Youkui had many treasures on him, so he had the possibility of escaping when being besieged by many god-transforming monks.

Once he escapes and hides in darkness, it will be difficult to catch him.

We have to think of a permanent solution.

At this moment, a lifelike green mechanical bird flew from outside the house.

This is a kind of doorbell in the world of cultivation, which can faithfully relay the messages of visitors.

The machine bird was parked on the single-pole birdcage at the door, speaking human words, and even the sound was imitated perfectly: "Xiao Xi, we are here to find you!" The visitors were none other than Xia Mingshan and Chai Wei.

Sheng Xi had a flash of inspiration.

Isn't this the chance to completely kill Li Youkui? !

After inviting the people in, and after a brief exchange of greetings, Xia Mingshan asked with great experience: "Xiao Xi, were you strolling around during the thunder disaster outside Sun Moon City a few days ago?"

The two of them were on a mission a few days ago and were not in Sun Moon City. They only found out about this after they came back and heard someone report it.

As for the content of the stroll that was not mentioned in the words, everyone knows.

Sheng Xi admitted frankly: "It's me. You two are the only ones here. Isn't my beloved concubine out of seclusion yet?"

"No, we visited the cave where senior brother retreats before we came here. The spiritual power fluctuations at the door were quite obvious. Senior brother should be about to break through."

Although Wen Zheming and Hu Songyuan were already in the Nascent Soul stage, which surprised Xia Mingshan and Chai Wei, they were not anxious about Lu Jinyan's promotion.

Different monks have different paths to promotion.

Different promotion paths will also affect the monk's subsequent practice.

Some people can suddenly realize that breaking a pill and becoming a baby only takes a moment.

Some people must polish it carefully and have everything ready before they can be promoted to Nascent Soul.

Just like Immortal Lord Ling Feng, he was the last among his peers to form a Nascent Soul.

But no one would call him weak.

To break through the Nascent Soul stage in seclusion, a year or two is considered short.

Lu Jinyan has always been prudent in doing things, and will definitely refine the meridians in his body to the best condition inch by inch, and then break the pill into a baby.

He has only been in retreat for two months now, and he has almost finished tempering his meridians. The breakthrough should only take a day or two.

Xia Mingshan and Chai Wei were originally going to guard outside the cave, but they happened to know that Sheng Xi was back, so they wanted to say hello to Sheng Xi and pay homage to the God of Wealth before they went to protect Lu Jinyan.

Facing Sheng Xi's shining eyes, Chai Wei suddenly felt bad: "Xiao Xi, don't look at me like that, I'm scared."

"My little junior sister will not eat you." Xiao Liluo said in disgust and asked Sheng Xi curiously, "Little junior sister, what are your plans?"

Sheng Xi smiled heartily: "Of course it's to get rid of harmful ducks for the people."

If they can't kill Li Youkuang, let those who can kill him do it.



Thick crowds of people walked towards the altar on the top of the mountain. From a distance, it looked like a long queue.

These are the sacrifices that will be needed soon.

Some of the "sacrifice" refused to move forward, and the guys responsible for escorting them punched and kicked them.

After beating the man to half a disability, the man directly dragged him up the mountain, leaving a long pool of blood on the muddy mountain road.

Li Youkuang stood on the top of the mountain, overlooking the entire scene with an expressionless face.

The mine manager flew in from afar. When he saw Li Youkuang, his heart suddenly trembled. He mustered up his courage before he dared to step forward.

"Second Master, all the newly purchased slaves have arrived. Everything is ready. We can just wait for the auspicious time to come and sacrifice."

Li Youkui looked at the entrance of the mine and asked, "Is there anything unusual?"

The steward shook his head repeatedly: "No, we are very careful and no one will be able to find out."

Li Youkui snorted coldly and said nothing.

The manager broke into a cold sweat.

He didn't want to be like his predecessor, who was beaten to a pulp by Li Youkui just because he said one more word.

After waiting in fear for a moment, seeing that Li Youkuang had no new instructions, the steward quickly found an excuse to leave.

The second master has been getting more and more scary lately.

Although he helped Er Ye do some shameful things in the past, it was all for business and the number of victims was limited.

Sacrifice of tens of thousands of innocent lives like this is equivalent to evil practice.

Even if Li Youkuang was not a thing in the past, he still had to draw a clear line between being an evil cultivator.

The steward suspected that he would be silenced by Li Youkui afterwards, and decided to wait until the sacrifice began. Li Youkuang had no other skills and would find an opportunity to escape.

At the same time, Sheng Xi appeared outside the mine with his senior brothers and dogs.

(End of this chapter)

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