I, the cannon fodder female supporting role, what happened to me?

Chapter 752 The two best qualities of a dead man

A steady stream of orange-red flames jumped out from Sheng Xi's heart and covered her body, eroding her strength and body bit by bit.

Pain came, and Sheng Xi endured it without making a sound.

"Stop! If you achieve nirvana here, there will be no chance of rebirth!" Tiandao roared, and for the first time he felt the approaching death.

The orange flame bursting out from Sheng Xi's body is the Phoenix Nirvana Fire, which can destroy everything and create rebirth.

Every phoenix has at least one chance of nirvana and rebirth. Whether it can be reborn again depends on personal qualifications and cultivation.

The current record is nine.

Feng San did not achieve nirvana even once until he was promoted to the Mahayana stage, and he was expected to break this record.

But in order to regain his daughter's life, he gave up all the power of nirvana in his body.

Now Sheng Xi also forcibly activates the Nirvana fire in his body before he has the opportunity to achieve Nirvana.

Seeing that she had no intention of stopping, Tiandao was furious: "The evil thoughts in the human heart will never be cut off. Good and evil are inherently one. You can't kill me!"

"Then why are you panicking?" Sheng Xi asked back.

Tiandao was silent, and there were only evil thoughts rolling and boiling all around, rushing towards Sheng Xi continuously, trying to tear Sheng Xi into pieces.

The piercing roar of evil thoughts made people's eardrums hurt and made them upset, but it had no impact on Sheng Xi.

Nirvana fire covered her whole body, and Sheng Xi's figure disappeared in the flames, leaving only a blazing fire of Nirvana.

The fireball, which was as tall as a person, suddenly collapsed and turned into countless flying flames.

These flames turned into small phoenixes, flapping their wings and flying forward, destroying all evil thoughts that came close.

Later, these flames gathered together to form a huge fire phoenix.

The fire phoenix spread its wings and flew high, with the orange-red Nirvana fire dragging out gorgeous flowing fire tail feathers behind her.

The wings made of pure flames flapped gently, and the fire phoenix flew forward, heading straight to the place where the evil thoughts surged.

Wherever the fire phoenix passes, the fire of Nirvana rises.

The Nirvana fire, which coexists with vitality and destruction, is ignited one after another.

Once the evil thoughts are touched, they will be turned into ashes by the flames without even a chance to scream.

The momentum of the Nirvana Fire was too strong, and Heaven tried its best to counterattack, but it only sent more evil thoughts as fuel for the Nirvana Fire.

He roared furiously: "So what if you can burn out all the evil thoughts here?"

"Thousands of people have thousands of faces, and thousands of people have thousands of evil intentions. Evil thoughts will never die!"

"Even if I die, I can still reappear!"

"I will appear again!"

Sheng Xi didn't care about his madness: "At least everyone can live a good life before you reappear."

"What's more, the reappearing evil thoughts of Heaven, is it really you?"

Tiandao was silent when asked.

The situation between the two sides, who were already evenly matched, fell into disarray after Sheng Xi awakened the power of the Phoenix and forced Nirvana.

The law of heaven is powerless.

His voice to stop Sheng Xi gradually became muffled, and the specific content could not be heard clearly.

Gradually, the vague sound turned into a sharp and piercing roar, into a shrill and terrifying roar, and into a painful cry that lasted through the night.

It seems that countless people are moaning in pain and struggling and cannot be saved.

As the evil thoughts are continuously burned away, Tiandao's consciousness collapses and dies little by little, gradually returning to the most original negative emotions that make him up.

Jealousy, fear, hatred, pain, despair...

All kinds of emotions penetrated the power of Nirvana Fire and rushed towards Sheng Xi, drilling into her heart and wanting to take root and sprout inside.

However, it came to nothing.

The Tao mind where they settled was empty and had nothing. Sheng Xi chuckled: "Have I ever told you that I am a short-sighted person?"

It's not a good choice, it's the piece of mind that she's missing.

Could it be that negative emotions also know that they should find a diligent person to parasitize, so that they can be promoted to a new round of evil thoughts as soon as possible?

Sheng Xi was thinking wildly, and many strange pictures gradually appeared in his mind.

A highly qualified female cultivator was kidnapped and used as a furnace, and died of humiliation.

A young man with mediocre talent was arrogant and brave, but he was stabbed to death by a gangster.

Four members of a warm and harmonious family of five were burned to death in the house. The little granddaughter cried hoarsely outside the house, but no one could be saved.

The young man bravely broke into the beast's den, killed the man-eating monster, and rescued the sacrificed bride from the monster's mouth. The villagers worshiped her as a god and competed to worship her.

From then on, this "god" enjoyed good food and drink in the village, married one bride after another, gave birth to children one after another, and recruited "gods" one after another.

Anyone who dares to raise objections to the words of the "god" will be sent by the "god" to kill his entire family.

The man-eating demon wandering in the village never left, but changed from a monster to a "god".

There are casual cultivators who have never been admitted to large sects because their talents are too low, and there are also large sect disciples who have been squeezed out by their fellow sects because of their outstanding talents.

There are children from aristocratic families who have everything planned out by their families and do not want their lives to be out of their control, so they have to run away from the family in the end; there are also people who have been orphaned since childhood and are unable to achieve their longing for family affection and resent the world.

All beings are suffering.

Sheng Xi's consciousness further merged with the will of all living beings, and all kinds of negative emotions poured into her mind.

The faces of his master, brothers, father, mother, aunt, Brother Squidward and others gradually blurred in Sheng Xi's mind, and even thinking of them felt strange.

Her personal emotions as Sheng Xi were passing quickly.

The orange-red Nirvana fire entered the blazing prairie fire, covering every corner of this world.

All the evil thoughts within the body of Heavenly Dao were wiped out, leaving only a few residual thoughts floating in the air, stubbornly refusing to dissipate.

On Sheng Xi's pure white heart, black spots lit up one after another.

That is a new evil thought in the will of sentient beings.

Evil thoughts accumulated on the piece of her missing Taoist heart, and even if they could not take root and sprout, they were reluctant to leave.

A ball of Nirvana fire emerged out of thin air and burned away these evil thoughts.

Wherever the fire of Nirvana reaches, evil thoughts dissipate.

As soon as the Nirvana fire goes away, evil thoughts reappear.

If the Nirvana fire lingers, evil thoughts will disappear and reappear in the Nirvana fire, appearing and disappearing again and again.

But no matter what the circumstances, the evil thoughts never completely disappear.

Goudan'er's voice came from the residual image of the evil thoughts: "Hehehe... I said that evil thoughts will never die, you can't kill me."

Sheng Xi also realized this and no longer persisted in burning these evil thoughts.

She turned to concentrate on gathering the will of all living beings that were constantly rushing towards her, instead of letting them attach themselves to her Taoist heart.

"It's useless. No matter what you do, you can't completely kill the evil thoughts."

"Human nature is evil."

"All living beings are evil."

"The way of heaven is the collection of the will of all living beings, which is the collection of evil!"

Sheng Xi interrupted him coldly: "Goudan'er, do you know the two best qualities of a dead person? The first is to leave a huge legacy to the world, and what is the second?"

Goudan'er didn't make a sound, as if he was thinking about this issue seriously.

Sheng Xi knew that his dog brain couldn't come up with the answer, so he told him thoughtfully: "Another of the best qualities of a dead person is to quietly shut up and lie down in the grave to rot peacefully."

"Shut up, you dead man!" (End of Chapter)

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